containerum / rabbitmq-manager-solution

RabbitMQ is a message broker.

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Rabbit MQ

RabbitMQ is a message broker. Its main purpose is to receive and send messages. RabbitMQ uses AMQP protocol.

How it works

The server is launched on and RabbitMQ provides a web UI for management and monitoring of your RabbitMQ server.

Using the RabbitMQ management interface, you can handle, create, delete and list queues. You can also monitor queue length, check message rate, change and add users permissions, etc.

It consists of:

  • RabbitMQ

To launch this solution on sign up with the service, download and use Containerum CLI chkit.

  1. Run the Solution with chkit solution:
chkit solution run containerum/rabbitmq-manager-solution -e NAME=rabbit -e USER=admin -e PASSWORD=12345678
  1. Make sure that the Solution is running:
$ chkit get deploy
|     NAME     | PODS | PODS ACTIVE | CPU  |  RAM  | AGE |
| rabbit-nzdd6 |    1 |           1 | 500m | 500Mi | 9s  |
  1. Using chkit get get the address and the port to access the running Solution:
$ chkit get svc
|     NAME     |   CLUSTER-IP   | EXTERNAL |       HOST        |      PORTS      | AGE |
| rabbit-nzdd6 | | true     | | 28553:15672/TCP | 36s |
  1. Go to create queues using UI.