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VMware Aria

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Aria Operations Experience Day

This hands-on workshop is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of Aria Operations and its potential benefits when integrated into businesses for enhanced operational efficiency. Through a balanced combination of lectures and interactive lab sessions, we will gain practical experience and insights on dashboard creation, troubleshooting, and environmental sustainability in operations.


08:30 - Introduction to Aria Operations

  • Objectives for the Day: Brief attendees on the day's objectives and expected outcomes.
  • Overview: Walkthrough and introduction to the full capabilities of this self-driving operations tool. Covering aspects such as Proactive Management, Resource Optimization, Cost Management, Automated Tasks, Integrations, and Custom Dashboards.

09:30 - Optimization: Reclaim, Right Size, What-If scenarios

  • Hands-On Labs

    : This is a Show and Tell, but participants can use their pods to dive into Aria Operations with us!

    • Resource Optimization: Learn to reclaim and stop resource wastage.
    • Rightsizing: Navigate optimization of current resources and delay hardware investments.
    • Capacity Planning: Data-driven strategies for future hardware investments.

10:15 - Coffee Break

10:30 - Deep Dive Troubleshooting

  • Hands-On Techniques

    : Let’s look at Windows or Linux VMs in a real-world troubleshooting.

    • CPU: Unveiling Metrics, such as Usage%, Co-Stop, CPU Ready, and Contention.
    • Memory: Evaluating Needs and Understanding Memory Contention.
    • Disk IO: Latency and its effects on operations.
    • Dropped Packets: The last one of the “fabulous four” VM metrics

12:00 - Lunch Break

13:00 - LAB Exercise on Crafting Views, Dashboards, and Reports

  • Views: Integrate effective views into dashboards.
  • Dashboards: Build an efficient "Monday Morning" dashboard and sharing strategies for stakeholder engagement.
  • Bonus Lab: Time allowing, create reports for operational snapshots.

14:00 - Environmentally Friendly Operations

  • Sustainability Dashboards

    : Overview and hands-on insights into monitoring and optimizing the environmental impact of your infrastructure using Aria Operations.

    • Additional Resources: Showcase dashboards created by VMware experts available for download and utilization.

15:00 - Closing Remarks

  • Wrap-Up: Summarize the day's key takeaways, answer any lingering questions, and hint at future workshops or events.
  • Feedback Opportunity: A short feedback session for continuous improvement.

15:01 - Departure

Safe travels and see you next time!

  • Lectures:

  • [Introduction to Aria Operations ](./LabFiles/1. introduction/

  • [Optimization: Reclaim, Right Size, What-If scenarios](./LabFiles/20. optimization/

  • [Deep Dive Troubleshooting](./LabFiles/30. troubleshooting/

  • [Sustainability Dashboards](./LabFiles/70. sustainability/


  • Modules:

  • How to [Access the workshop](./LabFiles/0. LabAccess/

  • Creating [Custom Groups](./LabFiles/10. customgroup/

  • Creating [Views](./LabFiles/40. views/

  • Creating [Dashboards ](./LabFiles/50. dashboards/

  • Creating [Reports](./LabFiles/60. reports/

Documentation & Resources

[RESOURCES](./LabFiles/8. resources/

[Link to VMware Documentation]
[Link to Repositories]
[Link to Blogs]
[Link to Youtube Videos]


VMware Aria