codingk8 / codeWars_Logic_WCS_Bootcamp

Wild Code School CodeWars package about logic :ghost:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Wild Code School CodeWars package about logic 👻

Last update: 20190121


Item 51 Keep hydrated 💧

Nathan loves cycling. Because Nathan knows it is important to stay hydrated, he drinks 0.5 litres of water per hour of cycling.
You get given the time in hours and you need to return the number of litres Nathan will drink, rounded to the smallest value.
For example:
time = 3 ----> litres = 1
time = 6.7---> litres = 3
time = 11.8--> litres = 5



Item 52 Dollars and Cents 💰

The company you work for has just been awarded a contract to build a payment gateway. In order to help move things along, you have volunteered to create a function that will take a float and return the amount formatting in dollars and cents.

39.99 becomes $39.99

The rest of your team will make sure that the argument is sanitized before being passed to your function although you will need to account for adding trailing zeros if they are missing (though you won't have to worry about a dangling period).

3 needs to become $3.00
3.1 needs to become $3.10

Good luck! Your team knows they can count on you!



Hints: toFixed() + concat

Item 53 Fuel calculator ⛽



Hints: Switch with condition 😉
Solid gold

Item 54 Are the numbers in order? 2️⃣ 7️⃣ 6️⃣

In this Kata, your function receives an array of integers as input. Your task is to determine whether the numbers are in ascending order. An array is said to be in ascending order if there are no two adjacent integers where the left integer exceeds the right integer in value.
For the purposes of this Kata, you may assume that all inputs are valid, i.e. non-empty arrays containing only integers.
Note that an array of 1 integer is automatically considered to be sorted in ascending order since all (zero) adjacent pairs of integers satisfy the condition that the left integer does not exceed the right integer in value. An empty list is considered a degenerate case and therefore will not be tested in this Kata - feel free to raise an Issue if you see such a list being tested.
For example:

isAscOrder(new int[]{1,2,4,7,19}) == true
isAscOrder(new int[]{1,2,3,4,5}) == true
isAscOrder(new int[]{1,6,10,18,2,4,20}) == false
isAscOrder(new int[]{9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1}) == false // numbers are in DESCENDING order

N.B. If your solution passes all fixed tests but fails at the random tests, make sure you aren't mutating the input array.




Item 55 (soon)

Item 56 (soon)

Item 57 (soon)

Item 58 (soon)

Item 59 (soon)

Item 510 (soon)

Wouldn't know where to start 💅



Wild Code School CodeWars package about logic :ghost:


Language:JavaScript 100.0%