colinc86 / Code-Logging-Creator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Code Logging Creator

Code Logging Creator (clc) is a command line utility that reads an Objective-C header file and creates a xm file to be compiled by the jailbreak development tool Theos and/or a mm file to be use with the CaptainHook framework. It writes hook methods and logs each method of the classes specified. It optionally includes @class and @interface declarations and allows the user to select which classes should be used. It is an alternative to Logify which can be obtained by installing Theos.


./clc [arguments] <inputFile> <outputFileName>

Arguments (optional)

Argument Description
-h Show the help screen.
-c Include class declarations in code.
-i Include interface declarations in code.
-l (Default) Create Logos code.
-ch Create CaptainHook code.

Input file (required)

A valid Objective-C header file.

Output file name (optional)

The name and location of the file to write to. If this value is not passed, then the created code is printed on-screen.


Example 1

Entering the following in Terminal reads the file ExampleHeader.h and generates a xm file with interface delcarations and hook methods.

$ ./clc -i ExampleHeader.h
Reading header file...


The user is prompted to enter a space-separated list of classes, or [ALL] to include all classes.

Enter a list of classes separated by spaces to log (Enter [ALL] to use every class): ClassA ClassC

A xm file is created and printed on-screen (or saved to file if a name is specified).

@interface ClassA
- (void)methodA;

%hook ClassA

- (void)methodA {


@interface ClassC
- (id)methodC:(int)arg;

%hook ClassC

- (id)methodC:(int)arg {
    return %orig(arg);


Example 2

Optionally, CaptianHook code files can be generated using the -ch argument.

$ ./clc -i -ch ExampleHeader.h

In Example 1, the final output would be the following.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "CaptainHook/CaptainHook.h"

@interface ClassA
- (void)methodA;


CHMethod(0, void, ClassA, methodA) {
    NSLog(@"ClassA: methodA");
    CHSuper(0, ClassA, methodA);

@interface ClassC
- (id)methodC:(int)arg;


CHMethod(1, id, ClassC, methodC, int, arg) {
    NSLog(@"ClassC: methodC");
    return CHSuper(1, ClassC, methodC, arg);

CHConstructor {

    CHHook(0, ClassA, methodA);
    CHHook(1, ClassC, methodC);



License:MIT License


Language:Objective-C 100.0%