Secure Boot Manager
This is a learning project -- written in Rust -- to be a full Shell-based management utility for UEFI Secure Boot.
High-Level Goals
The following features should be achievable (with some stretch goals == ?):
- Let user walk PCI tree and identify OpROMs to "bless"
- Walk mounted file systems and identify apps/bootloaders to "bless"
- Take ownership of PK if in SetupMode and populate KEK
- Keep two databases of "human readible" strings for printing details
- One built-in that can be updated with "known" values
- One that the user can maintain with strings as they add new values
- Use various methods to sign updates to SB variables
- OpenSSL cert with password support
- Yubikey?
- TPM?
- Allow user to install "common" KEK and db values
- UEFI Cert
- RedHat Cert
- MS Cert
- MS KEK signer
- Linux registry KEK signer
Low-Level TODOs
- Parse SigLists
- Figure out how to sign
- EDK2 SharedCrypto?
- Wrapper for walking PCI
- Wrapper for walking FSes
- Way to request a ConnectAll?
- Way to request "map -r"?
Build Command
cargo +nightly build -Z build-std=core,alloc -Z build-std-features=compiler-builtins-mem --target x86_64-unknown-uefi --manifest-path C:\_uefi\mu_ci\mu_tiano_platforms\SBManage\Cargo.toml