cofinley / content-difficulty-metrics

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Content Difficulty Metrics

An older project from 2021 that I'm now uploading here for posterity/archiving.

This project attempted to derive the 'difficulty' of subtitled media using NLP. This was used in hopes of automating the search for comprehensible input. Using various metrics of the subtitles (vocab used and its frequency/commonality in the language, words per sentence, words per minute, grammar structures per sentence, amount of proper noun usage, etc.), one could compare them between media to get an estimate of relative difficulty.

This idea only went so far; not everything is subtitled and auto-generated subtitles don't have good sentence boundaries on which the metrics rely. I transfer-learned my own huggingface model (model construction repo here) to do sentence boundary detection (SBD) using a corpus from opensubtitles. The model had good results, but even after collecting metrics, I didn't find that the rankings between the media were accurate. You can see some cursory results that were brought into a Google Sheet here.

Note: this was for French and has some hardcoded French things (like frequency list in, SBD model in I'm just committing this to put it out there for now.


Each step of the pipeline is self-contained in order to save intermediate states. Processing can take a lot of time and this helps work more iteratively, so as to not lose all work at the end.

  1. Get subtitles
    • Single file dropped into its own folder (e.g data/subtitles/Amélie/Amé
    • Youtube channel
  2. For each channel/TV series/movie:
    1. Combine subtitles for easier processing
    2. Extract sentences from subtitle cues
    3. Calculate difficulty metrics for each sentence
    4. Aggregate all sentence metrics into a single summary
  3. Store/display summary metrics for further analysis

Youtube Channel


Link can be a channel, playlist, or video

Combine Subtitles

python src/ [--content-title CONTENT_FOLDER_NAME]

If content folder name specified with --content-title (relative to data/subtitles), only that folder's subtitles will be processed, otherwise process all folders in data/subtitles.



Language:Python 100.0%