cosminadrianpopescu / ng-cabled

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Ng Cabled


This project is now archived. Since angular 15, there is the new inject function, so the @Cabled annotation is now obsolete. Regarding the cycles annotation, there is now a newer project: ng-hooks which provides the same enhaced functionality.

Or, extending Angular components the proper way.

This library contains a few decorators which will make extending components practical and easy.


npm install --save ng-cabled


Why is there a need

Unfortunatelly, Angular is not really oriented via extending components or services. I heard a lot of times the question "why do you need to extend a component?" during some interviews or during working on a project. Well, every time the answer is quite simple: there are lots of cases where inherinting from a base component is very usefull:

  • I want to have a unified API (I want all my components for example to use a label input or to use an ID input). Also, I want this ID to be initialized by default with an UID if not defined by the user.
  • I want proper observables subscriptions handling without a lot of boilerplate code and of course without repeating myself over and over again (and yes, I also want to unsubscribe even if I know that the service that I'm subscribing to is just a REST call).
  • I want to have some common behavior (for example I would like a dropdown component and an autocomplete component to have a common behaviour regarding the data source and the sharing of the model).
  • I want to be able to define abstract components or (more important) abstract services.

These are just a few examples where inheritance is the most straight forward solution.

Counter-arguments / other options / ...

Between the arguments that I've heard since I'm doing Angular development, the only valid one was "use object composition". The others like finding different more complicated solutions just because the code would otherwise be more complicated are not even worth discussing. I'm not going to discuss the reasoning that because some misterious reason OOP is evil.

Regarding object composition, I've tried this and it poses one major issue: when it comes to modern developing tools, you are left on your own. There is no IDE nor LSP server for angular which will properly interpret something like this:

const A = {
    method1(): void{

const B = {
    method2(): void{

const c = Object.create(Object.assign({}, A, B));

Following such a code, c will be of type any, because Object.create returns any. So, good luck finding definitions, references, and so on. Of course, a solution would be to have a lot of interfaces, but this is a poor solution compared with just extending the damn class. That is the straightforward solution. So, until the IDE's, the tools and the typescript language will catch up with this, object composition is simply not a useful practical solution to the problems enumerated previously.


But, when extending components and services in Angular, you are facing some major issues:

  • Due to the dependency injection made via constructors (one of the worst patterns ever invented, but this is another discussion that you can see here) you need to know all the private dependencies of the component or service you want to extend.
  • A parent component implementing one of the life cycle hooks (like ngOninit) would risk that hook being overwritten in a child class and so having its behaviour broken.

ng-cabled solution

In order to solve this issues, this library provides a few decorators and a few base classes.

DecoratedClass and Cabled annotations

These two annotations will help with dependency injection. They will be responsible for injecting dependencies in a class. Use the DecoratedClass annotation on top of all the classes that should contain any of the decorators provided by the library. This will tell the compiler to check the class for dependencies. And then, you add the Cabled annotation on all the properties that should be automatically injected.

Normal Angular way

export class ParentService {
    constructor(private _parentPrivateService: ParentPrivateService) {}

export class ChildService extends ParentService {
    constructor(_baseClassPrivateService: ParentPrivateService, private _childPrivateService: ChildPrivateService) {

ng-cabled way

export class ParentService {
    @Cabled(ParentPrivateService) private _myPrivateService: ParentPrivateService;

export class ChildService extends ParentService {
    @Cabled(ChildPrivateService) private _childPrivateService: ChildPrivateService;

Notice how the ChildService now does not know and does not care about the internal private dependencies of ParentService (i.e. the private ParentPrivateService).

The first argument of the Cabled annotation can be any Angular accepted dependency injection token (it can be a class, it can be an InjectionToken, it can be a string etc.).

Also, you can pass a second argument to the Cabled annotation which would represent the default value. This would make the injection optional. If the token is not solved by the dependency injection, no error is thrown and the property is initialized with the given default value.

The only issue this poses is that you have no way to know in which order the services will be instantiated. So, you can't use constructors for anything (so to let any injected service get instantiated). If you need to run some initialization code for a given service, just move that code in a private method annotated with the PostConstruct annotation like this:

export class MyBaseService {
    private _init() {
        // Here comes the initialization code that normally would've been run
        // in the constructor: 

The PostConstruct annotation will not work on components (is meant to be used only for services). For components see the next paragraph (basically you should use life cycle hooks).

DecoratedClass usage

Decorating classes with DecoratedClass annotation will work without any issues on singleton services on the current version of Angular and on future versions.

Since the components, as you will see bellow, will all extend the BaseComponent class, they do not need the DecoratedClass annotation. For example:

export class MyComponent extends BaseComponent {
    @Cabled(MyService) private _service: MyService;

The services will be injected properly after the PostConstruct is run.

When it comes to pipes and multiple instance services (like services provided in components, although I would suggest to use pipes), for the moment you can use the DecoratedClass annotation. This will work for any Angular version from 9 to 13.

However, due to this bug, the DecoratedClass annotation might stop working in the future for pipes and multiple instances services. In this case, if you want to be bullet proof, use the CabledClass. Instead of annotating the pipes with DecoratedClass, you can extend the CabledClass class.

Bullet proof (will work in any angular version)

export class MyPipe extends CabledClass {
    @Cabled(MyService) private _service: MyService;
    public transform(...) {

Angular 9 to 13 works for sure, not guaranteed to work in the future

export class MyPipe {
    @Cabled(MyService) private _service: MyService;
    public transform(...) {

When extending the CabledClass, you don't need to decorate the class with DecoratedClass.

NgCycle annotation

This annotation will solve the second problem of extending components: when using any of the lifecycle hooks, they can be later overriden in a child component.

export class ParentComponent implements OnInit {
    @Input() public id: string;
    ngOnInit() {
        if (!id) {
   = UUID();

export class ChildComponent extends ParentComponent implements OnInit {
    private _myProperty: string;
    ngOnInit() {
        super.ngOnInit(); //problematic - see below
        this._myProperty = 'value';

Notice how now the behaviour of the component is changed if you don't call super.ngOnInit(). The one who extends the ParentComponent needs to know to call super.ngOnInit() in ChildComponent's ngOnInit. Of course, when you have to deal with big development teams, such a mistake could slip in the code resulting in unexpecting behaviour.

The solution to this problem is given by the NgCycle annotation. When using this library, every component should extend BaseComponent class inside the package. The BaseComponent contains the ngOnInit, ngOnDestroy, ngAfterViewInit and ngOnChange methods as private. So, there is no danger of overriding those methods in a child class, since that would result in a compilation error.

But this means that you also can't use them in ChildComponent. A better of way of implementing lifecycle hooks (that Angular should've implemented itself) is via an annotation. So, instead of using any of those 4 lifecycles, use the NgCycle annotation with any of the arguments: 'init', 'afterViewInit', 'destroy' or 'change'. Those method will be run on each of the respective cycle. The example from above can be rewritten safely and more elegant like this:

export class ParentComponent extends BaseComponent {
    @Input() public id: string;
    private __initParentComponent__() {
        if (!id) {
   = UUID();

export class ChildComponent extends ParentComponent {
    private _myProperty: string;
    private __initChildComponent__() {
        this._myProperty = 'value';

Problem solved. No danger of overwritting the parent class method and breaking the expected behaviour.

Bonus: watching for input changes

How many times did you write or encounter this in your angular applications?

export class MyComponent implements OnChange {
    ngOnChange(changes: SimpleChanges) {
        if (changes['input1']) {
            // do stuff related with input1

        if (changes['input2']) {
            // do stuff related with input2

This looks ugly, right?

Check out a better way of doing it via NgCabled, using the Watcher annotation:

export class MyComponent extends BaseComponent {
    private _input1Changed(c: SimpleChanges) {
        // do stuff related to input1 changing.

    private _input2Changed(c: SimpleChanges) {
        // do stuff related to input2 changing.

Much, much nicer, right? You can also watch for more than one input changing, like this:

export class MyComponent extends BaseComponent {
    private _input1or2Changed(c: SimpleChanges) {
        // do stuff related with input1 or input2 changing.

Bonus: handling of observables

BaseComponent brings as bonus the handling of the observables subscription. By extending BaseComponent and using BaseComponent::connect function instead of subscribing to observables you can forget about observables and unsubscribing from them.

Angular way of handling subscriptions

export class MyCoolComponent implements OnDestroy, OnInit {
    private _subs: Array<Subscription> = [];

    constructor(private _myService: MyService, private _mySecondService: MySecondService){}

    ngOnInit() {
            this._myService.observable$.subscribe(() => this._doStuff()),

            this._mySecondService.otherObservable$.subscribe(() => this._doOtherStuff()),

    ngOnDestroy() {
        this._subs.forEach(s => s.unsubscribe());

Notice how ugly this is and also notice all the boilerplate code that we need to write in each component (this code has to appear in each component subscribing to an observable). Ugh... Ugly, ugly, ugly.

Now, compare this ugly thing with the following beauty:

Ng-cabled way

export class MyCoolComponent extends BaseComponent {
    @Cabled(MyService) private _myService: MyService;
    @Cabled(MySecondService) private _mySecondService: MySecondService;

    private _init() {
            () => this._doStuff(),
            () => this._doOtherStuff(),

Ta daaaaa!!!! This is it. Nice, right? No boiler plate code, no worries about unsubscribing.

Also, you can have a third parameter to the BaseComponent::connect function, in case you want to group the subscriptions to manually unsubscribe from them at a certain point, like this:

const SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE = 'my-separate-subscription';

export class MyCoolComponent extends BaseComponent {
    @Cabled(MyService) private _myService: MyService;

    private _init() {
            () => {
                // If we have any subscriptions already running, 
                const subs = this.getSubscriptionsByType(SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE);
                // Unsubscribe from them
                subs.forEach(s => s.unsubscribe());
                // Then subscribe again to the other observable
                    () => this._doStuff(),
                    // And group the subscription.

Yes, I know, I know, I could've used a switchMap for this example. But this is just an example to give you an idea. Maybe there are scenarios where you can't use a switchMap, I don't know. And fine. If you really think that there is no other use case, just don't use this feature. You can still use the other beauties of this library, right? And I'm sure for those you don't have such a strong counter argument. You see?


In order to use all these beauties, you only need in each of your module to pass the Injector to a parent module. So, in order for these annotations to function, all your modules need to extend BaseModule and pass the Injector like this:

export class MyCoolModule extends BaseModule {
    constructor(inj: Injector) {

That is it. This is the only price (including no money) that you have to pay to use all these marvels that I just presented to you.

Helping ng-cable

When using the BaseModule, there is a second parameter that you can pass to ng-cabled. The second parameter represents the list of providers. This is not mandatory. If you don't pass it, the ng-cabled library will try to retrieve it from the angular module. The problem with this is that this is not a public API. So, it might fail in a future version.

Of course, I will try to maintain this also in future versions, but since it's not using a public API, it might stop working without any deperecation notices. If you want to be sure you won't be experiencing any issues, you can set your module like this:

const PROVIDERS = [
    MyService1, MyService2, ... // list is my list of providers

    providers: PROVIDERS,
export class MyModule extends BaseModule {
    constructor(inj: Injector) {
        super(inj, PROVIDERS);

Notice that I write the list of providers only once, and I also pass it to ng-cabled. Like this, I am making sure ng-cabled is not using Angular private API's.

Good luck.


ng-cabled provides also testing via annotations using ng-cabled/testing.

In my oppinion, describe, it, xit and fit are very verbose. I don't like all the boilerplate code that needs to be written to set the test bed.

ng-cabled provides some annotations that will help testing: NgTestUnit and NgTest, FNgTest and XNgTest.

Another priciple that I follow when writting unit test cases is that I don't do unit test cases for components. For testing component we have the e2e testing. If you need to test the component with a unit test, it means that you did it wrong. According to the MVC principles, the component (which can be seen as the controller) has to be a dumb class. It should just take values from the services and pass them to the view.

I received quite a lot of times the question: "but if you don't test components, how are you going to test for example that something is displayed when using an ngIf".

Well, if the component is well designed, that ngIf should be something very simple like *ngIf="value" and that value should come from a service, or something like *ngIf="model | myPipe". What you need to test in an unit test is the respective service or the pipe. After that you will trust Angular to do it's job. Testing the fact that the element is displayed in the DOM would mean actually testing that Angular is doing it's job. I'm sure they have their own test cases, we don't need to build new ones.

So, to recap. If you build your components properly and you don't need to unit test them, if you only test the services in isolation, then you can use the annotations provided by ng-cabled/testing.


This should annotate a test unit. It takes as a parameter an array of providers. Basically, instead of using configureTestingModule, you pass the providers via the NgTestUnit. Then, each method of the class, annotated with NgTest is a test case. For example, the following:

    MyService1, MyService2
export class MyFirstTestUnit {
    @Cabled(MyService1) private _service1: MyService1;
    @Cabled(MyService2) private _service2: MyService2;

    public testCase1() {

    public testCase2() {

would be translated like this:

describe('...', () => {
    let _service1: MyService1;
    let _service2: MyService2;

    beforeAll(() => {
            providers: [MyService1, MyService2],

        _service1 = TestBed.get(MyService1);
        _service2 = TestBed.get(MyService2);

    it('runs test case 1', () => {

    it('runs test case 2', () => {

Personally, I prefer to write it the java way, using a simple annotated class.

The methods annotated with XNgTest or FNgTest are translated using xit or fit instead of it.

In order to use these, you need to include all the specs containing the test units and then to call the method startTesting from ng-cabled/testing.

For an example, check the file main.test.ts:

import { startTesting } from 'ng-cabled/testing';
import './testing/decorators.spec';


Another advantage that you have if you build your components properly, is that you don't need karma or a browser (meaning a DOM) to run the unit tests. You can run them as a simple node process.

If you are interested in how to do this, check out the angular.json file of ng-cabled. See the "js" application. Or you can simply build them with tsc. However, running the tests with tsc will probably require babel. Even though you will not be testing the components, it is possible that some services will call in some DOM parts which will fail in node. So you will need Babel to remove those parts. If you don't want to complicate your life with Babel, see the job "test" from the package.json of ng-cabled.



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