coverxit / npuzzle

CS 170: Project 1

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

N-Puzzle %Problem


Using the following three kinds of alogrithms to solve the N-Puzzle problem:

  • Uniform Cost Search.
  • A* with the Misplaced Tile heuristic.
  • A* with the Manhattan Distance heuristic.

The main "driver" funtion should match this pseudo code:

function general-search(problem, QUEUEING-FUNCTION)
	loop do
		if EMPTY(nodes) then return "failure" 
			node = REMOVE-FRONT(nodes)
		if problem.GOAL-TEST(node.STATE) succeeds then 
			return node 
		nodes = QUEUEING-FUNCTION(nodes, EXPAND(node, problem.OPERATORS))


Since the assignment requires the code should be kept as general as possible, we first introduce classes needed for a (abstract) general searcher:

  • [Problem<StateT, ExpandCostT>](@ref Problem), @copybrief Problem

    @copydetails Problem

  • [PriorityQueue](@ref PriorityQueue), @copybrief PriorityQueue

    @copydetails PriorityQueue

  • [GeneralSearcher<StateT, NodeT, ExpandCostT>](@ref GeneralSearcher), @copybrief GeneralSearcher

    @copydetails GeneralSearcher

For a specific problem, which is N-Puzzle problem for this project, we defines use a namespace NPuzzle.

Then we set the fundamental arguments:

  • NPuzzle::demonstration, @copybrief NPuzzle::demonstration

    • NPuzzle::matrixDemonstration, @copybrief NPuzzle::matrixDemonstration
  • NPuzzle::moveCost, @copybrief NPuzzle::moveCost

In addition, we define some structs and typedefs:

  • NPuzzle::NPuzzleState, @copybrief NPuzzle::NPuzzleState
  • NPuzzle::NPuzzleNode, @copybrief NPuzzle::NPuzzleNode
  • NPuzzle::NPuzzleCostFunction, @copybrief NPuzzle::NPuzzleCostFunction

Having all these definitions, we can safely define the searcher for N-Puzzle problem:

  • NPuzzle::NPuzzleProblem, @copybrief NPuzzle::NPuzzleProblem
  • NPuzzle::NPuzzleSearcher, @copybrief NPuzzle::NPuzzleSearcher

For the three kinds of searching alogrithms, we have the following corresponding functions:

  • NPuzzle::GetUniformHeuristicCost, @copybrief NPuzzle::GetUniformHeuristicCost
  • NPuzzle::GetMisplacedTileCount, @copybrief NPuzzle::GetMisplacedTileCount
  • NPuzzle::GetManhattanDistance, @copybrief NPuzzle::GetManhattanDistance

Because the assignment requires recording the total amount of nodes expanded and the max length of the search queue, we construct a solver:

  • NPuzzle::NPuzzleSolver, @copybrief NPuzzle::NPuzzleSolver

Now we have all the necessary classes, then we can solve the N-Puzzle problem by calling NPuzzle::NPuzzleSolver::solve() with an initialState.


CS 170: Project 1


Language:C++ 98.4%Language:Makefile 1.6%