contificate / imp-compiler

Compiler for a variant of the "IMP" programming language

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IMP Compiler

An LLVM-based toy compiler for a variant of "IMP" described in CS311 (Programming Language Design & Implementation).



In order to compile this, you use the dune build system (install dependencies w/ opam).

opam install dune menhir llvm obus ppx_deriving_yojson
cd imp-compiler
dune build


You can view the options by passing -h to the compiler executable. Currently, there are two options:

  • -p file.imp - this will attempt to parse the program and print the AST to stdout
  • -c file.imp - this will attempt compile the program and produce a file.imp.ll file in the same directory
  • -s - this will expose the compiler as a DBus interface (exposing the methods CompileIMP and ParseImp)

In order to run an IMP program, the program must contain a main function w/ 0 arguments (as that compiles directly to main that gets called from libc's entry routine):

  • You can interpret the programs w/ lli fileX.ll.
  • You can target an architecture supported by LLVM w/ llc (and a target architecture provided by -march=, e.g. llc -march=arm64 program.ll will produce AArch64 assembly):
./build/default/src/main.exe -c program.imp
llc program.ll -relocation-model=pic
gcc program.s -o program && ./program

Please note the use of -relocation-model=pic, this will instruct the compiler to load the format string pc-relative which is required by default on most 64 bit *nix systems. You can also play around with LLVM's own optimisations w/ opt, for example: opt --O3 program.ll -S will apply aggressive optimisations (you can list all of the optimisations w/ opt -h).

DBus interface

The compiler has an option -s that makes it run as a DBus service, exposing relevant functionality over an interface called Compiler (with methods ParseIMP and CompileIMP). The response from this service is JSON. The interface allows other applications to invoke the compiler with minimal latency, as shown in a demonstration screenshot below: screenshot


  • Actually handle parsing errors w/ locations.
  • Wouldn't be far-fetched to provide debugging information w/ lines corresponding to imperative constructs of the language. Though this would require actually using LLVM's targeting APIs directly.

Implementation Notes

  • The new construct is known as let in this language, though, that might change given that both the refer to mutable lvalues.
  • All variables are spilled to local alloca locations, this is so that all variables are lvalues such that we don't need to insert phi functions in order to merge re-defs of SSA variables at join points. Luckily for us, LLVM's mem2reg pass does a really good job of lifting these. The compilation for a function proceeds as you would expect: all parameters are spilled into local "stack" (alloca) locations then the body is compiled w/ an environment prepended with the spilled locations (all read/writes of named variables compiled to load/stores, respectively). The compilation of let follows a similar scheme.
  • There's no if without else.
  • There's probably bugs.


Compiler for a variant of the "IMP" programming language


Language:OCaml 96.5%Language:Emacs Lisp 3.5%