connernilsen / dotfiles

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connernilsen's dotfiles

This repository contains the set of dotfiles and configurations I would like shared between the computers and environments I commonly work in.

Note: the vim config is no longer maintained (but not the nvim config). Some plugins may not behave correctly or cause vim to crash.


  1. Install/Compile neovim
  2. Symlink files:
  • ln -s dotfiles/tmux.conf .tmux.conf (from ~)
  • ln -s ../dotfiles/nvim nvim (from .config/)
  1. Run :PlugInstall in nvim
  2. Install the following packages:
  • htop
  • ripgrep
  • tmux
  • ajeetdsouza/zoxide
  • reattach-to-user-namespace (if on Mac)
  • pynvim (for --user)
  • Packages that should be auto installed by nvim
    • fzf
      • This can be symlinked with ln -s ~/.config/nvim/bundle/fzf/bin/fzf from .local/bin/
      • Run .config/nvim/bundle/fzf/install to complete installation
    • vim-plug
  1. Install TPM
  2. Set the following options in .bashrc/.zshrc/...
export EDITOR=nvim
export CLICOLOR=1
export EXTERNAL_TERM=${EXTERNAL_TERM:-$TERM} # make an extra case in .tmux.conf if colors are weird in nvim
  1. Setup Pyenv
  • Install with Homebrew
  • Install build dependencies
  • Setup shell support
  • When installing a new Python version, the following will likely need to be done:
    • brew unlink pkg-config
    • pyenv install ...
    • brew link pkg-config
  1. Install language helpers:
  • python
    • autoimport
    • pyre-check
    • black
  • OCaml
    • opam
    • dune
    • merlin
    • ocamlformat
    • ocaml-lsp-server
    • utop
  1. Source Bash scripts in .bashrc/.zshrc
if [ -f "dotfiles/shell/$file" ]; then
  source "dotfiles"/shell/$file"



Language:Vim Script 75.8%Language:Shell 24.2%