commenthol / mergee

Utilities for objects

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Utilities for objects

NPM version Build Status

This is a selection of utilities for objects and contains:

  • assign - assigns multiple sources to a target object
  • extend - (same as assign) extends a target object with multiple sources
  • merge - merge multiple sources into a target object
  • mergeExt - same as merge but with options
  • clone - deep clone of an object or array.
  • pick - pick properties from an object
  • omit - omit properties from an object
  • select - select properties from an object
  • isCircular - check object for circular structures
  • deepEqual - deep comparison

Table of Contents


assign(target, source)

assign multiple source objects to object target


var assign  = require('mergee').assign,
    target  = { a:{A:1}, b:{A:1} },
    source1 = { b:{B:2}, c:{B:2} },
    source2 = { d:{C:3} };
assign(target, source1, source2);
// target === { a:{A:1}, b:{B:2}, c:{B:2}, d:{C:3} };


target: Object | Array | function, assign multiple source objects to object target


var assign  = require('mergee').assign,
    target  = { a:{A:1}, b:{A:1} },
    source1 = { b:{B:2}, c:{B:2} },
    source2 = { d:{C:3} };
assign(target, source1, source2);
// target === { a:{A:1}, b:{B:2}, c:{B:2}, d:{C:3} };

source: Any, arguments 2 ... n

Returns: Object, assigned target

extend(target, source)

Same as assign.

extend object target with multiple source objects


var extend  = require('mergee').extend,
    target  = { a:{A:1}, b:{A:1} },
    source1 = { b:{B:2}, c:{B:2} },
    source2 = { d:{C:3} };
extend(target, source1, source2);
// target === { a:{A:1}, b:{B:2}, c:{B:2}, d:{C:3} };


target: Object | Array | function, extend object target with multiple source objects


var extend  = require('mergee').extend,
    target  = { a:{A:1}, b:{A:1} },
    source1 = { b:{B:2}, c:{B:2} },
    source2 = { d:{C:3} };
extend(target, source1, source2);
// target === { a:{A:1}, b:{B:2}, c:{B:2}, d:{C:3} };

source: Any, arguments 2 ... n

Returns: Object, extended target

merge(target, source)

merge multiple objects into target


var merge = require('mergee').merge,
    target  = { t: 1, x: { y: 'z' } },
    source1 = { t: { s1: /source1/ } },
    source2 = { t: { s2: new Date(100), x: null } };
merge(target, source1, source2);
// target === { t: { s1: /source1/, s2: Wed Dec 31 1969 17:00:00 GMT-0700 (MST) }, x: null }


target: Object | function | Array, target object

source: Any, arguments 2 ... n

Returns: Object, merged target

mergeExt(opts, opts.ignoreNull, opts.ignoreCircular, target, source)

extended merge


var merge = require('mergee').merge,
    target  = { t: 1, x: { y: 'z' } },
    source1 = { t: { s1: /source1/ } },
    source2 = { t: { s2: new Date(100), x: null } };
mergeExt({ ignoreNull: true }, target, source1, source2);
// target === { t: { s1: /source1/, s2: Wed Dec 31 1969 17:00:00 GMT-0700 (MST) }, x: { y: 'z' } }


opts: Object, options

opts.ignoreNull: Boolean, treat source === null as undefined - target does not get deleted

opts.ignoreCircular: Boolean, ignore cirular structures - no error gets thrown

target: Object | function | Array, target object

source: Any, arguments 3 ... n

Returns: Object, merged target


perform a deep clone of obj


var clone = require('mergee').clone,
    obj = { a: { b: { c: 1 } } };
var cloned = clone(obj);
// (cloned !== obj)
// (cloned.a !== obj.a)
// (cloned.a.b !== obj.a.b)


obj: Object | Array, object to get cloned

Returns: Object | Array, deep cloned object

pick(obj, props)

pick properties from obj into a new object


var r,
    pick = require('mergee').pick,
    obj = { a: 1, b: [ 1, 2 ], c: { cc:3, 'c-d':4 }, '0d': { '0d0': 5 } };
r = pick(obj, ['a', 'b[1]', 'c["c-d"]', '0d.0d0']);
//> r = { a: 1, b: { '1': 2 }, c: { 'c-d': 4 }, '0d': { '0d0': 5 } }
r = pick(obj, 'a, b[1], c["c-d"], 0d.0d0');
//> r = { a: 1, b: { '1': 2 }, c: { 'c-d': 4 }, '0d': { '0d0': 5 } }


obj: Object, object to pick properties from

props: Array | String, Array of properties or comma separated string of properties

Returns: Object, object with picked properties

omit(obj, props)

omit properties from obj into a new object


var r,
    omit = require('mergee').omit,
    obj = { a: 1, b: [ 1, 2 ], c: { cc:3, 'c-d':4 }, '0d': { '0d0': 5 } };
r = omit(obj, ['a', 'b[1]', 'c["c-d"]', '0d.0d0']);
// r = { b: [ 1,  ], c: { cc: 3 }, '0d': {} }
r = omit(obj, 'a, b[1], c["c-d"], 0d.0d0');
// r = { b: [ 1,  ], c: { cc: 3 }, '0d': {} }


obj: Object, object

props: Array | String, Array of properties or comma separated string of properties

Returns: Object, object with omitted properties

get(obj, keys)

get properties from obj


var r,
    get = require('mergee').get,
    obj = { a: { b: { c: 1 } } };
r = get(obj, ['a', 'b', 'c']);
// r = 1
r = get(obj, 'a.b');
// r = { c: 1 }
r = get(obj, ''); // this will not throw!
// r = undefined


obj: Object, object to select from

keys: Array | String, Array of properties or dot separated string of properties; If using a String avoid using property names containing a .

Returns: Object, selected object

set(obj, keys, value)

set a property in obj


var r,
    set = require('mergee').set,
    obj = {};
r = set(obj, ['a', 'b'], { c:1 });
//> r = { a: { b: { c: 1 } } }
r = set(obj, 'a.b.d', 2);
//> r = { a: { b: { c:1, d:2 } } }


obj: Object, object to select from

keys: Array | String, Array of properties or dot separated string of properties; If using a String avoid using property names containing a .

value: Any, The value to set

Returns: Object, set object


check if an object obj contains circular structures


var isCircular  = require('mergee').isCircular,
    obj = { a: {} };
obj.a.c = { c: 1 };
// isCircular(obj) === true


obj: Object, Object to check

Returns: Boolean, true if obj contains circularities

deepEqual(actual, expected)

deep comparison of actual and expected


actual: Any, deep comparison of actual and expected

expected: Any, deep comparison of actual and expected

Returns: Boolean, true if actual equals expected

Contribution and License Agreement

If you contribute code to this project, you are implicitly allowing your code to be distributed under the MIT license. You are also implicitly verifying that all code is your original work or correctly attributed with the source of its origin and licence.


This module contains code from other MIT licensed sources:

Copyright (c) 2015 commenthol (MIT License)

See LICENSE for more info.


Utilities for objects

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 99.7%Language:Makefile 0.3%