conghoan / Android-EasyTransformPager

Making amazing animation with ViewPager is not ever a pain!

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Making amazing animation with ViewPager is not ever a pain!

This is a library which make easier the use of page transformer in Android ViewPager. Instead of creating a custom pager transform and make all work manually, just use the EasyTransformPager with its own fragment pager adapter and its own fragment. It allows you, by overriding just one method, to make any view independent animation.

![Let's see below](/docs/easytransformpager.gif?raw=true "Optional Title")


For a simple implementation, take a look at the "sample" directory.

  1. Include the library as a local library porject or add the dependence in your build.gradle.

     dependencies {
         compile 'com.github.rajyvan:EasyTransformPager:1.0'
  2. Include the EasyTransformPager in your layout. It should replace the android support ViewPager.

           android:layout_width="match_parent" />
  3. Extend from AnimatedPagerAdapter. It's a FragmentStatePagerAdapter. You should return a AnimatedFragment type.

     public class MyPagerAdapter extends AnimatedPagerAdapter {
           public MyPagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm) {
           public AnimatedFragment getItem(int position) {
                  // TODO
                  return null;
           public int getCount() {
                  return 10;
  4. For every AnimatedFragment, override the method transformPage(View view, float offset).
    View is the main view container that you inflate inside your fragment.
    Offset represents the percentage of visibility of your fragment page according to screen width. Offset equals 0 for invisible page, 1 for full visible page.

     public void transformPage(View view, float offset) {
            // TODO
            // Example
           view.setTranslationY((float) ((1 - offset) * 0.32 * view.getWidth()) * offset);
           view.setRotation(360 * offset);


Current version : 1.0

Developed by



Making amazing animation with ViewPager is not ever a pain!


Language:Java 100.0%