coolbutuseless / CRAN-checks

Notes about extra CRAN checks

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Checking a package for submission to CRAN

CRAN has some quite detailed requirements on what is/isn't allowed in packages. These requirements are detailed in the CRAN submission checklist and their policies document.

The reference checklist from CRAN is pretty dense, so I can recommend also reading two friendlier guides:

In additional to these general checklists, it's also worth having the computer run lots of automatic checks, and this document outlines what I have in place for automatic testing.

  • First of all - actually have tests for your package. I can recommend {testthat} as a solid testing package.
  • Locally run tests when you make changes to ensure you haven't broken things
  • Run R CMD CHECK often. Fix all warnings and notes.
    • In rstudio, this is the called "Check Package"
  • Run R CMD CHECK --as-cran for even stricter checks prior to uploading package to CRAN
  • If developing on GitHub, you can use GitHub Actions to run R CMD CHECK on a variety of different machines.
  • Upload your package to win-builder to test on multiple windows environemnts
  • Upload your package to mac-builder to test on macOS
  • If your package includes C code:
    • Check for implicit type conversion
    • Check for bad pointer arithmetic
    • Build/test package using clang-ASAN
    • Build/test package using valgrind


  • checkhelper::check_as_cran()
  • checkhelper::find_missing_tags()

Run R CMD CHECK --as-cran

Run R CMD CHECK --as-cran on final source package about to be submitted to CRAN

Have tests run via github actions on multiple machine types


This will run R CMD check under 5 different machines using github actions.

Run on "win-builder" site.

Run on multiple versions of windows (including the latest R-devel version) using the win-builder site:

Run on "mac-builder" site

Run on multiple versions of MacOS using mac-builder:

Run valgrind and clang-ASAN builds using {rhub2}

Memory checking using clang-ASAN and valgrind can be very difficult to set up.

Run these checks as a github action using the {rhub2} package

Recompile to check implicit type conversions in C code

Add PKG_CFLAGS+=-Wconversion to src/Makevars and rebuild package.

This will check for implicit type conversion in C code. This is part of the extra testing run by CRAN after the package has been accepted.

Recompile to check for bad pointer artithmetic

  • Add to Makevars PKG_CFLAGS+=-fsanitize=pointer-overflow -fsanitize-trap=pointer-overflow
  • Run R in the debugger
    • R -d lldb
    • enter "run" to start R
    • testthat::test_local() to run package tests

Copyright of included code

  • Set author/copyright holder as 'ctb' and 'cph' in Authors@R
  • Include 'Copyright:' section in description and refer to 'inst/COPYRIGHTS' file
  • Include LICENSE files for any included code in inst directory and refer to them in inst/COPYRIGHTS
  • Lots of examples COPYRIGHTS files from current packages in CRAN are in the copyrights/ directory.

Miscellaneous fixes for CRAN

Notes about fixes for CRAN I've had to do when submitting a package

  • In DESCRIPTION, the Description text should put all software names in single quotes.
    • A package submission was rejected as I said C library when I should have had 'C' library
  • The name for the copyright holder in LICENSE file, and the copyright holder in the Authors field in DESCRIPTION should match


  • Have you called normalizePath() on all the file paths?
  • Does every exported function have @examples?
  • Correctly assigned copyright?

CRAN Dashboards / Search / etc

Reading list


Notes about extra CRAN checks