conwayb / aol

Atlas of Oregon Lakes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Atlas of Oregon Lakes


make init
copy all the data from AOL prod to your DB

Install notes

If you have trouble installing psycopg2, you may need to add the path to pg_config to your $PATH. You can find the proper path by using locate pg_config. On my system, this does the trick:

export PATH=/usr/pgsql-9.3/bin:$PATH

Pillow is required, docs here. You will probably need to install libjpeg-devel and libtiff-devel

Copy all the AOL pdf pages and photos to the media dir if you want some dummy data

rsync -v* media/pages
rsync -v* media/photos


It's very important to create an index like this:

CREATE INDEX observation_gist
ON observation
USING GIST (ST_BUFFER(ST_TRANSFORM(the_geom, 3644), 10));

This allows you to do intersection queries like:

ST_BUFFER(ST_TRANSFORM(the_geom, 3644), 10) && (SELECT the_geom FROM lake_geom WHERE reachcode = %s)

with very good performance. The magic '10' is arbitrary, but you should keep this consistent with DISTANCE_FROM_ITEM in lakes.models.

We cannot do this in a migration unfortunately, since the observation table is part of a different application/schema

Some custom migrations exist that add fields (like an hstore), and setup stored procs and triggers. So don't go blindly deleting them.


Atlas of Oregon Lakes


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