codjust / tyk-gateway-docker

Official docker build for Tyk

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Official Tyk Gateway Docker Build

This container only contains the Tyk API Gateway, the Tyk Dashboard is provided as a separate container and needs to be configured separately.

Tyk will run with a default configuration unless it has been overridden with the -v flag. Two sample configurations have been provided to run the Tyk Gateway as standalone (no DB or dashboard, file-based configurations) or with the Tyk Dashboard and MongoDB.

Configure a network

docker network create tyk

docker network ls
NETWORK ID          NAME                DRIVER              SCOPE
ab1084d034c7        tyk                 bridge              local

Redis Dependency

You will need a local Redis container or external Redis server for the Gateway to communicate with.

In a production environment, we would recommend that Redis is highly available and deployed as a cluster.

docker pull redis:4.0-alpine
docker run -itd --rm --name redis --network tyk -p redis:4.0-alpine

docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                        NAMES
b713c61fd8fe        redis:4.0-alpine    "docker-entrypoint.s…"   5 seconds ago       Up 4 seconds>6379/tcp     redis

Deploy Tyk Gateway

docker pull tykio/tyk-gateway:latest

Now that you have the Gateway locally, you will need to grab a configuration file. You may use tyk.standalone.conf or tyk.with_dashboard.conf from as a base template using the appropriate version for your use-case.

Documentation for gateway configuration can be found here:

Alternatively, should you wish to configure tyk using environment variables, see for details of how our environment variables are constructed.

Please note that you should set the Gateway secret in the TYK_GW_SECRET environment variable. If you do not, the entrypoint script will attempt to set TYK_GW_SECRET environment variable from the value of secret in tyk.conf.


We will now run the Gateway by mounting our modified tyk.conf.

Gateway - Community Edition

You may use example api definitions from Store your API configurations inside local directory ./apps.

You can now start the Gateway:

docker run -d \
  --name tyk_gateway \
  --network tyk \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -v $(pwd)/tyk.standalone.conf:/opt/tyk-gateway/tyk.conf \
  -v $(pwd)/apps:/opt/tyk-gateway/apps \

Gateway - Pro installation with Dashboard

The Gateway in a Pro installation is dependent on the Tyk Dashboard service. We will assume that the Dashboard service is installed, and running. If not, we would recommend that you follow the Dashboard installation guide here:

The Gateway relies upon the Dashboard service to load it's API definitions & proxy configurations. As such, there is no need to mount any app directory.

docker run -d \
  --name tyk_gateway \
  --network tyk \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -v $(pwd)/tyk.with_dashboard.conf:/opt/tyk-gateway/tyk.conf \

Check everything is up and running

curl http://localhost:8080/hello -i
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2019 15:53:29 GMT
Content-Length: 10
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Hello Tiki

Rich plugins

The Tyk Gateway supports rich plugins as a part of the main binary since v2.9.0, making the TYKLANG environment variable deprecated and it is now ignored.

If you're running an image tag older than v2.9.0, To run Tyk with rich plugins support, you must set the TYKLANG environment variable. Currently supported value is -python for Python support.

An additional requirement is to provide a directory for the plugin bundles:

$ mkdir bundles
$ docker run -d --name tyk_gateway -p 8080:8080 --link tyk_redis:redis -v $(pwd)/tyk.standalone.conf:/opt/tyk-gateway/tyk.conf -v $(pwd)/apps:/opt/tyk-gateway/apps -v $(pwd)/bundles:/opt/tyk-gateway/middleware/bundles -e TYKLANG='-python' tykio/tyk-gateway`

Remember to modify your tyk.conf to include the required global parameters, essentially:

"coprocess_options": {
  "enable_coprocess": true,
"enable_bundle_downloader": true,
"bundle_base_url": "",

These global parameters are covered in this Python Tutorial.

For more information, see our rich plugins documentation.


Official docker build for Tyk


Language:Dockerfile 56.4%Language:Shell 43.6%