computations / bigrig

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


bigrig is a program to simulate historical biogeographical regions under the DEC(+J) model.

A note on terminology

The terminology used around this topic can be confusing. Here I am going to define some terms that I use, and relate them to the original Ree et. al paper 1.

  • Region: A segment of some area.
  • Range: A specific assignment regions where a taxa can be found. The set of regions that a taxa occupies. Practically, for this program, a range is a binary string (e.g. 01010).
  • Singleton: A range consisting of only one region (e.g. 01000).
  • Split: A split is a cladogenesis event. This is to say, a fork in the binary tree. When a split occurs, a cladogenesis type is used to generate the daughter ranges.
  • Allopatry: A type cladogenesis where the daughter ranges share no regions in common. Ree et. al calls this "Scenario 2".
  • Sympatry: A type of cladogenesis where the daughter ranges share some regions. Ree et. al calls this "Scenario 3".
  • Copy: A type of cladogenesis where the daughter ranges share all regions. Ree et. al calls this "Scenario 1".
  • Jump: A type of cladogenesis where the daughter ranges share no regions, and one of the daughter range shares no regions with the parent range. Ree et. al do not include this type in the original paper, and was introduced by Matzke 2.

For split types, it can be useful to write down their properties as a binary operations.

  • Allopatry: left ^ right == parent.
  • Sympatry: (left | right == parent) && (left & right != parent).
  • Copy: left & right == parent.
  • Jump: (left & parent == 0 || right & parent == 0) && (left == parent || right == parent).

Note that an additional requirement is that at least one of the daughter ranges must be a singleton. This is to say, speciation will only occur in one region. Furthermore, the "copy" type split can only occur when the parent range is a singleton.


The required parameters are:

  • --tree: Path to the tree file used for the simulation
  • --root-range: Range for the species at the root of the tree. Alternatively, the starting range. Only required if range-count is not specified.
  • --range-count: Number of regions to simulate with. If root-range is not specified, then a random root range is generated.
  • -d/--dispersion: Dispersion rate for the simulation.
  • -e/--extinction: Extinction rate for the simulation.
  • -v/--allopatry: Allopatry/vicariance rate for the simulation.
  • -s/--sympatry: Sympatry rate for the simulation.
  • -y/--copy: Copy rate for the simulation.
  • -j/--jump: rate for the simulation.

Additionally, there are a number of optional parameters:

  • --config: (Optional) Pass a YAML file containing the configuration for the program. The details for this file are detailed later.
  • --prefix: (Optional) Prefix for the results file.

Config file

The config file is an alternative way of specifying the program options. Options written into a YAML file, which is then passed to bigrig using the --config switch. The name of options differ slightly between the command line and the config file. Here is the schema:

  - start: <FLOAT>
      dispersion: <FLOAT>
      extinction: <FLOAT>
      allopatry: <FLOAT>
      sympatry: <FLOAT>
      copy: <FLOAT>
      jump: <FLOAT>
root-range: <ROOT-RANGE>
tree: <FILE>
redo: <BOOL>
debug-log: <BOOL>
output-format: [YAML|JSON]
prefix: <PATH>
mode: [FAST|SIM]
seed: <INT>

If both the a command line option and a config option are set, for example in the command

bigrig --config config.yaml --redo

Then the value from the command line is used instead. The idea here is to have a "base" config with all the normal values, and the other values can be played with rapidly by changing them on the command line. When this is done, there is a warning that is emitted, like this:

[WARN] The 'redo' option is specified in both the config file and the command line. Using the value from the command line

Result files

A given simulation will always produce the following result files:

  • {prefix}.phy: An alignment containing the tip ranges. This is to say, the ranges of the "extant" taxa.
  • {prefix}.all.phy: An alignment containing all ranges, including the inner nodes. If the inner nodes have no label, they are labeled by an internal id number, starting with 0. Which node is has which label is noted in the {prefix}.annotated.nwk file.
  • {prefix}.annotated.nwk: This file contains:
    • Inner node labels
    • NHX encoded splits, with the keys:
      • init-range: Range of the species at the "top" of the node. The range to split.
      • left-range: The "left" result of the split.
      • right-range: The "right" result of the split.
      • split-type: One of allopatric, sympatric, singleton or jump.

Additionally, if specified as a runtime parameter bigrig will produce a {prefix}.json or {prefix}.yaml, which is will contain all the information in the other files and information about dispersion and extinction events.

An example run

Suppose we have the tree file test.nwk


and the config file config.yaml

  dispersion: 1.0
  extinction: 1.0
  allopatry: 1.0
  copy: 1.0
  jump: 1.0
  sympatry: 1.0
root-range: 11010
tree: test.nwk

then command ./bigrig --config config.yaml might produce

[  0.00s] Running simulation with the following options:
[  0.00s]    Tree file: /home/user/wrk/test.nwk
[  0.00s]    Prefix: /home/user/wrk/test.nwk
[  0.00s]    Root range: 11010
[  0.00s]    Region count: 5
[  0.00s]    Rate parameters:
[  0.00s]        Dispersion(d): 1.00, Extinction(e): [1 00](1.00)
[  0.00s]    Cladogenesis parameters:
[  0.00s]        Allopatry(v): 1.00, Sympatry(s): 1.00, Copy(y): 1.00, Jump(j): 1.00
[  0.00s] Parsing tree
[  0.00s] Sampling from tree
[  0.00s] Writing results to files
[  0.00s] Done!

In addition to the log on stdout, there will be the 3 results files, as described above. The first, test.nwk.phy might look like

5 5
a 10010
e 10101
c 00001
b 00100
d 11110

Notice that there are no extinct taxa. This is intentional, as all tips are assumed to be modern and extant.

The other result file, test.nwk.all.phy might look like

9 5
0 11010
3 11010
a 10010
e 10101
1 10010
2 00010
c 00001
b 00100
d 11110

Here, the numbers refer to the internal nodes. To see which internal node gets which label, we need to look at test.nwk.annotated.nwk.


This file contains the tree that was simulated, as well as the ranges for each node in the tree, including tips. In addition, the full details of each split is included.


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 97.8%Language:CMake 2.2%Language:Makefile 0.1%