connor-ray / git-demo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Git Worflow

This document describes a universal git workflow that should be used when contributing to projects on GitHub. It assumes a very basic understanding of git (commits, branches, etc.) using the command line.

Cloning the repository

Note: The steps in this section only need to be performed ONCE per repository.

  1. Clone the repository. Click the green "Clone or download" button ①, and copy the url ② and type

    git clone clone-url

    at the terminal. Replace clone-url with the url that has been copied to your clipboard. For Firetoss-Agency/git-demo, it will be


Remember, the above step only needs to be performed once per repository.

Making changes

Before you make any changes, you should make a branch. Remember to never commit to master. The command git status will tell you what branch you are on. I recommend putting the git branch in your command prompt, so that you will always know what branch you are on. See this guide on how to do this. Or see this guide on how to set up Oh My Zsh (my preference).

It is important that you never commit to master because master will be the branch that you pull upstream changes from (e.g., changes from Firetoss-Agency/git-demo).

  1. Update master. Before you make any changes, first checkout master

    git checkout master

    and pull in the latest changes

    git pull origin

    This will make it so that your changes are against the very latest master, which will reduce the likelihood of merge conflicts due to your changes conflicting with changes made by someone else.

  2. Create a branch. Once you have done this, create a new branch. You should make a branch name that is short, descriptive, and unique.

    To create the branch, run

    git checkout -b branch-name

    (replace branch-name with the branch name you chose). This will create a new branch and check it out. You can verify this with git status.

  3. Make your changes and commit them. Once you have created your branch, make your changes and commit them. Remember to keep your commits atomic, that is, each commit should represent a single unit of change. Also, remember to write helpful commit messages, so that someone can understand what the commit does just from reading the message without having to read the diff.

    For example, at the command line, this might look like

    git add filename
    git commit -m "Commit message"

    (replace Commit message with the helpful commit message).

  4. Push up your changes. Push your changes. Do this by running

    git push origin branch-name

    (replace branch-name with the name of the branch).

  5. Make a pull request. If you then go to the repo on GitHub, you should see a button ① to create a pull request from your branch. It will look something like this:


    If you do not see this, select the New pull request button ②. Once doing this, you will be presented with a page. This page will show you the diff of the changes. Double check them to make sure you are making a pull request against the right branch.


    Things to check here are that the branch for the upstream repo (Firetoss-Agency) is master, and that the branch you are comparing is the branch you wish to make the pull request from.

    Once you are done, click the Create pull request button.

Important points

The important things to remember from this document are

  1. You only need to clone once per repository.

  2. Never commit to master. Create a branch and commit to it.

  3. Use git status often to check what branch you are on and see if you have any uncommitted changes.

  4. Be descriptive in your branch names, commit messages, and pull request title and descriptions.

  5. Once you have a pull request for a branch, you can push additional changes to the same branch and they will be added to the pull request automatically. You should never create a new pull request for the same branch.

  6. Comment on the pull request when you want people to know that you have pushed new changes. Although GitHub does notify people of commit pushes, people are more likely notice your changes if you leave a comment.
