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Book recommendations from the Lex Fridman Podcast

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Lex Fridman Library

This is a library of book recommendations of all guests of the Lex Fridman Podcast

The books for episodes 46 thru 161 were found on Those links are made with amazon affiliates program. Please make pull requests for new episodes; feel free to add your own affiliate links, as long as the links work.

#196 - Yeonmi Park - North Korea

#195 - Clara Sousa-Silva - Searching for Signs of Life on Venus and Other Planets

#194 - Bret Weinstein - Truth, Science, and Censorship in the Time of a Pandemic

#193 - Rob Reid - The Existential Threat of Engineered Viruses and Lab Leaks

#192 - Charles Hoskinson - Cardano

#191 - Daniel Schmachtenberger - Steering Civilization Away from Self-Destruction

#190 - Jordan Ellenberg - Mathematics of High-Dimensional Shapes and Geometries

#189 - David Sinclair - Extending the Human Lifespan Beyond 100 Years

#187 - Frank Wilczek - Physics of Quarks, Dark Matter, Complexity, Life & Aliens

#186 - Bryan Johnson - Kernel Brain-Computer Interfaces

#185 - Sam Harris - Consciousness, Free Will, Psychedelics, AI, UFOs, and Meaning

#184 - Katherine de Kleer - Planets, Moons, and Asteroids in Our Solar System

#183 - Po-Shen Loh - Mathematics, Math Olympiad, Combinatorics & Contact Tracing

#181 - Sergey Nazarov: Chainlink, Smart Contracts, and Oracle Networks

#180 - Jeremi Suri - History of American Power

#178 - Michael Malice and Yaron Brook - Ayn Rand, Human Nature, and Anarchy

#176 - Robert Breedlove - Philosophy of Bitcoin from First Principles

#175 - Yannis Pappas - History and Comedy

#174 - Tyler Cowen - Economic Growth and the Fight Against Conformity and Mediocrity

#173 - Nic Carter - Bitcoin Core Values, Layered Scaling, and Blocksize Debates

#172 - Ryan Schiller - Librex and the Free Exchange of Ideas on College Campuses

#171 - Anthony Pompliano - Bitcoin

#170 - Ronald Sullivan - The Ideal of Justice in the Face of Controversy and Evil

#169 - Ryan Hall - Solving Martial Arts from First Principles

#168 - Silvio Micali - Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, Algorand, Bitcoin, and Ethereum

#167 - Saagar Enjeti - Politics, History, and Power

#166 - Cal Newport - Deep Work, Focus, Productivity, Email, and Social Media

#165 - Josh Barnett - Philosophy of Violence, Power, and the Martial Arts

#164 - Andrew Huberman - Sleep, Dreams, Creativity, Fasting, and Neuroplasticity

#162 - Jim Keller - The Future of Computing, AI, Life, and Consciousness

#161 - Jason Calacanis - Startups, Angel Investing, Capitalism, and Friendship

#159 - Richard Craib - WallStreetBets, Numerai, and the Future of Stock Trading

#157 - Natalya Bailey - Rocket Engines and Electric Spacecraft Propulsion

#156 - Tim Dillon - Comedy, Power, Conspiracy Theories, and Freedom

#155 - Max Tegmark - AI and Physics

#154 - Avi Loeb - Aliens, Black Holes, and the Mystery of the Oumuamua

#153 - Dmitry Korkin - Evolution of Proteins, Viruses, Life, and AI

#152 - Dan Gable - Olympic Wrestling, Mental Toughness & the Making of Champions

#151 - Dan Kokotov - Speech Recognition with AI and Humans

#150 - Michael Malice - The White Pill, Freedom, Hope, and Happiness Amidst Chaos

#149 - Diana Walsh Pasulka - Aliens, Technology, Religion & the Nature of Belief

#147 - Dmitri Dolgov - Waymo and the Future of Self-Driving Cars

#145 - Matthew Johnson - Psychedelics

#144 - Michael Littman - Reinforcement Learning and the Future of AI

#143 - John Clarke - The Art of Fighting and the Pursuit of Excellence

#142 - Manolis Kellis - Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything

#141 - Erik Brynjolfsson - Economics of AI, Social Networks, and Technology

#140 - Lisa Feldman Barrett - Love, Evolution, and the Human Brain

#138 - Yaron Brook - Ayn Rand and the Philosophy of Objectivism

#132 - George Hotz - Hacking the Simulation & Learning to Drive with Neural Nets

#129 - Lisa Feldman Barrett - Counterintuitive Ideas About How the Brain Works

#128 - Michael Malice - Anarchy, Democracy, Libertarianism, Love, and Trolling

#127 - Joe Rogan - Conversations, Ideas, Love, Freedom & the Joe Rogan Experience

#125 - Ryan Hall - Martial Arts and the Philosophy of Violence, Power, and Grace

#124 - Stephen Wolfram - Fundamental Theory of Physics, Life, and the Universe | Lex Fridman Podcast

#121 - Eugenia Kuyda - Friendship with an AI Companion

#120 - François Chollet - Measures of Intelligence

#119 - David Eagleman - Neuroplasticity and the Livewired Brain

#118 - Grant Sanderson - Math, Manim, Neural Networks & Teaching with 3Blue1Brown

#117 - Sheldon Solomon - Death and Meaning

#116 - Sara Seager - Search for Planets and Life Outside Our Solar System

#115 - Dileep George - Brain-Inspired AI

#114 - Russ Tedrake - Underactuated Robotics, Control, Dynamics and Touch

#112 - Ian Hutchinson - Nuclear Fusion, Plasma Physics, and Religion

#109 - Brian Kernighan - UNIX, C, AWK, AMPL, and Go Programming

#107 - Peter Singer - Suffering in Humans, Animals, and AI

#104 - David Patterson - Computer Architecture and Data Storage

#103 - Ben Goertzel - Artificial General Intelligence

#102 - Steven Pressfield - The War of Art

#96 - Stephen Schwarzman - Going Big in Business, Investing, and AI

#92 - Harry Cliff - Particle Physics and the Large Hadron Collider

#91 - Jack Dorsey - Square, Cryptocurrency, and Artificial Intelligence

#89 - Stephen Wolfram - Cellular Automata, Computation, and Physics

#87 - Richard Dawkins - Evolution, Intelligence, Simulation, and Memes

#86 - David Silver - AlphaGo, AlphaZero, and Deep Reinforcement Learning

#85 - Roger Penrose - Physics of Consciousness and the Infinite Universe

#84 - William MacAskill - Effective Altruism

#83 - Nick Bostrom - Simulation and Superintelligence

#82 - Simon Sinek - Leadership, Hard Work, Optimism and the Infinite Game

#81 - Anca Dragan - Human-Robot Interaction and Reward Engineering

#80 - Vitalik Buterin - Ethereum, Cryptocurrency, and the Future of Money

#79 - Lee Smolin - Quantum Gravity and Einstein's Unfinished Revolution

#76 - John Hopfield - Physics View of the Mind and Neurobiology

#75 - Marcus Hutter - Universal Artificial Intelligence, AIXI, and AGI

#69 - David Chalmers - The Hard Problem of Consciousness

#67 - Paul Krugman - Economics of Innovation, Automation, Safety Nets & UBI

#65 - Daniel Kahneman - Thinking Fast and Slow, Deep Learning, and AI

#62 - Donald Knuth - Algorithms, Complexity, and The Art of Computer Programming

#61 - Melanie Mitchell - Concepts, Analogies, Common Sense & Future of AI

#60 - Jim Gates - Supersymmetry, String Theory and Proving Einstein Right

#59 - Sebastian Thrun - Flying Cars, Autonomous Vehicles, and Education

#58 - Michael Stevens - Vsauce

#56 - Judea Pearl - Causal Reasoning, Counterfactuals, and the Path to AGI

#55 - Whitney Cummings - Comedy, Robotics, Neurology, and Love

#54 - Ray Dalio - Principles, the Economic Machine, AI & the Arc of Life

#52 - Gilbert Strang - Linear Algebra, Teaching, and MIT OpenCourseWare

#50 - Michael Kearns - Algorithmic Fairness, Privacy & Ethics

#48 - Bjarne Stroustrup - C++

#47 - Sean Carroll - Quantum Mechanics and the Many-Worlds Interpretation

#46 - Garry Kasparov - Chess, Deep Blue, AI, and Putin


Book recommendations from the Lex Fridman Podcast

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