coding-dojo-data-science / data-enrichment-loading-large-files-with-low-ram

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Processing Large Files with Low RAM


  • Your machine runs out of RAM (memory) when loading in a large file.


Instead of loading the entire dataframe using pd.read_csv, we can instead create a special TextFileReader object, which will allow us to read in our dataframe in chunks.

  1. Use the chunksize argument for pd.read_csv to create a TextFileReader.
    • chunksize is the number of rows to load at once.
    • We will use 100,000 rows in our examples.
df_reader = pd.read_csv(basics_url, sep='\t', low_memory=False, chunksize=100_000 )

< at 0x2ed437f40>

  1. Use the .get_chunk() method to extract the first chunk of rows.
temp_df = df_reader.get_chunk()
  1. Figure out your entire workflow for that file using just temp_df chunk, and save to disk.

  2. Now combine the workflow into 1 large loop through the entire textfilereader.

  3. Use glob to easily combine all chunk csvs into 1 final.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import os
## title basics 
basics_url = ''
df_reader = pd.read_csv(basics_url, sep='\t',
                        low_memory=False, chunksize=100_000)
< at 0x106670e80>
  • We now get a TextFileReader instead of a DataFrame.
  • The TextFileReader is designed to return one chunk at a time from the source file as a dataframe using the reader.get_chunk() method.
    • It keep tracks of its position in the original file using the ._currow attribute.
## the first row # of the next chunk is stored under ._currow
  • We haven't loaded any chunks yet so currow should indeed be 0.
## get the first df chunk from the reader
temp_df = df_reader.get_chunk()
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
tconst titleType primaryTitle originalTitle isAdult startYear endYear runtimeMinutes genres
0 tt0000001 short Carmencita Carmencita 0 1894 \N 1 Documentary,Short
1 tt0000002 short Le clown et ses chiens Le clown et ses chiens 0 1892 \N 5 Animation,Short
2 tt0000003 short Pauvre Pierrot Pauvre Pierrot 0 1892 \N 4 Animation,Comedy,Romance
3 tt0000004 short Un bon bock Un bon bock 0 1892 \N 12 Animation,Short
4 tt0000005 short Blacksmith Scene Blacksmith Scene 0 1893 \N 1 Comedy,Short
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
99995 tt0102317 movie Little Noises Little Noises 0 1991 \N 73 Comedy,Drama
99996 tt0102318 tvMovie A Little Piece of Heaven A Little Piece of Heaven 0 1991 \N 110 Crime,Drama,Family
99997 tt0102319 movie A Little Stiff A Little Stiff 0 1991 \N 86 Comedy
99998 tt0102320 short A Little Vicious A Little Vicious 0 1991 \N 30 Documentary,Short
99999 tt0102321 movie Liao zhai: Hua nong yue Liao zhai: Hua nong yue 0 1991 \N 93 \N

100000 rows × 9 columns

  • We should now have an updated currrow that reflects we have already grabbed rows 0 through 99_999.
    • Therefore the currow should be 100_000
## checking the updated ._currow
  • Now, figure out the filtering steps you need to apply to the temp df.
## Replace "\N" with np.nan

## Eliminate movies that are null for runtimeMinute, genres, and startYear
temp_df = temp_df.dropna(subset=['runtimeMinutes','genres','startYear'])

Note: there are additional required filtering steps for the assignment that should should be included here in your own notebook.

### Convert startyear to numeric for slicing
temp_df['startYear'] = temp_df['startYear'].astype(float).copy()

## keep startYear 2000-2022
temp_df = temp_df[(temp_df['startYear']>=2000)&(temp_df['startYear']<2022)]
/var/folders/rf/vw4r41jd7vd95x1w0dth7v9h0000gp/T/ipykernel_3151/ SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  temp_df['startYear'] = temp_df['startYear'].astype(float).copy()
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
tconst titleType primaryTitle originalTitle isAdult startYear endYear runtimeMinutes genres
13079 tt0013274 movie Istoriya grazhdanskoy voyny Istoriya grazhdanskoy voyny 0 2021.0 NaN 133 Documentary
33790 tt0034413 short Youth Gets a Break Youth Gets a Break 0 2001.0 NaN 20 Short
34790 tt0035423 movie Kate & Leopold Kate & Leopold 0 2001.0 NaN 118 Comedy,Fantasy,Romance
39532 tt0040241 short Color Rhapsodie Color Rhapsodie 0 2021.0 NaN 6 Short
43536 tt0044326 short Abstronic Abstronic 0 2021.0 NaN 6 Short
44078 tt0044879 short Mandala Mandala 0 2021.0 NaN 3 Short
55738 tt0056840 short Aufsätze Aufsätze 0 2021.0 NaN 10 Short
59185 tt0060366 short A Embalagem de Vidro A Embalagem de Vidro 0 2020.0 NaN 11 Documentary,Short
61089 tt0062336 movie The Tango of the Widower and Its Distorting Mi... El Tango del Viudo y Su Espejo Deformante 0 2020.0 NaN 70 Drama
63720 tt0065047 short The Sun's Gonna Shine The Sun's Gonna Shine 0 2014.0 NaN 10 Documentary,Music,Short
65857 tt0067230 short I Miss Sonia Henie I Miss Sonia Henie 0 2009.0 NaN 20 Comedy,Short
66247 tt0067626 short Before the Rally Przed rajdem 0 2006.0 NaN 16 Documentary,Short
66304 tt0067683 movie Workers '71: Nothing About Us Without Us Robotnicy 1971 - Nic o nas bez nas 0 2006.0 NaN 47 Documentary
67531 tt0068943 short Between Wroclaw and Zielona Góra Miedzy Wroclawiem a Zielona Góra 0 2010.0 NaN 11 Documentary,Short
67635 tt0069049 movie The Other Side of the Wind The Other Side of the Wind 0 2018.0 NaN 122 Drama
70534 tt0072043 short X-Ray Przeswietlenie 0 2006.0 NaN 13 Documentary,Short
77929 tt0079644 movie November 1828 November 1828 0 2001.0 NaN 140 Drama,War
86766 tt0088751 movie The Naked Monster The Naked Monster 0 2005.0 NaN 100 Comedy,Horror,Sci-Fi
87078 tt0089067 movie El día de los albañiles 2 El día de los albañiles 2 0 2001.0 NaN 90 Comedy
87435 tt0089435 short Kokoa Kokoa 0 2019.0 NaN 13 Animation,Short
90881 tt0092960 movie En tres y dos En tres y dos 0 2004.0 NaN 102 Drama
92731 tt0094859 movie Chief Zabu Chief Zabu 0 2016.0 NaN 74 Comedy
93902 tt0096056 movie Crime and Punishment Crime and Punishment 0 2002.0 NaN 126 Drama
95113 tt0097304 movie Everything's for You Everything's for You 0 2009.0 NaN 58 Documentary
98005 tt0100275 movie The Wandering Soap Opera La Telenovela Errante 0 2017.0 NaN 80 Comedy,Drama,Fantasy
  • Now, save the filtered dataframe to disk, using the chunk # in the filename.
## Programatically saving an fname using the chunk #
fname= f'Data/title_basics_chunk_{chunk_num:03d}.csv.gz'
  • Tip: if we use the ":03d" format code when inserting the chunk number using an f-string, it will add 2 leading 0's, so the first file will be numbered 001 instead of 1. This will be helpful when viewing the files in your file explorer or on GitHub.

  • Now, let's save the temp_df to disk, using the filename based on the chunk_num.

    • Make sure to increase the value of chunk_num by 1 after saving the file.
## Save temp_df to disk using the fname.
temp_df.to_csv(fname, compression='gzip')

## incrementing chunk_num by 1 for the next file.
  • While we usually add "index=False" when we save a dataframe to disk, we did not do that above.
  • This means that the index will be saved as an additional column, which will show up as "Unnamed: 0" when we load in the csv again.
    • This index will allow us to know which row # each movie was in the original file.
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
Unnamed: 0 tconst titleType primaryTitle originalTitle isAdult startYear endYear runtimeMinutes genres
0 13079 tt0013274 movie Istoriya grazhdanskoy voyny Istoriya grazhdanskoy voyny 0 2021.0 NaN 133 Documentary
1 33790 tt0034413 short Youth Gets a Break Youth Gets a Break 0 2001.0 NaN 20 Short
2 34790 tt0035423 movie Kate & Leopold Kate & Leopold 0 2001.0 NaN 118 Comedy,Fantasy,Romance
3 39532 tt0040241 short Color Rhapsodie Color Rhapsodie 0 2021.0 NaN 6 Short
4 43536 tt0044326 short Abstronic Abstronic 0 2021.0 NaN 6 Short
5 44078 tt0044879 short Mandala Mandala 0 2021.0 NaN 3 Short
6 55738 tt0056840 short Aufsätze Aufsätze 0 2021.0 NaN 10 Short
7 59185 tt0060366 short A Embalagem de Vidro A Embalagem de Vidro 0 2020.0 NaN 11 Documentary,Short
8 61089 tt0062336 movie The Tango of the Widower and Its Distorting Mi... El Tango del Viudo y Su Espejo Deformante 0 2020.0 NaN 70 Drama
9 63720 tt0065047 short The Sun's Gonna Shine The Sun's Gonna Shine 0 2014.0 NaN 10 Documentary,Music,Short
10 65857 tt0067230 short I Miss Sonia Henie I Miss Sonia Henie 0 2009.0 NaN 20 Comedy,Short
11 66247 tt0067626 short Before the Rally Przed rajdem 0 2006.0 NaN 16 Documentary,Short
12 66304 tt0067683 movie Workers '71: Nothing About Us Without Us Robotnicy 1971 - Nic o nas bez nas 0 2006.0 NaN 47 Documentary
13 67531 tt0068943 short Between Wroclaw and Zielona Góra Miedzy Wroclawiem a Zielona Góra 0 2010.0 NaN 11 Documentary,Short
14 67635 tt0069049 movie The Other Side of the Wind The Other Side of the Wind 0 2018.0 NaN 122 Drama
15 70534 tt0072043 short X-Ray Przeswietlenie 0 2006.0 NaN 13 Documentary,Short
16 77929 tt0079644 movie November 1828 November 1828 0 2001.0 NaN 140 Drama,War
17 86766 tt0088751 movie The Naked Monster The Naked Monster 0 2005.0 NaN 100 Comedy,Horror,Sci-Fi
18 87078 tt0089067 movie El día de los albañiles 2 El día de los albañiles 2 0 2001.0 NaN 90 Comedy
19 87435 tt0089435 short Kokoa Kokoa 0 2019.0 NaN 13 Animation,Short
20 90881 tt0092960 movie En tres y dos En tres y dos 0 2004.0 NaN 102 Drama
21 92731 tt0094859 movie Chief Zabu Chief Zabu 0 2016.0 NaN 74 Comedy
22 93902 tt0096056 movie Crime and Punishment Crime and Punishment 0 2002.0 NaN 126 Drama
23 95113 tt0097304 movie Everything's for You Everything's for You 0 2009.0 NaN 58 Documentary
24 98005 tt0100275 movie The Wandering Soap Opera La Telenovela Errante 0 2017.0 NaN 80 Comedy,Drama,Fantasy
  • If we add "index_col=0 to read_csv then it will use this unnamed column as our index, which is the ideal solution.
pd.read_csv(fname, index_col=0)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
tconst titleType primaryTitle originalTitle isAdult startYear endYear runtimeMinutes genres
13079 tt0013274 movie Istoriya grazhdanskoy voyny Istoriya grazhdanskoy voyny 0 2021.0 NaN 133 Documentary
33790 tt0034413 short Youth Gets a Break Youth Gets a Break 0 2001.0 NaN 20 Short
34790 tt0035423 movie Kate & Leopold Kate & Leopold 0 2001.0 NaN 118 Comedy,Fantasy,Romance
39532 tt0040241 short Color Rhapsodie Color Rhapsodie 0 2021.0 NaN 6 Short
43536 tt0044326 short Abstronic Abstronic 0 2021.0 NaN 6 Short
44078 tt0044879 short Mandala Mandala 0 2021.0 NaN 3 Short
55738 tt0056840 short Aufsätze Aufsätze 0 2021.0 NaN 10 Short
59185 tt0060366 short A Embalagem de Vidro A Embalagem de Vidro 0 2020.0 NaN 11 Documentary,Short
61089 tt0062336 movie The Tango of the Widower and Its Distorting Mi... El Tango del Viudo y Su Espejo Deformante 0 2020.0 NaN 70 Drama
63720 tt0065047 short The Sun's Gonna Shine The Sun's Gonna Shine 0 2014.0 NaN 10 Documentary,Music,Short
65857 tt0067230 short I Miss Sonia Henie I Miss Sonia Henie 0 2009.0 NaN 20 Comedy,Short
66247 tt0067626 short Before the Rally Przed rajdem 0 2006.0 NaN 16 Documentary,Short
66304 tt0067683 movie Workers '71: Nothing About Us Without Us Robotnicy 1971 - Nic o nas bez nas 0 2006.0 NaN 47 Documentary
67531 tt0068943 short Between Wroclaw and Zielona Góra Miedzy Wroclawiem a Zielona Góra 0 2010.0 NaN 11 Documentary,Short
67635 tt0069049 movie The Other Side of the Wind The Other Side of the Wind 0 2018.0 NaN 122 Drama
70534 tt0072043 short X-Ray Przeswietlenie 0 2006.0 NaN 13 Documentary,Short
77929 tt0079644 movie November 1828 November 1828 0 2001.0 NaN 140 Drama,War
86766 tt0088751 movie The Naked Monster The Naked Monster 0 2005.0 NaN 100 Comedy,Horror,Sci-Fi
87078 tt0089067 movie El día de los albañiles 2 El día de los albañiles 2 0 2001.0 NaN 90 Comedy
87435 tt0089435 short Kokoa Kokoa 0 2019.0 NaN 13 Animation,Short
90881 tt0092960 movie En tres y dos En tres y dos 0 2004.0 NaN 102 Drama
92731 tt0094859 movie Chief Zabu Chief Zabu 0 2016.0 NaN 74 Comedy
93902 tt0096056 movie Crime and Punishment Crime and Punishment 0 2002.0 NaN 126 Drama
95113 tt0097304 movie Everything's for You Everything's for You 0 2009.0 NaN 58 Documentary
98005 tt0100275 movie The Wandering Soap Opera La Telenovela Errante 0 2017.0 NaN 80 Comedy,Drama,Fantasy

Constructing the Loop

  • Since the TextFileReader is an iterator, we can loop through the df_reader itself to get the temp_df.

  • We will be re-creating the initial temp_df above as part of our final loop.

  • We will declare our chunk_num=1 before we start our loop.

# title basics 
basics_url = ''

chunk_num = 1
df_reader = pd.read_csv(basics_url, sep='\t',
                        low_memory=False, chunksize=100_000)
for temp_df in df_reader:
    ## Replace "\N" with np.nan

    ## Eliminate movies that are null for runtimeMinute, genres, and startYear
    temp_df = temp_df.dropna(subset=['runtimeMinutes','genres','startYear'])

    ### Convert startyear to numeric for slicing
    ## convert numeric features
    temp_df['startYear'] = temp_df['startYear'].astype(float)

    ## keep startYear 2000-2022
    temp_df = temp_df[(temp_df['startYear']>=2000)&(temp_df['startYear']<2022)]
    ### Saving chunk to disk
    fname= f'Data/title_basics_chunk_{chunk_num:03d}.csv.gz'
    temp_df.to_csv(fname, compression='gzip')
    print(f"- Saved {fname}")

- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_001.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_002.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_003.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_004.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_005.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_006.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_007.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_008.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_009.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_010.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_011.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_012.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_013.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_014.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_015.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_016.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_017.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_018.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_019.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_020.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_021.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_022.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_023.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_024.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_025.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_026.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_027.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_028.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_029.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_030.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_031.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_032.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_033.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_034.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_035.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_036.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_037.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_038.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_039.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_040.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_041.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_042.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_043.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_044.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_045.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_046.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_047.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_048.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_049.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_050.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_051.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_052.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_053.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_054.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_055.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_056.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_057.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_058.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_059.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_060.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_061.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_062.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_063.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_064.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_065.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_066.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_067.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_068.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_069.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_070.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_071.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_072.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_073.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_074.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_075.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_076.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_077.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_078.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_079.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_080.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_081.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_082.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_083.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_084.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_085.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_086.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_087.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_088.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_089.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_090.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_091.csv.gz
- Saved Data/title_basics_chunk_092.csv.gz
  • Now that we have saved the individual filtered files, we can combine them back into 1 final file.

Using glob to get list of files that match a pattern

  • Python has a module called glob that has a very helpful function for finding all file paths that match a specific criterion.

  • Glob takes a filepath/query and will find every filename that matches the pattern provided.

    • We use asterisks as wildcards in our query.
  • In this case, we want to load in the all of the saved title basics chunk files.

    • If we use "Data/title_basics_chunk*.csv.gz" as our search query, it will find all files that match the text, where * represents any number of other characters.
  • We then run glob.glob(q) and save the returned list.

import glob
q = "Data/title_basics_chunk*.csv.gz"
chunked_files = glob.glob(q)

# Showing the first 5 
  • Note: if we want the list sorted alphabetically, we can use the "sorted" function from python.
import glob
q = "Data/title_basics_chunk*.csv.gz"
chunked_files = sorted(glob.glob(q))

# Showing the first 5 

Combining Many Files

  • Now that we have a list of all of the files we want to load in and concatenate, we can use a for loop or list comprehension to do so!

For-Loop Way

## Loading all files as df and appending to a list
df_list = []
for file in chunked_files:
    temp_df = pd.read_csv(file, index_col=0)
## Concatenating the list of dfs into 1 combined
df_combined = pd.concat(df_list)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
tconst titleType primaryTitle originalTitle isAdult startYear endYear runtimeMinutes genres
13079 tt0013274 movie Istoriya grazhdanskoy voyny Istoriya grazhdanskoy voyny 0 2021.0 NaN 133 Documentary
33790 tt0034413 short Youth Gets a Break Youth Gets a Break 0 2001.0 NaN 20 Short
34790 tt0035423 movie Kate & Leopold Kate & Leopold 0 2001.0 NaN 118 Comedy,Fantasy,Romance
39532 tt0040241 short Color Rhapsodie Color Rhapsodie 0 2021.0 NaN 6 Short
43536 tt0044326 short Abstronic Abstronic 0 2021.0 NaN 6 Short
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
9163345 tt9916754 movie Chico Albuquerque - Revelações Chico Albuquerque - Revelações 0 2013.0 NaN 49 Documentary
9163351 tt9916766 tvEpisode Episode #10.15 Episode #10.15 0 2019.0 NaN 43 Family,Game-Show,Reality-TV
9163386 tt9916840 tvEpisode Horrid Henry's Comic Caper Horrid Henry's Comic Caper 0 2014.0 NaN 11 Adventure,Animation,Comedy
9163393 tt9916856 short The Wind The Wind 0 2015.0 NaN 27 Short
9163394 tt9916880 tvEpisode Horrid Henry Knows It All Horrid Henry Knows It All 0 2014.0 NaN 10 Adventure,Animation,Comedy

1703471 rows × 9 columns

List Comprehension Way

## Loading and Concatenating the list of dfs with 1 line
df_combined = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(file, index_col=0) for file in chunked_files])
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
tconst titleType primaryTitle originalTitle isAdult startYear endYear runtimeMinutes genres
13079 tt0013274 movie Istoriya grazhdanskoy voyny Istoriya grazhdanskoy voyny 0 2021.0 NaN 133 Documentary
33790 tt0034413 short Youth Gets a Break Youth Gets a Break 0 2001.0 NaN 20 Short
34790 tt0035423 movie Kate & Leopold Kate & Leopold 0 2001.0 NaN 118 Comedy,Fantasy,Romance
39532 tt0040241 short Color Rhapsodie Color Rhapsodie 0 2021.0 NaN 6 Short
43536 tt0044326 short Abstronic Abstronic 0 2021.0 NaN 6 Short
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
9163345 tt9916754 movie Chico Albuquerque - Revelações Chico Albuquerque - Revelações 0 2013.0 NaN 49 Documentary
9163351 tt9916766 tvEpisode Episode #10.15 Episode #10.15 0 2019.0 NaN 43 Family,Game-Show,Reality-TV
9163386 tt9916840 tvEpisode Horrid Henry's Comic Caper Horrid Henry's Comic Caper 0 2014.0 NaN 11 Adventure,Animation,Comedy
9163393 tt9916856 short The Wind The Wind 0 2015.0 NaN 27 Short
9163394 tt9916880 tvEpisode Horrid Henry Knows It All Horrid Henry Knows It All 0 2014.0 NaN 10 Adventure,Animation,Comedy

1703471 rows × 9 columns

  • And now we can save this single dataframe as the final combined file we will use going forward.
## Saving the final combined dataframe
final_fname ='Data/title_basics_combined.csv.gz'
df_combined.to_csv(final_fname, compression='gzip', index=False)
df_combined = pd.read_csv(final_fname)
<style scoped> .dataframe tbody tr th:only-of-type { vertical-align: middle; }
.dataframe tbody tr th {
    vertical-align: top;

.dataframe thead th {
    text-align: right;
tconst titleType primaryTitle originalTitle isAdult startYear endYear runtimeMinutes genres
0 tt0013274 movie Istoriya grazhdanskoy voyny Istoriya grazhdanskoy voyny 0 2021.0 NaN 133 Documentary
1 tt0034413 short Youth Gets a Break Youth Gets a Break 0 2001.0 NaN 20 Short
2 tt0035423 movie Kate & Leopold Kate & Leopold 0 2001.0 NaN 118 Comedy,Fantasy,Romance
3 tt0040241 short Color Rhapsodie Color Rhapsodie 0 2021.0 NaN 6 Short
4 tt0044326 short Abstronic Abstronic 0 2021.0 NaN 6 Short
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1703466 tt9916754 movie Chico Albuquerque - Revelações Chico Albuquerque - Revelações 0 2013.0 NaN 49 Documentary
1703467 tt9916766 tvEpisode Episode #10.15 Episode #10.15 0 2019.0 NaN 43 Family,Game-Show,Reality-TV
1703468 tt9916840 tvEpisode Horrid Henry's Comic Caper Horrid Henry's Comic Caper 0 2014.0 NaN 11 Adventure,Animation,Comedy
1703469 tt9916856 short The Wind The Wind 0 2015.0 NaN 27 Short
1703470 tt9916880 tvEpisode Horrid Henry Knows It All Horrid Henry Knows It All 0 2014.0 NaN 10 Adventure,Animation,Comedy

1703471 rows × 9 columns


  • Bonus functions for getting the size of dataframes and files
import os
def get_memory_usage(df,units='mb'):
    """returns memory size of dataframe in requested units"""
    memory = df.memory_usage().sum()
    if units.lower()=='mb':
        denom = 1e6
    elif units.lower()=='gb':
        denom = 1e9
        raise Exception('Units must be either "mb" or "gb"')
    val = memory/denom
    print(f"- Total Memory Usage = {val} {units.upper()}")
- Total Memory Usage = 122.65004 MB
def get_filesize(fname, units='mb'):
    """Get size of file at given path in MB or GB"""
    if units.lower()=='mb':
        denom = 1e6
    elif units.lower()=='gb':
        denom = 1e9
        raise Exception('Units must be either "mb" or "gb"')
    import os
    size = os.path.getsize(fname)
    val = size/denom
    print(f"- {fname} is {val} {units.upper()} on disk.")
- Data/title_basics_combined.csv.gz is 37.488613 MB on disk.


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Language:Jupyter Notebook 100.0%