cookpad / OkReport

Android library to submit reports without leaving the app.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


⚠️ This repository is no longer actively maintained ⚠️


An Android library which allows testers to submit reports without living the app.

Because not all bugs are easy to catch, because not all bugs end with a clean reported crash on some fancy console as the result of a nice pipeline settled for logging exceptions. That's it, there is always some wrong behaviour which can not be typified as a bug per se; and therefore, it requires the supervision of a human eye to acknowledge it as a malfunction of the system. OkReport is the perfect tool for tracking that.



  • Write reports organically within the app, without loosing the context which is precisely the source of the problem and therefore it has to be properly tamed.
  • A loosely coupled system which allows to plug in custom implementations for TriggerGesture and Reporter
  • Built-in no-op versions that can be used in release builds in order to avoid bloating production code with pointless dependencies.
  • A minimal-user-friendly UI


Add to top level file

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }

Add to app module file

dependencies {
	compile 'com.github.cookpad:OkReport:core:0.0.5'

	//Post the report on a Slack channel
	debugCompile 'com.github.cookpad:OkReport:slack_reporter:0.0.5'
   	releaseCompile 'com.github.cookpad:OkReport:slack_reporter_no_op:0.0.5'

	//Trigger the report screen when the device is shaken
	debugCompile 'com.github.cookpad:OkReport:shake_gesture:0.0.5'
   	releaseCompile 'com.github.cookpad:OkReport:shake_gesture_no_op:0.0.5'


Init and confugire OkReport

class OkReportApp : Application() {

    override fun onCreate() {

        // Triggers the report screen when the device is shaken.
        val shakeGesture = ShakeGesture(this)

        // Posts the data retrieved from OkReport into a Slack channel.
        val slackReporter = slackReporter()

        // Entry point to start OkReport. Call it just one time per life-time application.
        initOkReport(this, shakeGesture, slackReporter)

    private fun slackReporter() : Reporter {

        // Slack's token required to upload the images to Slack hosts. Go to and create one.
        val legacyToken = ""

        // Webhook's url in which SlackReporter relies to perform the publishing report. Go to and create one.
        val webhookURL = ""

        // Name or id of the channel where report's image should be published. See limitation section for more details.
        val channelImages = "image_noise"

        // Handy information about the device and the build version, such us device model, locale or current version code.
        val deviceSpecs = collectDeviceSpecs(this)

        // False by default, if true, it triggers desktop and push notifications to all team members in the channel where the report has been posted.
        val notifyChannel = true

        return SlackReporter(legacyToken, webhookURL, collectDeviceSpecs(this), channelImages, notifyChannel)

OkReport's workflow

  1. Go to an app's section, shake the device, explain the issue and describe the step.

Screenshots Screenshots

  1. Add as much steps as required following the previous instruction.

Screenshots Screenshots

  1. If required, highlight some area of the screenshot

Screenshots Screenshots

  1. Submit the report

Screenshots Screenshots

This is how the report looks on Slack's channel.



OkReport's sources is composed by several Android modules. This loosely coupled system allows clients to provide their own implementations when some customization is required.


The entry point of OkReport is a TriggerGesture. By adding shake_gesture module, OkReport triggers the report screen when the device is shaken. But clients can supply their own implementation if other trigger gesture is required.

If you consider that some gesture may be interesting to add to this lib, please submit a PR as a new separate module with its own no-op version. TriggerGesture is the interface that has be implemented to fulfill the contract:

interface TriggerGesture {
    fun onTrigger(callback: () -> Unit)

class CustomTriggerGesture(context: Context) : TriggerGesture {

    override fun onTrigger(callback: () -> Unit) {
        //When the internal event is triggered, make a call to the callback function.
        customListener {


OkReport logs reports by delegating this responsibility to a given Reporter. By adding slack_reporter module, OkReport posts the data retrieved from OkReport into a Slack channel. But clients can supply their own implementation if other logger mechanism is required.

If you consider that some Reporter may be interesting to add to this lib, please submit a PR as a new separate module with its own no-op version. Reporter is the interface that has be implemented to fulfill the contract:

interface Reporter {
    fun sendReport(report: Report, reporterCallback: ReporterCallback)

interface ReporterCallback {
    fun success(message: String)
    fun error(error: Throwable)

class CustomReporter() : Reporter {
    override fun sendReport(report: Report, reporterCallback: ReporterCallback) {
        //Take report's data and send it whatever you want.
        val response = someServer.sendReport(report)

        //And let know OkReport about the result
        if (response.ok) {
        } else {


  • Highlight screenshots: Ink. A light-weight, customizable view for capturing a signature or drawing in an Android app.
  • Trigger gesture: Seismic. Android device shake detection.
  • Take screenshots: Screenshott. Take a screenshot of your view layout programmatically.
  • Material Dialogs: material-dialogs. A beautiful, fluid, and customizable dialogs API.


  • OkReport is not meant to be used as a way of getting feedback from final users on production environment, it rather should be conceived as a communication tool to facilitate internal reporting.
  • Slack's api presents a limitation for legacy tokens: it's not possible to show an image on a posted message without been previously shared on a channel's organization. That's why when you're creating an instance of SlackReporter you must to supply the name or id of an already existing channel¡s organization where images will be posted isolatedly.


Android library to submit reports without leaving the app.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Kotlin 100.0%