coverxit / cs179e-senior-design

Mirror of the original coverxit/CS179E-Senior-Design

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Link to project instructions:

Phase 1: Type-checking


To compile and run manually:

javac parser/*.java typecheck/
java -cp "./;./parser/;./typecheck/" Typecheck < java-file

To generate the hw1.tgz required by Phase1Tester:

mkdir hw1
cp -r typecheck hw1/
mv hw1/typecheck/ hw1/
tar zcf hw1.tgz hw1/
rm -rf hw1

Test Result

Deleting old output directory "./Output"...
Extracting files from "../hw1.tgz"...
Compiling program with 'javac'...
==== Running Tests ====
Basic-error [te]: pass
Basic [ok]: pass
BinaryTree-error [te]: pass
BinaryTree [ok]: pass
BubbleSort-error [te]: pass
BubbleSort [ok]: pass
Factorial-error [te]: pass
Factorial [ok]: pass
LinearSearch-error [te]: pass
LinearSearch [ok]: pass
LinkedList-error [te]: pass
LinkedList [ok]: pass
MoreThan4-error [te]: pass
MoreThan4 [ok]: pass
QuickSort-error [te]: pass
QuickSort [ok]: pass
TreeVisitor-error [te]: pass
TreeVisitor [ok]: pass
==== Results ====
- Valid Cases: 9/9
- Error Cases: 9/9
- Submission Size = 45 kB

Phase 2: Intermediate Code Generation


To compile and run manually:

javac parser/*.java codegen/ 
java -cp "./;./parser/;./codegen/" J2V < java-file > vapor-file

To generate the hw2.tgz required by Phase2Tester:

mkdir hw2
cp -r codegen hw2/
cp -r typecheck hw2/
mv hw2/codegen/ hw2/
rm hw2/typecheck/
tar zcf hw2.tgz hw2/
rm -rf hw2

Test Result

Deleting old output directory "./Output"...
Extracting files from "../hw2.tgz"...
Compiling program with 'javac'...
==== Running Tests ====
1-PrintLiteral: pass
2-Add: pass
3-Call: pass
4-Vars: pass
5-OutOfBounds: pass
BinaryTree: pass
BubbleSort: pass
Factorial: pass
LinearSearch: pass
LinkedList: pass
MoreThan4: pass
QuickSort: pass
TreeVisitor: pass
==== Results ====
Passed 13/13 test cases
- Submission Size = 79 kB

Shell script for checking if the generated vapor is identical to the provided one (in Phase3Tests):


echo ===============
echo Compiling program with 'javac'...
javac parser/\*.java codegen/ 

echo ==== Running Tests ===

for t in ${TESTS[@]}; do
    java -cp "./;./parser/;./codegen/" J2V < Phase2Tests/${t}.java > ${t}.vapor
    diff --ignore-blank-lines --strip-trailing-cr ${t}.vapor Phase3Tests/${t}.vapor &>/dev/null
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        echo ${t}: pass
        (( passCount += 1 ))
        echo ${t}: FAIL

echo ==== Results ====
echo Passed ${passCount}/${#TESTS[@]} test cases

Note that since there is no lower bounds checking of arrays in the provided vapor, we have to manually remove the corresponding lower bounds checking code (in CodeGenHelper.boundsCheck) before running the above script.

The diff result between the CodeGenHelper.boundsCheck with lower bounds checking and the one without it:

 public static VariableLabel boundsCheck(VariableLabel l, VariableLabel ind, CodeGenPair p) {
     Translator t = p.getTranslator();
     LabelManager lm = t.getLabelManager();
     VariableLabel var = lm.newTempVariable();
-    JumpLabel jmp1 = lm.newBoundsJump();
-    JumpLabel jmp2 = lm.newBoundsJump();
+    JumpLabel jmp = lm.newBoundsJump();

     l = retrieveDerefOrFuncCall(l, p);
     t.outputAssignment(var, l.dereference());
-    t.outputAssignment(var, LtS(ind.toString(), var.toString()));
+    t.outputAssignment(var, Lt(ind.toString(), var.toString()));

-    t.outputIf(var, jmp1);
+    t.outputIf(var, jmp);
     t.outputError("array index out of bounds");

-    t.outputJumpLabel(jmp1);
-    t.outputAssignment(var, LtS("-1", ind.toString()));
-    t.outputIf(var, jmp2);
-    t.getOutput().increaseIndent();
-    t.outputError("array index out of bounds");
-    t.getOutput().decreaseIndent();
-    t.outputJumpLabel(jmp2);
+    t.outputJumpLabel(jmp);
     t.outputAssignment(var, MulS(ind.toString(), "4"));
     t.outputAssignment(var, Add(var.toString(), l.toString()));

     // Return "[t.0+4]"
     return lm.localVariable(4, var.toString()).dereference();

The output of the above script:

Compiling program with javac...
==== Running Tests ===
BinaryTree: pass
BubbleSort: pass
Factorial: pass
LinearSearch: pass
LinkedList: pass
MoreThan4: pass
QuickSort: pass
TreeVisitor: pass
==== Results ====
Passed 8/8 test cases

Phase 3: Register Allocation


To compile and run manually:

javac -cp "./;./parser/varpor-parser.jar" codegen/ 
java -cp "./;./parser/vapor-parser.jar" V2VM < vapor-file > vaporM-file

To generate the hw3.tgz required by Phase3Tester:

mkdir -p hw3/codegen
cp codegen/ hw3/codegen/
cp -r regalloc hw3/
cp hw3/
tar zcf hw3.tgz hw3/
rm -rf hw3

Test Result

Running Phase3Tester with all registers (23):

  • For global allocation: $t0 ~ $t8 and $s0 ~ $s7.
  • For local allocation (temporarily loading variables from stack): $v0, $v1, $a0 ~ $a3.
Deleting old output directory "./Output"...
Extracting files from "../hw3.tgz"...
Compiling program with 'javac'...
==== Running Tests ====
1-Basic: pass
2-Loop: pass
BinaryTree.opt: pass
BinaryTree: pass
BubbleSort.opt: pass
BubbleSort: pass
Factorial.opt: pass
Factorial: pass
LinearSearch.opt: pass
LinearSearch: pass
LinkedList.opt: pass
LinkedList: pass
MoreThan4.opt: pass
MoreThan4: pass
QuickSort.opt: pass
QuickSort: pass
TreeVisitor.opt: pass
TreeVisitor: pass
==== Results ====
Passed 18/18 test cases
- Submission Size = 33 kB

Corresponding factory methods in regalloc.RegisterPool:

public class RegisterPool {
    /* ... */
    public static RegisterPool CreateGlobalPool() {
        Register[] regs = {
                Register.t0, Register.t1, Register.t2, Register.t3,
                Register.t4, Register.t5, Register.t6, Register.t7,
                Register.s0, Register.s1, Register.s2, Register.s3,
                Register.s4, Register.s5, Register.s6, Register.s7

        return new RegisterPool(regs);

    public static RegisterPool CreateLocalPool() {
        Register[] regs = {
                Register.v0, Register.v1,
                Register.a0, Register.a1, Register.a2, Register.a3

        return new RegisterPool(regs);
    /* ... */

In order to test whether we generated correct VaporM code when some variables are spilled onto the stack, we also tested running Phase3Tester with limited registers (6):

  • For global allocation: $t0 ~ $t3.
  • For local allocation (temporarily loading variables from stack): $v0, $v1.
Deleting old output directory "./Output"...
Extracting files from "../hw3.tgz"...
Compiling program with 'javac'...
==== Running Tests ====
1-Basic: pass
2-Loop: pass
BinaryTree.opt: pass
BinaryTree: pass
BubbleSort.opt: pass
BubbleSort: pass
Factorial.opt: pass
Factorial: pass
LinearSearch.opt: pass
LinearSearch: pass
LinkedList.opt: pass
LinkedList: pass
MoreThan4.opt: pass
MoreThan4: pass
QuickSort.opt: pass
QuickSort: pass
TreeVisitor.opt: pass
TreeVisitor: pass
==== Results ====
Passed 18/18 test cases
- Submission Size = 34 kB

Corresponding factory methods in regalloc.RegisterPool:

public class RegisterPool {
    /* ... */
    public static RegisterPool CreateGlobalPool() {
        Register[] regs = {
                Register.t0, Register.t1, Register.t2, Register.t3

        return new RegisterPool(regs);

    public static RegisterPool CreateLocalPool() {
        Register[] regs = {
                Register.v0, Register.v1

        return new RegisterPool(regs);
    /* ... */


Mirror of the original coverxit/CS179E-Senior-Design

License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%