coffee-lady / Yandex-Games

YaGames is the Yandex.Games extension for the Defold game engine.

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YaGames - Yandex.Games for Defold

This is an open-source project. It is not affiliated with Yandex LLC.

YaGames is the Yandex.Games extension for the Defold game engine. Yandex.Games is a collection of browser games for smartphones and computers. The games are available in Yandex Browser and the Yandex app. Games from the catalog are displayed in Yandex recommendation systems, which have a total audience of more than 50 million users per month.

You can check here the size of Yandex.Games audience. The platform is constantly growing.


You can use it in your own project by adding this project as a Defold library dependency. Open your game.project file and in the dependencies field under project add:

Or point to the ZIP file of a specific release.

Note: Use version 0.2.0 for the old Defold 1.2.177 or lower.

Getting Started

Checklist For Releasing Game

  1. Sign up as a developer.
  2. Translate your game to the Russian language.
  3. Prepare assets for the catalogue:
    1. Icon 512 x 512 px.
    2. Cover 800 x 470 px.
    3. Screenshots.
  4. Add the extension as a Defold library dependency to your project. You can publish your game on Yandex.Games from this moment. It fully meets the requirements.
  5. Enable monetization and earn revenue from placing ad blocks in your game. Ad blocks are available in the following formats:
    1. Interstitial blocks - ad blocks that completely cover the app background and show up at certain points (for example, when accessing the next game level). Important: Mute sounds before showing the ad.
    2. Rewarded videos - blocks with video ads that the user can choose to view and earn a reward or in-game currency. Important: Mute sounds before showing the ad.
    3. RTB ad blocks (banners) - display both contextual (content-based) ads and media ads.
    4. In-game purchases - earn revenue by providing paid services to your users.
  6. (Optional) Enable Native Cache support.
    1. Set the path to the file yandex-manifest.json in the game.project settings.
    2. Copy the yagames/manifests/web/yandex-manifest.json file to the root directory of your release build.
    3. Edit the list of all game files inside your yandex-manifest.json, and update the path to the icon. Omit sw.js and yandex-manifest.json.
  7. (Optional) Enable Service Worker support - browser games should run both offline and online, however unstable or slow the web connection might be. To meet these criteria, integrate Service Worker into your game.
    1. Set the path to the file sw.js in the game.project settings.
    2. Copy the yagames/manifests/web/sw.js file to the root directory of your release build.
    3. Edit the list of all game files inside your sw.js. Omit sw.js and yandex-manifest.json.
    4. You should increment the version inside sw.js on every update of your game on Yandex.Games.
  8. Publish your game in the Yandex.Games catalogue.

Best Practices

  1. The YaGames extension imitates a real API on non-HTML5 platforms. The idea is to allow to you quickly implement API on your favourite platform (macOS, Windows, Linux) and don't spend time on slowly rebuilding/uploading the game to the Yandex.
  2. The code from yagames/manifests/web/engine_template.html is always added to your HTML5 template. This behaviour can't be disabled. Tip: make supporting Git branches for every platform and do not mix specific code between them.

Code Examples

Take a look at the demo project inside example directory. It has quite a few buttons to test all APIs. You can use it in your game as a debug screen.

YaGames Demo

1. Initialization

To get started, you need to initialize the SDK using the init method.

local yagames = require("yagames.yagames")

local function init_handler(self, err)
    if err then
        print("Something bad happened :(", err)

function init(self)

2. Interstitial Ad

Interstitial ads are ad blocks that completely cover the app background and show up before a user gets the data requested (for example, accessing the next game level).

Don't call interstitial ads more often than once every three minutes. The ad window may fail to open if the calls are too frequent.

  • open - Called when an ad is opened successfully.
  • close - Called when an ad is closed, an error occurred, or on ad failed to open due to too frequent calls. Used with the was_shown argument (type boolean), the value of which indicates whether an ad was shown.
  • offline - Called when the network connection is lost (when offline mode is enabled).
  • error - Called when an error occurrs. The error object is passed to the callback function.

The close callback is called in any situations, even if there was an error.

local yagames = require("yagames.yagames")

local function adv_open(self)
    -- You should switch off all sounds!

local function adv_close(self, was_shown)
    -- You can switch sounds back!

local function adv_offline(self)
    -- Internet is offline

local function adv_error(self, err)
    -- Something wrong happened :(

function on_message(self, message_id, message)
    if message_id == hash("show_fullscreen_adv") then
            open = adv_open,
            close = adv_close,
            offline = adv_offline,
            error = adv_error

3. Rewarded Videos

Rewarded videos are video ad blocks used to monetize games and earn a reward or in-game currency.

  • open - Called when a video ad is displayed on the screen.
  • rewarded - Called when a video ad impression is counted. Use this function to specify a reward for viewing the video ad.
  • close - Called when a user closes a video ad or an error happens.
  • error - Called when an error occurrs. The error object is passed to the callback function.

The close callback is called in any situations, even if there was an error.

local yagames = require("yagames.yagames")

local function rewarded_open(self)
    -- You should switch off all sounds!

local function rewarded_rewarded(self)
    -- Add coins!

local function rewarded_close(self)
    -- You can switch sounds back!

local function rewarded_error(self, err)
    -- Something wrong happened :(

function on_message(self, message_id, message)
    if message_id == hash("show_rewarded_video") then
            open = rewarded_open,
            rewarded = rewarded_rewarded,
            close = rewarded_close,
            error = rewarded_error

The game.project Settings

sdk_init_options = {}
service_worker_url = sw.js
manifest_url = yandex-manifest.json
  • sdk_init_options - The JavaScript code. The Yandex Games SDK initialization options for the YaGames.init. Example: { orientation: { value: "landscape", lock: true } }.
  • service_worker_url - Relative URL to the Service Worker file. Usually it's sw.js. Set the URL to enable Service Worker.
  • manifest_url - URL to the Web App Manifest file. Set the URL to enable support of Yandex Native Cache.


Yandex.Games JavaScript SDK uses ES6 Promise for asynchronous operations. For Lua API promises were replaced with callback functions with arguments (self, err, result), where

  • self userdata - Script self reference.
  • err string - Error code if something went wrong.
  • result - Data if the operation should return something.

Lua <-> JS

The best way to integrate SDK into your game is to read the official documentation and to use corresponding Lua API functions. The table below helps to do that:

Yandex.Games JS SDK YaGames Lua API
YaGames.init(options) yagames.init(callback)
The options is a JavaScript object {}, and it can be set in the yagames.sdk_init_options setting.
ysdk.deviceInfo.isDesktop() yagames.device_info_is_desktop()
ysdk.deviceInfo.isMobile() yagames.device_info_is_mobile()
ysdk.deviceInfo.isTablet() yagames.device_info_is_tablet()
ysdk.adv.showFullscreenAdv({callbacks:{}}) yagames.adv_show_fullscreen_adv(callbacks) Example
ysdk.adv.showRewardedVideo({callbacks:{}}) yagames.adv_show_rewarded_video(callbacks) Example
ysdk.auth.openAuthDialog() yagames.auth_open_auth_dialog(callback)
ysdk.getPlayer(options) yagames.player_init(options, callback)
The argument options is a Lua table { signed = boolean, scopes = boolean }.
player.setData(data, flush) yagames.player_set_data(data, flush, callback)
player.getData(keys) yagames.player_get_data(keys, callback)
player.setStats(stats) yagames.player_set_stats(stats, callback)
player.incrementStats(increments) yagames.player_increment_stats(increments, callback)
player.getStats(keys) yagames.player_get_stats(keys, callback)
player.getID() Deprecated yagames.player_get_id() Deprecated
player.getUniqueID() yagames.player_get_unique_id()
player.getIDsPerGame() yagames.player_get_ids_per_game(callback)
player.getName() yagames.player_get_name()
player.getPhoto(size) yagames.player_get_photo(size)
ysdk.getPayments(options) yagames.payments_init(options, callback)
payments.purchase(options) yagames.payments_purchase(options, callback)
payments.getPurchases() yagames.payments_get_purchases(callback)
The result has the format { purchases = { ... }, signature = "..." }
payments.getCatalog() yagames.payments_get_catalog(callback)
payments.consumePurchase(purchaseToken) yagames.payments_consume_purchase(purchase_token, callback)
ysdk.getLeaderboards() yagames.leaderboards_init(callback)
lb.getLeaderboardDescription(leaderboardName) yagames.leaderboards_get_description(leaderboard_name, callback)
lb.getLeaderboardPlayerEntry(leaderboardName) yagames.leaderboards_get_player_entry(leaderboard_name, [options], callback)
If the player doesn't have any score, you get the error FetchError: Player is not present in leaderboard.
The argument options is an optional Lua table { getAvatarSrc = "size", getAvatarSrcSet = "size" }, where size can be small, medium, large.
lb.getLeaderboardEntries(leaderboardName, options) yagames.leaderboards_get_entries(leaderboard_name, [options], callback)
The argument options is an optional Lua table { includeUser = boolean, quantityAround = number, quantityTop = number, getAvatarSrc = "size", getAvatarSrcSet = "size" }, where size can be small, medium, large.
lb.setLeaderboardScore(leaderboardName, score, extraData) yagames.leaderboards_set_score(leaderboard_name, score, [extra_data], [callback])

Banner Ads

You can additionally monetize your game using Yandex Advertising Network Real-Time Bidding ad blocks. RTB block is rendered into HTML div block and placed over your game canvas.

The official documentation is here -

Creating RTB blocks

Create an RTB block in the Yandex Advertising Network interface and copy RTB id of the block:

RTB id

The ad block will be displayed within 30 minutes after saving the code and placing it on the game page.

Banner Ads Lua API


Loads Yandex Advertising Network SDK and calls the callback.


  • callback function - Function to call when the Yandex Advertising Network SDK has initialized.

The callback function is expected to accept the following values:

  • self userdata - Script self reference.
  • error string - Error code if something went wrong.

yagames.banner_create(rtb_id, options, [callback])

Creates a DOM element (<div></div>) with style="position: absolute", applies your CSS styles on it and renders an advertisement into the element.


  • rtb_id string - The unique RTB block ID. The block ID consists of a product ID (R-A), platform ID and the block's serial number.
  • options table - The table with key-value pairs.
  • callback function - The callback function that is invoked after ad rendering.

The options table can have these key-value pairs:

  • stat_id integer - The sample ID. A number between 1 and 1000000000. This will allow you to view group statistics for that block.
  • css_styles string - Sets inline CSS styles of the <div></div> element.
  • css_class string - Sets the value of the class attribute of the <div></div> element.
  • display string - The display property allows to show or hide the element. If you set display = none, it hides the entire element. Use block to show it back.

The callback function allows you to obtain information about whether the ad has been rendered (whether the ad was successfully selected when requested from the RTB system) and which particular ad was shown. The callback function is expected to accept the following values:

  • self userdata - Script self reference.
  • error string - Error code if something went wrong.
  • data table - The function obtains the data.product parameter with one of two values: direct - Yandex.Direct ads were shown in an RTB ad block, rtb - A media ad was shown in an RTB ad block.

If there were no suitable product listings at the auction to show your ad next to, then you can show your ad in the block. In this situation the callback function returns the error No ads available..


Removes the DOM element.


  • rtb_id string - The unique RTB block ID. The block ID consists of a product ID (R-A), platform ID and the block's serial number.

yagames.banner_refresh(rtb_id, [callback])

Requests SDK to render new advertisement.


  • rtb_id string - The unique RTB block ID. The block ID consists of a product ID (R-A), platform ID and the block's serial number.
  • callback function - The callback function that is invoked after ad rendering.

The callback function is described in the yagames.banner_create section above.

yagames.banner_set(rtb_id, property, value)

Sets a named property of the specified banner.


  • rtb_id string - The unique RTB block ID. The block ID consists of a product ID (R-A), platform ID and the block's serial number.
  • property string - Name of the property to set.
  • value string - The value to set.


  • stat_id integer - The sample ID. A number between 1 and 1000000000. This will allow you to view group statistics for that block.
  • css_styles string - Sets inline CSS styles of the <div></div> element.
  • css_class string - Sets the value of the class attribute of the <div></div> element.
  • display string - The display property allows to show or hide the element. If you set display = none, it hides the entire element. Use block to show it back.


It's a good idea to protect your HTML5 game from simple copy-pasting to another website. YaGames has Sitelock API for that purpose. It's simple, but it's better than nothing.

By default, it checks hostnames (CDN of the Yandex.Games) and localhost (for local debugging).

local sitelock = require("yagames.sitelock")

-- Also you can add your domains:
-- sitelock.add_domain("")

function init(self)
    if html5 and sitelock.is_release_build() then
        if not sitelock.verify_domain() then
            -- Show warning and pause the game


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. Developed and supported by @aglitchman. Uses the source code of JsToDef.


YaGames is the Yandex.Games extension for the Defold game engine.

License:MIT License


Language:Lua 36.5%Language:JavaScript 33.8%Language:C++ 26.6%Language:HTML 3.1%