codingk8 / nodeSchool_Curriculum

Tracking my activity in the NodeSchool curriculum ✨

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Last update: 20181125

Node School website


👍 Done: javascripting, how-to-markdown, Count to 6

🐾 In progress: learnyounode, Functional JavaScript, regex-adventure

🎯 Next: Test anything, Learn you React

1. Core

[x] javascripting (201801)

Learn the basics of JavaScript. No previous programming experience required.
npm install -g javascripting

[/] learnyounode (in progress - Node)

Learn the basics of node: asynchronous i/o, http.
npm install -g learnyounode

[ ] git-it (support - Git)

Learn Git and GitHub basics.
Download the latest desktop app release.

[ ] how to npm (Node)

Learn how to use and create npm modules.
npm install -g how-to-npm


Learn to compose streaming interfaces with .pipe(). npm install -g stream-adventure

[x] how-to-markdown (201811)

Learn how to start using Markdown — a lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax.
npm install -g how-to-markdown

[ ] learnyouhtml (html)

Learn how to create your first web page.
npm install -g learnyouhtml

Elementary electron

Make a desktop application using Node and Chromium with Electron npm install -g elementary-electron

2. Elective

[/] Functional JavaScript (in progress - JS)

Learn fundamental functional programming features of JavaScript in vanilla ES5.
npm install -g functional-javascript-workshop

Shader School

Learn the fundamentals of graphics programming using GLSL shaders. npm install -g shader-school

Level Me Up Scotty!

Learn to use leveldb, a simple key/value store with a vibrant package. npm install -g levelmeup


Learn how to manipulate binary data in node.js and HTML5 browsers. npm install -g bytewiser

[ ] ExpressWorks (Node)

Learn the basics of the Express.js framework.
npm install -g expressworks

[ ] Bug clinic (JS)

Learn some new tools and techniques as you improve your debugging skills.
npm install -g bug-clinic

Make Me Hapi

Learn all about hapi through a series of challenges. npm install -g makemehapi

Browserify adventure

Use npm modules and node-style require() in the browser with browserify. npm install -g browserify-adventure

[ ] Promise it won’t hurt (JS)

Learn to use promises in JavaScript to handle async operations.
npm install -g promise-it-wont-hurt

Intro to WebGL

Get started with three.js and WebGL. npm install -g introtowebgl

[ ] Async you (JS)

Learn to use the async package.
npm install -g async-you

[x] Count to 6 (201811)

Learn how to use some features from ES6, the next version of JavaScript.
npm install -g count-to-6
In 🇫🇷

NodeBot workshop

Make robots with the johnny-five api. npm install -g nodebot-workshop

Kick off Koa

Getting started with Koa, the next generation web framework for Node.js. npm install -g kick-off-koa

Going Native

An exploration of Node.js from the underside: native C++ add-ons. npm install -g goingnative


Learn Lo-Dash (fork of underscore) to handle your arrays and objects simple! npm install -g lololodash

Planet Proto

Learn the basics of WebGL in small, manageable chunks. npm install -g webgl-workshop


Learn uv for fun and profit, a self guided workshop to the library that powers Node.js. git clone && cd learnuv && npm install

[ ] ESNext generation (JS ES6)

Intro to ES6 Iterators, their use, and how they relate to Generators.
npm install -g esnext-generation

[ ] Learn generators (JS ES6)

An Intro to JavaScript ES6 Generators.
npm install -g learn-generators

[ ] Test anything (JS - tests)

Learn to test your code
npm install -g test-anything

[ ] Learn you React (React)

Let's learn React.js and server side rendering!
npm install -g learnyoureact

Tower of babel (Babel)

Show you through a series of exercises that introduce you to ES6 features.
npm install -g tower-of-babel


Find your way through the web performance optimization maze!
npm install -g perfschool

learn you mongo (DB)

Getting started with MongoDB and Node.js
npm install -g learnyoumongo

Web audio school

Learn the Web Audio API by completing a series of interactive lessons with a focus on music.
npm install -g web-audio-school

[/] regex-adventure (in progress - support - Regex)

Parse text with regular expressions
npm install -g regex-adventure


A set of lessons to show you how to create a simple p2p bittorrent network npm install -g torrential

[ ] learn sass (CSS pre-pro)

Learn the basics of SASS
npm install -g learn-sass

[ ] Thinking in React (React)

Learn React's philosophy by building a UI from scratch.
npm install -g thinking-in-react

Pattern Lab workshop

Learn the basics of Pattern Lab. npm install -g pattern-lab-workshop

[ ] Post-mortem debugging (Node)

Learn how to use post-mortem debugging on SmartOS to efficiently debug Node.js applications in production.
npm install -g node-debug-school

[ ] learn you bash (Bash)

Learn you how to use the terminal and write your first Bash script.
npm install -g learnyoubash

Seneca in practice

Learn how to leverage SenecaJs microservice toolkit. npm install -g seneca-in-practice

[ ] Currying in JS (JS)

Learn currying concept and creating a currying function in JavaScript.
npm install -g currying-workshopper

[ ] LESS is more (CSS pre-pro)

Learn the fundamentals of the LESS CSS preprocessor.
npm install -g less-is-more


Learn concepts of Functional and Reactive Programming using the Bacon.js library. npm install -g bacon-love

[ ] JS best practices (JS)

Learn the best practices of writing clean JavaScript code.
npm install -g js-best-practices

inner source adventure

Learn about InnerSource software development. npm install -g innersourceadventure

[ ] Scope chains and closures (JS ES6)

Learn the details of Scope, Scope Chains, Closures, and Garbage Collection.
npm i @workshoppers/scope-chains-closures -g scope-chains-closures


Tracking my activity in the NodeSchool curriculum ✨


Language:JavaScript 100.0%