collinmcneese / azure-jit-deploy-runners

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repository contains reusable GitHub Actions workflows for managing Just-In-Time (JIT) runners in Azure. The workflows authenticate with Azure using OIDC, and provide the ability to create and delete JIT runners.

This repository is for example reference only.


This workflow creates a JIT runner in Azure. It takes several inputs such as runner_name_prefix, runner_group, runner_type, runner_resource_group, and Azure credentials. The runner details are provided back to the calling workflow as outputs.

Inputs, Secrets, and Outputs - reusable-create-jit-runner.yml

  • Inputs:
    • environment: The GitHub environment to use for the deployment (e.g., production, staging).
    • runner_name_prefix: The prefix for the JIT runner name. The runner name will be generated as <runner_name_prefix>-<counter>.
    • runner_count: The number of runners to create.
    • runner_group: The group to which the JIT runner belongs.
    • runner_type: The type of JIT runner (e.g., container, vm).
    • runner_resource_group: The resource group in which to create the JIT runner.
    • runner_vnet: The virtual network in which to create the JIT runner.
    • runner_type: The type of JIT runner (e.g., container, vm). container is the only method supported type at this time.
  • Secrets:
    • az_client_id: The Azure client ID for authentication.
    • az_subscription_id: The Azure subscription ID for authentication.
    • az_tenant_id: The Azure tenant ID for authentication.
graph LR
  subgraph AzureCLI
    B{Authenticate with Azure OIDC}
    C[Generate Runner Token]
    D[Create JIT Runner]
    subgraph RunnerToken
      f(fetch key from AKV)
      g(generate token with GitHub API)
      f --> g --> C

  subgraph Inputs
    runner_name_prefix --> D
    runner_count --> D
    runner_group --> D
    runner_type --> D
    runner_resource_group --> D

  subgraph Secrets
    az_client_id --> B
    az_subscription_id --> B
    az_tenant_id --> B

  A --> B
  B --> f
  C --> D
  D --> E

Dependencies - reusable-create-jit-runner.yml

  • Azure CLI: The workflow uses the Azure CLI to authenticate with Azure and create the JIT runner. The Azure CLI must be installed in the runner environment.
  • Azure Subscription: The workflow requires an Azure subscription to authenticate with Azure. The subscription ID, client ID, and tenant ID must be provided as secrets to authenticate with OIDC.
  • Azure Identity and Roles: The workflow requires that the Azure identity used to authenticate has the necessary permissions to create the JIT runner.
  • Azure Resource Group: The workflow requires that an existing resource group be provided as input to create the JIT runner.
  • JIT Runner Name Prefix and Count: The workflow requires the prefix name of the JIT runner to create as input, along with the count of runners to create. The runner names will be generated as <runner_name_prefix>-<counter> and created in the provided runner_resource_group.

Usage - reusable-create-jit-runner.yml

This workflow is designed to be used as reusable workflows in other repositories. To use a workflow, reference it in the uses field of a job in your workflow file, and provide the necessary inputs.

For example:

    uses: {owner}/{repository}/.github/workflows/reusable-create-jit-runner.yml@main
      runner_group: 'my-runner-group-name'
      runner_type: 'container'
      runner_resource_group: 'my-resource-group-name'
      runner_name: 'my-runner001'
      runner_count: 1
      az_client_id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}
      az_subscription_id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}
      az_tenant_id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}


This workflow deletes a JIT runner in Azure. It takes the runner_name and runner_resource_group as inputs, along with Azure credentials.

Inputs, Secrets, and Outputs - reusable-delete-jit-runner.yml

  • Inputs:
    • environment: The GitHub environment to use for the deployment (e.g., production, staging).
    • runner_name_prefix: The prefix name of the JIT runner to delete. This will be used along with the runner_count to generate the runner names to delete.
    • runner_count: The number of runners to delete.
    • runner_resource_group: The resource group in which the JIT runner exists.
  • Secrets:
    • az_client_id: The Azure client ID for authentication.
    • az_subscription_id: The Azure subscription ID for authentication.
    • az_tenant_id: The Azure tenant ID for authentication.
graph LR
  subgraph AzureCLI
    B{Authenticate with Azure OIDC}
    C[Delete JIT Runner]

  subgraph Inputs
    runner_name_prefix --> C
    runner_count --> C
    runner_resource_group --> C
  subgraph Secrets
    az_client_id --> B
    az_subscription_id --> B
    az_tenant_id --> B

  A --> B
  B --> C
  C --> D

Dependencies - reusable-delete-jit-runner.yml

  • Azure CLI: The workflow uses the Azure CLI to authenticate with Azure and delete the JIT runner. The Azure CLI must be installed in the runner environment.
  • Azure Subscription: The workflow requires an Azure subscription to authenticate with Azure. The subscription ID, client ID, and tenant ID must be provided as secrets to authenticate with OIDC.
  • Azure Identity and Roles: The workflow requires that the Azure identity used to authenticate has the necessary permissions to delete the JIT runner.
  • Azure Resource Group: The workflow requires that an existing resource group be provided as input to delete the JIT runner.
  • JIT Runner Prefix Name and Count: The workflow requires the prefix name of the JIT runner to delete as input, along with the count of runners to delete. The runner names will be generated as <runner_name_prefix>-<counter> and deleted from the provided runner_resource_group.

Usage - reusable-delete-jit-runner.yml

This workflow is designed to be used as reusable workflows in other repositories. To use a workflow, reference it in the uses field of a job in your workflow file, and provide the necessary inputs.

For example:

    uses: {owner}/{repository}/.github/workflows/reusable-delete-jit-runner.yml@main
      runner_name: 'my-runner001'
      runner_resource_group: 'my-resource-group-name'
      az_client_id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}
      az_subscription_id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}
      az_tenant_id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}

Example Usage

The following example demonstrates how to use the reusable workflows in a repository to create a JIT runner, execute a job on the runner, and then delete the runner.

name: Deploy with JIT Runner

      - main

#  set-oidc-claim:
#    permissions:
#      actions: write
#    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
#    steps:
#      - name: Update OIDC claim
#        run: |
#          gh extensions install tspascoal/gh-oidc-sub
#          gh oidc-sub set --repo ${{ github.repository }} --subs "job_workflow_ref"
#          gh oidc-sub get --repo ${{ github.repository }}
#        env:
#          GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
#    needs: set-oidc-claim
    uses: {owner}/{repository}/.github/workflows/reusable-create-jit-runner.yml@main
    id: create-jit-runner
      runner_group: 'my-runner-group-name'
      runner_name_prefix: 'my-runner001'
      runner_count: 1
      runner_type: 'container'
      runner_image: ''
      runner_resource_group: 'my-resource-group-name'
      runner_vnet: 'my-vnet-name'
      runner_location: 'eastus'
      runner_labels: 'label1,label2'
      environment: 'my-environment'
      # Secrets defined in the calling repository
      az_client_id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}
      az_subscription_id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}
      az_tenant_id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}

    name: Run Deployment
      group: 'my-runner-group-name'
    environment: 'my-environment'
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v4

      - name: Run deployment script
        run: ./deploy/

    uses: {owner}/{repository}/.github/workflows/reusable-delete-jit-runner.yml@main
    # Set dependencies to ensure the runner is deleted after the job completes
      - deploy
    # Always run the delete job, even if the deploy job fails
    if: always()
      runner_name_prefix: 'my-runner001'
      runner_count: 1
      runner_resource_group: 'my-resource-group-name'
      environment: 'my-environment'
      az_client_id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_CLIENT_ID }}
      az_subscription_id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID }}
      az_tenant_id: ${{ secrets.AZURE_TENANT_ID }}
#  default-oidc-claim:
#    needs: delete-jit-runner
#    if: always()
#    permissions:
#      actions: write
#    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
#    steps:
#      - name: Update OIDC claim
#        run: |
#          gh extensions install tspascoal/gh-oidc-sub
#          gh oidc-sub use-default --repo ${{ github.repository }}
#          gh oidc-sub get --repo ${{ github.repository }}
#        env:
#          GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
