connorjoleary / DeepCite

Traversing links to find the deep source of information

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DeepCite extension

In a world filled with fake news and alternative facts, get the real deep sources for your information.

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Table of Contents


Unfortunatly running code is not cheap and I would really appreciate any support you could give to see this project flourish.

website payment address
Bitcoin 361Dq2e5wnjAhCnQ8FEkeiK3CYZZJ9QuGs
Venmo @fippy24
Paypal and Sofi Money

Run Locally


  1. Install Google Chrome
  2. In Chrome, navigate to chrome://extensions/
  3. Enable developer mode
  4. Then click Load unpacked
  5. Select DeepCite/extension folder

Lambda (Now run on GCP Cloud Functions)

cd backend/lambda
python3 -m venv v-env-test
source v-env-test/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt -r test_requirements.txt
gunicorn -c wsgi:app

Model (Now run on GCP Cloud Run)

Run python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg once to download the model

cd backend/model
python3 -m venv v-env
source v-env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
gunicorn -c wsgi


Frontend Testing

  • Download and install node.js from their website

  • For the following commands navigate to DeepCite/extension folder

    • Use command npm install mocha to install testing framework
    • Use command npm test to run tests
  • DeepCite/test-folder contains a basic web server meant for testing frontend functionality before we connect the frontend and backend together.

    • Follow the readme in that folder for its instructions

System Testing

  • To run a local server testing bash shell script:
  • python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
  • run pip install coverage
  • In DeepCite/backend, run

Note: connection issues make occur when webscrapping, wait a minute then run again

Curl request for testing model

  • Local testing: curl -d '{"claim":"the death of Sherlock Holmes almost destroyed the magazine that had originally published the stories. When Arthur Conan Doyle killed him off in 1893, 20,000 people cancelled their subscriptions. The magazine barely survived. Its staff referred to Holmes’ death as “the dreadful event”.", "link":""}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST


There are a couple ways to configure both the backend and the aws lambda service. The first priority, or the first place the config will look is in the root folder for a json file named deep-cite-config.json. Next the config will look in the environment, and finally anything not found in the json config or environment will fallback to the defaults. Here are the defaults and config options:

  • As a JSON ./DeepCite/deep-cite-config.json:
 "backend": {
   "env": "development",
   "language": "en",
   "gn_path": "./DeepCite/backend/word_vectors/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin",
   "server": {
     "host": "",
     "port": "5000" 
   "gunicorn": {
     "host": "",
     "port": "8000" ,
     "workers": "1",
     "timeout": "180"
   "model": {
       "similarity_cutoff": 0.67,
       "num_claims_returned": 15,
       "max_height": 5,
       "request_timeout": 20
 "aws": {
   "env": "development",
   "versions": {
     "model": "0.9.0",
     "lambda": "0.9.0",
     "api": "0.5.0",
     "extension": "1.7.2"
   "secret": {
     "region": "us-east-2",
     "name": "rds_deepcite_sample"
   "ec2": {
     "ip": "",
     "port": "8000",
     "url": ""
  • As an .env:

For Maintainers eyes only 👀

Semantic Versioning Policy

It's not really the responsiblity of contributors to manange the CHANGELOG and/or version numbers. Also adding the version number to PR's can lead to needless conflicts. After a PR is merged it is a good idea to see if the CHANGELOG needs to be updated. If the CHANGELOG needs to be updated then the extension version should also be updated. For our version control we follow semantic verisoning standards, which follows the general format: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.

  • Patch: increase when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.
  • Minor: increase when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner and set patch to 0.
  • Major: when you make incompatible API changes and set patch and minor to 0.

There are multiple services in this repo and each has there own version number. Luckily there is a shell script in the scripts/ that makes updating the version for each service very simple.

  • The script itself is pretty self explanitory for example if you just added functionality (so a minor update) to the model you can update its version like so:
$ cd scripts/
$ ./ minor model
  • There are also some git options so if you fix a bug in lambda and you want the version number to be committed then do this:
$ cd scripts/
$ ./ patch lambda commit
  • Note: in this case the commit message will be "lambda patch update" and in general these auto commit messages follow this format "$SERVICE $ACTION update"

NOTE: Our git tags are associated with the extension version number so if you update the extension version number a git tag will be added. This means that when you end up pushing your changes don't forget to push the tags like so:

$ git push --follow-tags


Connor O'Leary, Joe Pagani, and Jake Heaser

With great help from the University of Wisconsin, Madison CS506 team Shourya Goel, Jiayi Hu, Vinay Janardhanam, Dillon O'Leary, Noah SickLick, and Catherine Yan


Traversing links to find the deep source of information

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:HTML 35.4%Language:JavaScript 22.0%Language:Python 21.1%Language:Jupyter Notebook 12.5%Language:CSS 5.4%Language:Shell 2.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.7%Language:PLpgSQL 0.6%