colinbut / microservices-enterprise-application-deployments

microservice enterprise application deployment scripts

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Microservices Enterprise Application Deployments

This repository contains the deployments configuration scripts for each of the microservices in the Microservices Enterprise Application project: Microservices Enterprise Application

That microservices project microservices would each run in Kubernetes.

Kubernetes is a container orchestration framework/tool which provides management of containers.

To run this, one needs access to a Kubernetes cluster.

For locally, you can use Minikube. Assuming minikube is installed and also kubectl the kubernetes client tool..

Start Cluster

To start up the Kubernetes cluster.

minikube start

Deploy to Cluster

Apply deployment configuration scripts

kubectl apply -f [kubernetes-deployment-file]

for e.g. To deploy each of the microservices:

kubectl apply -f account-service/account-service-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f audit-service/audit-service-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f email-service/email-service-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f exclusion-service/exclusion-service-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f marketing-service/marketing-service-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f notification-service/notification-service-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f registration-email-service/registration-email-service-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f registration-service/registration-service-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f reporting-service/reporting-service-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f subscription-service/subscription-service-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f user-service/user-service-deployment.yml

Useful Kubectl Commands

kubectl get pods
kubectl get services
kubectl get deployments
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get replicaSets
kubectl logs [POD_NAME]
kubectl cluster-info
kubectl describe pod [POD_NAME]


microservice enterprise application deployment scripts