conneroisu / awesome-vaults

This is an List of Obsidian Vaults that show off features or collections of Notes.

Repository from Github https://github.comconneroisu/awesome-vaultsRepository from Github https://github.comconneroisu/awesome-vaults

created updated
2022-12-19 14:17:00 -0600
2023-02-24 19:12:20 -0600

This is an List of Obsidian Vaults that show off plugins, features, collections of notes, workflows, or anything else that you can think of.

[Obsidian Vault]


This is an List of Obsidian Vaults that show off plugins, features, or collections of Notes.


[[#Plugin Specific Example Vaults]] Plugin Specific Example Vaults Community Created Vaults [[#Community Created Vaults]] [plugin specific example vaults](#Plugin Specific Example Vaults) plugin specific example vaults

Plugin Specific Example Vaults

Dataview Queries Example Vault This vault shows examples of nearly everything you can do using the dataview plugin in obsidian from progress bars, image queries, task queries, and more.

An Obsidian Tasks Example Vault

Meta Bind Example Vault

  • This vault shows example of using the metabind plugin to allow the updating of metadata within fields in your notes. It allows for the binding of boolean, date, strings, and more.

Community Created Vaults

The Sweet Setup

  • This starter vault contains over 25 of's best articles about Obsidian, from basic setup to recommended plugins to productivity workflows. All the notes are formatted to make the most of Obsidian’s Markdown-based features.

Reseacher Template by sheldonxxd

  • Starter Vault for researchers. Includes workflows for writing literature, reports, and more.

Obsidian Hub

  • Community Maintained Experimental Vault

Obsidian Vault Structure by trustedsec

  • A project developed with an accompanying blog post about learning obsidian.

Bramses Highly opinionated Vault

  • A highly opinionated, fully featured Obsidian vault that can get you from Zero to Zettelkasten lickety split!

A bullet Journal and Task Manager vault This awesome vault is a #showcase of the creators daily bullet journal and task management vault. The creator provides in depth explanations of how they use the vault, and the vault itself is a great example of how to use Obsidian.


[Obsidian Starter Vault](

  • daily as a bullet journal and task manager. With explanations on how to the creator uses it here


  • image Vault from Rainbell <<<<<<< HEAD Rainbell's Personal Vault showing vault of cardboard kanban plugin and more.(don't be deceived by his status bars, they are fake).


juestchaos Obsidian Plug and Play Vault

  • A plug and play vault that includes a lot of the popular plugins, and some of the more popular templates.

[Obsidian Templates](

bencodezen/bens-obsidian-boilerplate: An opinionated kit to provide people some inspiration and ideas for their own workflows.

  • Rainbell's Personal Vault showing vault of cardboard kanban plugin and more.



This is an List of Obsidian Vaults that show off features or collections of Notes.


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