colin-fraser / tidyLP

Tidy Linear Programs

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{tidyLP} provides what I think is a handy and intuitive interface between data.frames and linear programs.


You can install the development version of tidyLP from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

A Very Simple Example

I’ll start with a classic: tables and chairs (modified from these slides by Zico Kolter at CMU). A furniture company makes tables and chairs. They are made of wood and metal. A table is made of 1 unit of metal and 3 units of wood, and when you sell a table you make a profit of $200. A chair is made of 2 units of metal and 1 unit of wood, and makes a profit of $100. We have 6,000 units of metal and 9,000 units of wood in inventory. How many tables and chairs should we make?

tl;dr, the solution looks like this:

df <- tibble::tribble(
  ~ product_type,~ metal_units, ~ wood_units, ~ profit,
  'table',                   1,            3,      200,
  'chair',                   2,            1,      100
df |> 
    # objective function
    # constraints
    metal_units ~ leq(6000),
    wood_units ~ leq(9000)
  ) |> 
  lp_solve() |> 
  bind_solution(name = 'quantity') |> 
  select(product_type, quantity)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#>   product_type quantity
#>   <chr>           <dbl>
#> 1 table            2400
#> 2 chair            1800


To start solving the problem with {tidyLP}, we need a data frame that expresses the information we need for the objective function and the constraints. This data frame should have the same number of rows as there are variables in the objective function. In this case, we are choosing a number of tables and a number of chairs, so the data frame should have two rows.

df <- tibble::tribble(
  ~ product_type, ~ metal_units, ~ wood_units, ~ profit,
  'table', 1, 3, 200,
  'chair', 2, 1, 100
#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#>   product_type metal_units wood_units profit
#>   <chr>              <dbl>      <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1 table                  1          3    200
#> 2 chair                  2          1    100

To build the linear programming problem, we use the tidy_lp function, whose signature looks like this:

  .direction = "max",
  .all_int = FALSE,
  .all_bin = FALSE

In its first argument, it takes the data frame. The second argument is reserved for the objective function, which can be specified just by naming a column from the data frame—in this case, we want to maximize profit, so that’s what it will be. Then we pass constraints as unnamed arguments to ... in a special format that uses some formula trickery. With the data frame formatted correctly, I find that it’s quite natural to formulate the problem with this interface. We want to do the following

  • Max profit
  • Use less than or equal to 6,000 metal units
  • Use less than or equal to 9,000 wood units

Using tidy_lp:

lp_problem <- tidy_lp(df,
                      metal_units ~ leq(6000),
                      wood_units ~ leq(9000))

The constraints are specified using a combination of formulas and some special helper functions—primarily, leq, geq, and eq, which are used on the right hand side of the formula to specify the direction of the constraint.

This builds the linear program, but does not solve it. To solve it, you pass lp_problem to lp_solve.

solution <- lp_solve(lp_problem)

It’s convenient to bind the solution to the original data frame, which puts the solution in a column called .solution.

bind_solution(solution) |> 
  select(product_type, .solution)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#>   product_type .solution
#>   <chr>            <dbl>
#> 1 table             2400
#> 2 chair             1800

Just to be sure, let’s have a closer look at the solution.

bind_solution(solution) |> 
  summarise(across(c(metal_units, wood_units, profit), ~sum(.x * .solution)))
#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
#>   metal_units wood_units profit
#>         <dbl>      <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1        6000       9000 660000

More complexity in the left hand side of the constraints

In addition to the constraints laid out above, there are a few more details.

  1. We only have enough warehouse space to store 1,000 tables.
  2. Chairs can be bought individually, but each table is sold with two chairs. We need to make sure to produce enough chairs that they can be bundled with the tables.

To specify these constraints in tidyLP, we can include column transformations on the left hand side of the constraint formula. Under the hood, whatever is on the left hand side of the constraint formula is passed through the data using dplyr::transmute, so anything that would work there works here. Thus, the first constraint can be specified as follows.

lp_problem <- lp_problem |> 
    (product_type == 'table') ~ leq(1000)

The second constraint can be built similarly. We need chairs >= 2 * tables. In tidyLP, constraints must be specified with a numeric right hand side, so rearrange this to give chairs - 2 * tables >= 0.

lp_problem <- lp_problem |> 
    (product_type == 'chair') - 2 * (product_type == 'table') ~ geq(0)

new_solution <- lp_problem |> 
  lp_solve() |> 
#> # A tibble: 2 × 5
#>   product_type metal_units wood_units profit .solution
#>   <chr>              <dbl>      <dbl>  <dbl>     <dbl>
#> 1 table                  1          3    200      1000
#> 2 chair                  2          1    100      2500

These constraints really eat into our profits!

new_solution |> 
  summarise(across(c(metal_units, wood_units, profit), ~sum(.x * .solution)))
#> # A tibble: 1 × 3
#>   metal_units wood_units profit
#>         <dbl>      <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1        6000       5500 450000

A more complex example: fantasy sports

The package includes a (modified, fake, DO NOT USE FOR REAL FANTASY TEAM BUILDING) fantasy basketball dataset.

#> # A tibble: 6 × 6
#>   Id          Position Name                  Projected_FP Salary Team 
#>   <chr>       <chr>    <chr>                        <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 82696-84669 PG       Luka Doncic                   64.6  11800 DAL  
#> 2 82696-40199 PF       Giannis Antetokounmpo         60.1  11600 MIL  
#> 3 82696-15755 PF       Anthony Davis                 51.1  10500 LAL  
#> 4 82696-80808 PF       Jayson Tatum                  47.9  10300 BOS  
#> 5 82696-9488  SF       LeBron James                  49.8  10200 LAL  
#> 6 82696-84671 PG       Trae Young                    45.8  10000 ATL

In fantasy basketball (Fanduel rules), the problem is to assemble a team of 9 players that scores the most fantasy points, staying under the salary cap of 60,000. This can be expressed as a binary linear program. A naive first attempt with tidyLP looks like this.

team <- fantasy_points |> 
    Projected_FP,  # objective function
    Salary ~ leq(60000),
    all_variables() ~ eq(9),
    .all_bin = TRUE  # indicates this is a binary LP
  ) |> 
  lp_solve() |> 
  bind_solution(filter_nonzero = TRUE) # only show rows where the solution is non-zero

team |> 
  select(Name, Position, Projected_FP, Salary)
#> # A tibble: 9 × 4
#>   Name                  Position Projected_FP Salary
#>   <chr>                 <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1 Luka Doncic           PG               64.6  11800
#> 2 Giannis Antetokounmpo PF               60.1  11600
#> 3 Terry Rozier          SG               47.7   7800
#> 4 Fred VanVleet         PG               49     7500
#> 5 Scottie Barnes        PF               49     6700
#> 6 Ricky Rubio           PG               30.3   3500
#> 7 Jaren Jackson         PF               32.9   3500
#> 8 Robert Williams       PF               31.1   3500
#> 9 Lonzo Ball            PG               32.9   3500

Just to double check, let’s make sure this team satisfies the salary cap constraint.

team |> 
#> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#>   `sum(Salary)`
#>           <dbl>
#> 1         59400

However, this is not actually a legal solution, because I’ve left out some important constraints. There are constraints around the distribution of positions: a legal team has two each of point guards, shooting guards, small forwards, and power forwards; and one center. We can use the same methods from the tables and chairs example to specify these constraints.

team <- fantasy_points |> 
    # objective function
    # constraints
    Salary ~ leq(60000),
    (Position == 'PG') ~ eq(2),
    (Position == 'SG') ~ eq(2),
    (Position == 'SF') ~ eq(2),
    (Position == 'PF') ~ eq(2),
    (Position == 'C') ~ eq(1),
    # additional arguments
    .all_bin = TRUE
  ) |> 
  lp_solve() |> 
  bind_solution(filter_nonzero = TRUE)

team |> 
  select(Name, Position, Projected_FP, Salary)
#> # A tibble: 9 × 4
#>   Name              Position Projected_FP Salary
#>   <chr>             <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl>
#> 1 Donovan Mitchell  SG               50.9   9500
#> 2 Pascal Siakam     C                50.8   9500
#> 3 Terry Rozier      SG               47.7   7800
#> 4 Brandon Ingram    SF               36.5   7600
#> 5 Fred VanVleet     PG               49     7500
#> 6 Scottie Barnes    PF               49     6700
#> 7 Bogdan Bogdanovic SF               27.2   4000
#> 8 Jaren Jackson     PF               32.9   3500
#> 9 Lonzo Ball        PG               32.9   3500

Just to make sure, let’s check that the constraints are satisfied.

team |> 
#> # A tibble: 5 × 2
#>   Position     n
#>   <chr>    <int>
#> 1 C            1
#> 2 PF           2
#> 3 PG           2
#> 4 SF           2
#> 5 SG           2
team |> 
#> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#>   `sum(Salary)`
#>           <dbl>
#> 1         59600

Categorical Constraints

However, there’s yet another set of constraints: we can only have at most 2 players from any single NBA team.

team |> 
#> # A tibble: 7 × 2
#>   Team      n
#>   <chr> <int>
#> 1 ATL       1
#> 2 CHA       1
#> 3 CHI       1
#> 4 CLE       1
#> 5 MEM       1
#> 6 NO        1
#> 7 TOR       3

This solution has too many Raptors. One way to specify these constraints is to continue the same way that we specified the position constriants.

fantasy_points |> 
    # objective function
    # constraints
    Salary ~ leq(60000),
    (Position == 'PG') ~ eq(2),
    (Position == 'SG') ~ eq(2),
    (Position == 'SF') ~ eq(2),
    (Position == 'PF') ~ eq(2),
    (Position == 'C') ~ eq(1),
    (Team == 'ATL') ~ leq(2),
    (Team == 'BOS') ~ leq(2),

But this would be very tedious. Instead, we can use another trick, which is to specify a categorical_constraint. A categorical_constraint is actually a set of constraints, one for each unique value in the specified column.

team <- fantasy_points |> 
    # objective function
    # constraints
    Salary ~ leq(60000),
    (Position == 'PG') ~ eq(2),
    (Position == 'SG') ~ eq(2),
    (Position == 'SF') ~ eq(2),
    (Position == 'PF') ~ eq(2),
    (Position == 'C') ~ eq(1),
    categorical_constraint(Team) ~ leq(2),
    # additional arguments
    .all_bin = TRUE
  ) |> 
  lp_solve() |> 
  bind_solution(filter_nonzero = TRUE)

team |> 
  select(Name, Position, Projected_FP, Salary, Team)
#> # A tibble: 9 × 5
#>   Name              Position Projected_FP Salary Team 
#>   <chr>             <chr>           <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 Luka Doncic       PG               64.6  11800 DAL  
#> 2 Donovan Mitchell  SG               50.9   9500 CLE  
#> 3 Pascal Siakam     C                50.8   9500 TOR  
#> 4 Terry Rozier      SG               47.7   7800 CHA  
#> 5 Scottie Barnes    PF               49     6700 TOR  
#> 6 Bogdan Bogdanovic SF               27.2   4000 ATL  
#> 7 Jaren Jackson     PF               32.9   3500 MEM  
#> 8 Danilo Gallinari  SF               20.5   3500 BOS  
#> 9 Lonzo Ball        PG               32.9   3500 CHI


Tidy Linear Programs



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