This is a tmux plugin for fish. Inspired by or rather a port of ohmyzsh tmux plugin.
This plugin does the following:
- determines if tmux is installed or not, if not, prompt user to install tmux
- autostart/autoconnect tmux by default
- determines if the terminal supports the 256 colors or not, sets the appropriate configuration variable
- sets the correct local config file to use
- abbrereviations for tmux
First, make sure you have the recent version of tmux and fish as I don't test this on older version. Next, install this plugin with Fisher:
fisher install budimanjojo/
Alias | Command | Description |
ta |
tmux attach -t | Attach new tmux session to already running named session |
tad |
tmux attach -d -t | Detach named tmux session |
ts |
tmux new-session -s | Create a new named tmux session |
tl |
tmux list-sessions | Displays a list of running tmux sessions |
tksv |
tmux kill-server | Terminate all running tmux sessions |
tkss |
tmux kill-session -t | Terminate named running tmux session |
Variable | Description |
fish_tmux_autostart |
Automatically starts tmux (default: true ) |
fish_tmux_autostart_once |
Autostart only if tmux hasn't been started previously (default: true ) |
fish_tmux_autoconnect |
Automatically connect to previous session if it exits (default: true ) |
fish_tmux_fixterm |
Sets $TERM to 256-color term or not based on current terminal support (default: true ) |
fish_tmux_iterm2 |
Sets the -CC option for iTerm2 tmux integration (default: false ) |
fish_tmux_fixterm_without_256color |
$TERM to use for non 256-color terminals (default: screen ) |
fish_tmux_fixterm_with_256color |
$TERM to use for 256-color terminals (default: screen-256color |
fish_tmux_config |
Set the configuration path (default: $HOME/.tmux.conf ) |
fish_tmux_unicode |
Set tmux -u option to support unicode (default: false ) |
fish_tmux_default_session_name |
Set tmux default session name when autostart is enabled |
You can modify the default configuration variables either by exporting the env from your
or in your terminal, for example:
set -Ux fish_tmux_config $HOME/.config/tmux.conf
- Autostart is set to
by default - Automatically closes terminal once tmux exits is hardcoded because I can't get the zsh way working in fish (maybe some help?)
- This plugin will only run if the user is not root. This is to avoid having nested tmux from the same environment
- Alias is now abbrereviations
MIT License