comensee / Boomstone

PHP project boilerplate : Silex with Boomgo / MongoDB, Bootstrap & I18n.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Boomstone, a spark for PHP project.


  • A file structure strongly inspired by KnpLabs
  • MongoDB document storage.
  • Boomgo tiny Object Document Mapper.
  • Console & Command aware of your Silex Application.
  • i18n command to extract strings from twig.
  • A custom Validator Service Provider wich allows Yaml validation & service injection
  • An "unique" validator for Boomgo document using Boomgo service & custom validation.
  • Basic user actions: signup, signin & recovery password.
  • Basic security filter.


  1. Vendors installation
$ wget
$ php composer.phar install
  1. Create the cache dir
$ mkdir cache cache/boomgo
$ chmod -R 777 cache src/Resources/locales
  1. Export twitter bootstrap assets
$ mkdir web/js/bootstrap
$ cp vendor/twitter/bootstrap/js/*.js web/js/bootstrap/
$ cp -R vendor/twitter/bootstrap/img web/
  1. Configuration
$ cp app/config.php.dist app/config.php
  1. Generate the mappers for Boomgo ODM, (It needs the right to write aside of the Document folder).
$ vendor/bin/boomgo generate:mappers /your_absolute_path_to/boomstone/src/Boomstone/Document

How to use it


The application boot with app/bootstrap.php. This process requires a non-versioned app/config.php, to easily switch between environments (dev, test, prod...):

require_once __DIR__.'/config.php';
// require_once __DIR__.'/config_dev.php';
// require_once __DIR__.'/config_test.php'

Almost all code logic lives under the src/ path.


Boomstone provides console "a la Symfony" : php app/console. The application aware command allows you to access your silex application.

use Boomstone\Command\ApplicationAwareCommand;
class MyCommand extends ApplicationAwareCommand
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $this->getApplication() // return the console application
        $this->getApplication()->getSilexApplication(); // return your silex $app
        $app['twig'] // return your twig instance for example.


  1. Set a directory for your locales in the app/config.php.
  2. Create sub directories for each locale used in your app: locale_path/fr, locale_path/en.
  3. Ensure this directories are writable for your PHP process.
  4. Use the command.
php app/console i18n:update [locale]
php app/console i18n:update fr
php app/console i18n:update en

You do not need to worry about your previous translated strings. They will be always preserved. Yet this bring a limitation, actually old and unused strings are not removed.

You can use translation domains

{% trans from "homepage" %}Welcome dude !{% endtrans %}
{% trans from "error" %}Sorry, it's terrible.{% endtrans %}

This will output one file per domain


Custom Validator Service Provider

State of art, yet functionnal, this provider enables all the features of Symfony Validator Component:

  • It eases usage of yml, xml loader for validation.
  • It allows you to inject depedencies in your custom constraints/validator (like a database connection).

Check the config.php.dist configuration to see all the available options and the Validation/User.yml definition file.

Boomgo unique validator

An use-case of the custom Validator Service Provider which rely on Boomgo ODM to ensure the uniqueness one/many key(s) in MongoDB.

Basic Security filter

It's just a simple example, no Interface provided. See the before() method in app/boomstone.php.

  $app->get('/', function () use ($app) {
            // some logic
        })->value('security', array('ROLE_MEMBER'));


The main stylesheet is web/less/boomstone.less, it import all the goodness from twitter bootstrap and is dedicated to your own rules. On MacOS, I recommend to use a dev tool which watch a less directory and recompile them on a file change.


  • Improve I18n command.
  • Add unit/functionnal test.
  • Relax and get some PR from the open source community.


  • Translator class used is a modified copy from Symfony\Component\Translation (because of scope constraint)
  • The i18n command was tested only with Xliff format
  • The i18n command won't remove old and unused string (yet it appear to put them at the end of the file)
  • The i18n command won't extract string from controller and forms (should be manually writen)
  • The Custom Validator service provider allows you to use the APC cache from the Symfony validator component, yet there is no built-in method to clear this cache, you'll have to do this manually.


PHP project boilerplate : Silex with Boomgo / MongoDB, Bootstrap & I18n.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%