colima / redcap-repeat

Script for REDCap data dictionaries to support repeating fields and groups of fields.

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REDCap™ Repeat Script

This is a script for REDCap™ data dictionaries written by CBMi to support repeating fields and groups of fields. It also features custom convenience datatypes for things like "minimum and maximum" and "checkbox with other".

REDCap™ is a great tool. It allows anyone to quickly and easily create and share case report forms and surveys. But sometimes to capture common concepts, or multiple instances of a single concept, you need to create groups of fields with complex branching logic over and over. This script helps solve this problem. It allows you to annotate an existing REDCap™ data dictionary with special directives (for example, "this field can repeat 3 times") and produces a data dictionary that just works.

How it works

  1. Create your data dictionary in Excel as usual, using the commands and types described below where convenient.
  2. Run the dictionary through the Repeat script.
  3. Upload the dictionary created by the script to REDCap™.

If you need to make a change to the dictionary, you make it to your original data dictionary and repeat steps 2 and 3.


Repeating fields

REDCap™ does not support the ability to specify that a given field repeats a variable number of times. For example, specifying a list of medications requires creating a number of medicine fields and various complex branching schemes. This script can help.

The Basics

To specify that a field should repeat, use the following in the field name column:

<field_name> repeat <maximum number of times field repeats> <Name of Repeat>

The <Name of Repeat> attribute will be used to construct a question asking the user how many times the field repeats. For example

Field Name Field Type Field Label Branching Logic
medication repeat 3 Patient Medication text Patient medication

will become:

Field Name Field Type Field Label Text Validation Type Text Validation Min Text Validation Max Branching Logic
medication_group_no text How many patient medications would you like to enter? number 0 3
medication1 text Patient medication 1 [medication_group_no] >= 1
medication2 text Patient medication 2 [medication_group_no] >= 2
medication3 text Patient medication 3 [medication_group_no] >= 3

Controlling the Field Label

By default, when creating the field label for a repeated field, the preprocess script looks for the <Name of Repeat> in the Field Label and puts a number after it. If that behavior is not what you want, you can control where the number goes by putting $d in the field label. Use $s if you would like the number to be of the style 1st, 2nd, 10th, etc. For example

Field Name Field Type Field Label Branching Logic
medication repeat 3 Patient Medication text $s patient medication

will become:

Field Name Field Type Field Label Text Validation Type Text Validation Min Text Validation Max Branching Logic
medication_group_no text How many patient medications would you like to enter? number 0 3
medication1 text 1st patient medication [medication_group_no] >= 1
medication2 text 2nd patient medication [medication_group_no] >= 2
medication3 text 3rd Patient medication [medication_group_no] >= 3

Controlling the Field Name

By default, the generated Field Names for repeated groups just place a number at the end. If you would like the number to go elsewhere, put ${d} anywhere in the Field Label.

For example:

Field Name Field Type Field Label Branching Logic
gene${d}_name repeat 4 Gene text Gene $d name

will become:

Field Name Field Type Field Label Text Validation Type Text Validation Min Text Validation Max Branching Logic
gene_group_no text How many genes do you want to enter? number 0 4
gene1_name text Gene 1 name [gene_group_no] >= 1
gene2_name text Gene 2 name [gene_group_no] >= 2
gene3_name text Gene 3 name [gene_group_no] >= 3
gene4_name text Gene 4 name [gene_group_no] >= 4

Repeating groups of fields

Sometimes you want a group of fields to repeat instead of just a single field. For example, you might be trying to capture date and result of a series of hand xrays. To do this, follow the same rules for single field repeats except change "repeat" to "startrepeat" and terminate the repeating group by putting "endrepeat" after the Field Label of the last field in the group. For example:

Field Name Field Type Field Label Choices Text Validation Type Branching Logic
xray_date startrepeat 3 xray text $s xray data date
xray_hand radio $s xray hand 1, Right | 2, Left
xray_result endrepeat notes Result of $s xray

will become:

Field Name Field Type Field Label Choices Text Validation Type Text Validation Min Text Validation Max Branching Logic
xray_group_no text How many xrays do you want to enter? number 0 3
xray_date1 text 1st xray date date [xray_group_no] >= 1
xray_hand1 radio 1st xray hand 1, Right | 2, Left [xray_group_no] >= 1
xray_result1 notes Result of 1st xray [xray_group_no] >= 1
xray_date2 text 2nd xray date date [xray_group_no] >= 2
xray_hand2 radio 2nd xray hand 1, Right | 2, Left [xray_group_no] >= 2
xray_result2 notes Result of 2nd xray [xray_group_no] >= 2
xray_date3 text 3rd xray date date [xray_group_no] >= 3
xray_hand3 radio 3rd xray hand 1, Right | 2, Left [xray_group_no] >= 3
xray_result3 notes Result of 3rd xray [xray_group_no] >= 3

Nesting groups of repeating fields

Sometimes a single group of repeating fields may not be enough. For example, you might be trying to capture a list of medications, each with a list of side affects. To accomplish this you can nest startrepeat-endrepeat groups or single repeat fields inside of other startrepeat-endrepeat groups. The behavior should be just as you would expect. The only additional functionality is that you can use $s1 or $d1 in Field Labels to refer to the iteration of outer groups. For example, $s will always refer to the current (innermost) group, and $1 will always refer to the outermost group. If you had 2 nested groups, $1 would refer to the iteration of the outermost group, $2 would refer to the iteration of the middle group, and $s would still refer to the iteration of the innermost group. Examples should clear this up.

Field Name | Field Type | Field Label | Text Validation Type | Branching Logic ---------------------------------------------------|------------------|---------------------|----------------------|-----------------------|---------------- medication${d}_name startrepeat 3 Medication | text | $s medication name | | sideaffect repeat 3 Side Affect | text | $s side affect of medication $d1 | | medication${d}_date endrepeat | text | Date $s medication taken | date |

will become:

Field Name Field Type Field Label Text Validation Type Text Validation Min Text Validation Max Branching Logic
med_group_no text How many medications do you want to enter? number 0 3
med1_name text 1st medication name [med_group_no] >= 1
med1_sideaffect_group_no text How many side affects do you want to enter? number 0 3 [med_group_no] >= 1
med1_sideaffect1 text 1st side affect for medication 1 [med1_sideaffect_group_no] >= 1
med1_sideaffect2 text 2nd side affect for medication 1 [med1_sideaffect_group_no] >= 2
med1_sideaffect3 text 3rd side affect for medication 1 [med1_sideaffect_group_no] >= 3
med1_date text Date 1st medication taken date [med_group_no] >= 1
med2_name text 2nd medication name [med_group_no] >= 2
med2_sideaffect_group_no text How many side affects do you want to enter? number 0 3 [med_group_no] >= 2
med2_sideaffect1 text 1st side affect for medication 2 [med2_sideaffect_group_no] >= 1
med2_sideaffect2 text 2nd side affect for medication 2 [med2_sideaffect_group_no] >= 2
med2_sideaffect3 text 3rd side affect for medication 2 [med2_sideaffect_group_no] >= 3
med2_date text Date 2nd medication taken date [med_group_no] >= 2
med3_name text 3rd medication name [med_group_no] >= 3
med3_sideaffect_group_no text How many side affects do you want to enter? number 0 3 [med_group_no] >= 3
med3_sideaffect1 text 1st side affect for medication 3 [med3_sideaffect_group_no] >= 1
med3_sideaffect2 text 2nd side affect for medication 3 [med3_sideaffect_group_no] >= 2
med3_sideaffect3 text 3rd side affect for medication 3 [med3_sideaffect_group_no] >= 3
med3_date text Date 3rd medication taken date [med_group_no] >= 3

If a nested repeating group or field is actually the last field of its parent group then add a blank row with the following as Field Name (note the leading space):

" endrepeat"

For example, in the above example, if you wanted the side affects to be the last thing entered for each medication (rather than the date), it would have to look like this:

Field Name | Field Type | Field Label | Text Validation Type | Branching Logic ---------------------------------------------------|------------------|---------------------|----------------------|-----------------------|---------------- medication${d}_name startrepeat 3 Medication | text | $s medication name | | medication${d}_date | text | Date $s medication taken | date | sideaffect repeat 3 Side Affect | text | $s side affect of medication $d1 | |  endrepeat | | | |

Repeating field prompt modes

By default, the script will generate a question before each repeating item asking how many you would like to enter and then show that many instances of the field. There are two other modes controlled by flags on the command prompt. Using -a will cause the script to automatically show the first instance of the repeating item, and as the first field in each repeating group of fields is filled in, it will show the next repeating field. Using the -p flag will cause the script to add a checkbox field after each repeating group asking if you would like to enter another.

Branching logic details

The script will try to preserve any branching logic you put in place ahead of time while inserting any necessary additional logic. The intention is that it should work as one would expect. If a situation is encountered where this is not true, please report it.

Custom fields within repeating fields/groups

Custom field types (described below) should work seamlessly with repeating fields and should not require any additional work. If any bugs are encountered, please report them.

Custom Datatypes - Specify commonly used field types in one line

Instead of manually creating multiple RedCap™ fields to capture data for what is ultimately a single discrete value, use a custom type, and let this script do all the hard work. A list of all available custom datatypes can be found on the wiki. Let's see a few examples.

Minimum and Maximum

Instead of creating two RedCap™ number fields to capture a range of numbers, just use the minmax field type. Give the script this:

Field Name Field Type Field Label Text Validation Type
temp minmax Temperature $placeholder number

and it will turn it into this:

Field Name Field Type Field Label Text Validation Type
temp_minimum text Temperature minimum number
temp_maximum text Temperature maximum number

All other columns will be preserved just as you would expect.

Checkbox with Other

Specify checkbox_other to automatically create a checkbox field followed by a text field to specify further details. The branching logic to only show the details field when the Other choice is selected will be written for you.

Field Name Field Type Field Label Choices
relative checkbox_other Affected relatives 1, Mom | 2, Dad | 3, Other

will become:

Field Name Field Type Field Label Choices Branching Logic
relative checkbox Affected relatives 1, Mom | 2, Dad | 3, Other
relative_other text Other Affected relatives [relative(3)] = '1'

Controlling the language used in the Field Label for generated fields

The script tries to use very generic language for generated Field Labels. Placing a pipe in the Field Label field followed by something like this

Please specify $placeholder relative

will allow you to control the generated Field Label, producing this

Please specify other relative

A specific example:

Field Name Field Type Field Label Choices
temp checkbox_other Affected relatives | Please specify $placeholder affected relative 1, Mom | 2, Dad | 3, Other

will become:

Field Name Field Type Field Label Choices Branching Logic
temp checkbox Affected relatives 1, Mom | 2, Dad | 3, Other
temp_other text Please specify other affected relative [temp(3)] = '1'

Checkbox with details for each option

Similar to checkbox_other, the checkbox_details type will create textbox fields that will show for each checkbox selected. It works the same way as the checkbox_other except for creating additionally conditional fields.

Radio/Dropdown other and Radio/Dropdown with details

There are equivalent custom types for radio and dropdown (radio_other, radio_details, dropdown_other, and dropdown_details) that work exactly the same as the checkbox_other and checkbox_details types.

Age in weeks and days

The custom type age_weeks_days will create the two individual week and day fields with the correct range restrictions. This is especially useful for capturing gestational age.

For example:

Field Name Field Type Field Label Min Value Max Value
gestational_age age_weeks_days Gestational age $placeholder


Field Name Field Type Field Label Min Value Max Value
gestational_age_weeks text Gestational age in weeks 0 52
gestational_age_days text Gestational age in days 0 6

Age in years and months

There is a custom field available for age in years and months as well. Specify the type as age_years_months to use it. It works exactly the same as age_weeks_days

Value with Units

For a measurement and value that requires units to be specified, use the value_with_units custom type.

Field Name Field Type Field Label
potassium_level value_with_units Potassium level


Field Name Field Type Field Label Text Validation Type
potassium_level text Potassium level number
potassium_level_units text Potassium level units

Convenience unit types

There are two convenience unit types that work the same way as value_with_unit, but instead of a free text input for units, provide a dropdown with specific choices. These are

  • weight_value_with_units
  • height_value_with_units


This is beta software. It has been used internally for one complex project but there are sure to be unexpected edge cases. Please make sure to backup any data dictionary files you run through the script. This has not been test on calculated fields used within repeating groups.


The script is written in python. It has no required external dependencies, but you may want to install the python inflector package which will help properly pluralize repeating item names in generated questions. To install the inflector, issue the following from the command prompt:

easy_install inflector

To execute the script, call it from the command prompt as follows:

python "name of input file" "name of output file"

Use the -h flag to see a description of available options.


Script for REDCap data dictionaries to support repeating fields and groups of fields.


Language:Python 100.0%