codica2 / redirect-s3-cf

This guide will show you how to redirect non-www requests to www with S3 and CloudFront.

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Redirect non-www to www with S3 and CloudFront

If you want to redirect (non-www to www) to your static website hosted on S3 and delivered by CloudFront, this guide is for you.


We will use such tools as:

Prepare the S3 buckets

At first, you need to create your S3 buckets. The main bucket name will be, the second one will be When completed - upload static content to your main bucket, then complete static website hosting.

For named bucket use these settings:

Get certificates for your domain

Change your region to us-east-1 and go to Amazon Certificate Manager, reqest certificates for both of your domain names www.yourdomain.comand Don't forget to create CNAME records in Route53.

Configuring CloudFront

After getting certificates, go to CloudFront and create two ditributions. For Origin Domain Name use the S3 endpoint, don't use the autocompleted variant.

For Viewer Protocol Policy use Redirect HTTP to HTTPS.


CNAME for the main CloudFront distibution is going to be with your www certificate.

CNAME for the second CloudFront distibution is going to be with your non-www certificate.

Disable CloudFront caching.

Configuring Route53

For create A record with alias to CloudFront address according to www domain.

For create A record with alias to CloudFront address according to non-www domain.


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This guide will show you how to redirect non-www requests to www with S3 and CloudFront.