codercurious / onlyfans-scraper

Onlyfans data extractor scrapes profiles in bulk with all details including, name, bio, last online, engagement insights, social media urls, etc

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Onlyfans profile scraper

Interested in using this scraper? Get it here: Onlyfans profile scraper

How it works

This scraper scrapes list profile urls and gives you full details including insights, social media urls, etc

✳️ Related scrapers: Onlyfans downloader | Facebook profile scraper | Linkedin profile scraper

Here is the sample output of this actor:

	"view": "f",
	"avatar": "",
	"avatarThumbs": {
		"c50": "",
		"c144": ""
	"header": "",
	"headerSize": {
		"width": 600,
		"height": 200
	"headerThumbs": {
		"w480": "",
		"w760": ""
	"id": 82054335,
	"name": "☕️Coffee and Cleavage",
	"username": "coffeeandcleavage",
	"canLookStory": false,
	"canCommentStory": false,
	"hasNotViewedStory": false,
	"isVerified": true,
	"canPayInternal": false,
	"hasScheduledStream": false,
	"hasStream": false,
	"hasStories": false,
	"tipsEnabled": false,
	"tipsTextEnabled": true,
	"tipsMin": 5,
	"tipsMinInternal": 1,
	"tipsMax": 200,
	"canEarn": true,
	"canAddSubscriber": true,
	"subscribePrice": 0,
	"unprofitable": true,
	"isMuted": false,
	"isRestricted": false,
	"canRestrict": true,
	"subscribedBy": false,
	"subscribedByExpire": null,
	"subscribedByExpireDate": null,
	"subscribedByAutoprolong": null,
	"subscribedIsExpiredNow": null,
	"currentSubscribePrice": null,
	"subscribedOn": false,
	"subscribedOnExpiredNow": null,
	"subscribedOnDuration": null,
	"joinDate": "2020-10-26T00:00:00+00:00",
	"isReferrerAllowed": true,
	"about": "☕️Podcast hosted by @misslynniemarie &amp; @shantalmonique 💞<br />\n🎙Episode released every Wednesday 2pmPST!!",
	"rawAbout": "☕️Podcast hosted by @misslynniemarie & @shantalmonique 💞\n🎙Episode released every Wednesday 2pmPST!!",
	"website": "",
	"wishlist": null,
	"location": null,
	"postsCount": 301,
	"archivedPostsCount": 1,
	"privateArchivedPostsCount": 0,
	"photosCount": 145,
	"videosCount": 165,
	"audiosCount": 0,
	"mediasCount": 310,
	"lastSeen": "2023-06-14T15:07:05+00:00",
	"favoritesCount": 221,
	"favoritedCount": 120053,
	"showPostsInFeed": false,
	"canReceiveChatMessage": false,
	"isPerformer": true,
	"isRealPerformer": true,
	"isSpotifyConnected": false,
	"subscribersCount": 732645,
	"hasPinnedPosts": true,
	"hasLabels": true,
	"canChat": true,
	"callPrice": 0,
	"isPrivateRestriction": false,
	"showSubscribersCount": true,
	"showMediaCount": true,
	"subscribedByData": null,
	"subscribedOnData": null,
	"canPromotion": true,
	"canCreatePromotion": false,
	"canCreateTrial": false,
	"isAdultContent": false,
	"canTrialSend": false,
	"hadEnoughLastPhotos": false,
	"hasLinks": false,
	"referalBonusSummForReferer": 0,
	"finishedStreamsCount": 15,
	"shouldShowFinishedStreams": true,
	"hasSavedStreams": true,
	"firstPublishedPostDate": "2020-11-04T00:00:00+00:00",
	"isSpringConnected": false,
	"isFriend": false,
	"isBlocked": false,
	"canReport": false,
	"instagramUrl": "",
	"youtubeUrl": "",
	"facebookUrl": "",
	"twitterUrl": ""

OnlyFans Profile JSON Data Documentation

This documentation provides a detailed description of the fields and structures in the provided JSON data representing an OnlyFans profile.


  1. avatar: (string) - This is the URL to the profile avatar or profile picture.

  2. avatarThumbs: (object) - Contains URLs to thumbnail versions of the profile picture.

    • c50: URL to a thumbnail with specific dimensions.
    • c144: URL to another thumbnail with specific dimensions.
  3. header: (string) - The URL to the profile's header image.

  4. headerSize: (object) - Contains dimensions of the header image.

    • width: The width of the header image.
    • height: The height of the header image.
  5. headerThumbs: (object) - Contains URLs to thumbnail versions of the header image.

    • w480: URL to a thumbnail with specific width.
    • w760: URL to another thumbnail with specific width.
  6. id: (integer) - The unique identifier of the profile.

  7. name: (string) - The display name of the profile.

  8. username: (string) - The unique username of the profile.

  9. canLookStory: (boolean) - Indicates if a user is permitted to view the profile's story.

  10. canCommentStory: (boolean) - Indicates if a user can comment on the profile's story.

  11. hasNotViewedStory: (boolean) - Indicates if the user has not viewed the profile's story.

  12. isVerified: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile is verified.

  13. canPayInternal: (boolean) - Not clear from the provided data, may indicate internal payment capabilities.

  14. hasScheduledStream: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile has a scheduled live stream.

  15. hasStream: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile is currently streaming.

  16. hasStories: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile has any stories.

  17. tipsEnabled: (boolean) - Indicates if tipping is enabled for the profile.

  18. tipsTextEnabled: (boolean) - Indicates if text is enabled in tips.

  19. tipsMin: (integer) - The minimum amount that can be tipped.

  20. tipsMinInternal: (integer) - The minimum internal amount that can be tipped.

  21. tipsMax: (integer) - The maximum amount that can be tipped.

  22. canEarn: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile can earn money.

  23. canAddSubscriber: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile can add subscribers.

  24. subscribePrice: (integer) - The subscription price for the profile.

  25. unprofitable: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile is unprofitable.

  26. isMuted: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile is muted.

  27. isRestricted: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile is restricted.

  28. canRestrict: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile can be restricted.

  29. subscribedBy: (boolean) - Indicates if the user is subscribed to the profile.

  30. subscribedByExpire: (null) - Indicates the expiry of the user's subscription, null if not applicable.

  31. subscribedByExpireDate: (null) - The date when the user's subscription expires, null if not applicable.

  32. subscribedByAutoprolong: (null) - Not clear from the provided data, might indicate if the user's subscription will automatically renew.

  33. subscribedIsExpiredNow: (null) - Indicates if the user's subscription has expired, null if not applicable.

  34. currentSubscribePrice: (null) - The current subscription price, null if not applicable.

  35. subscribedOn: (boolean) - Indicates if the user has subscribed on the platform.

  36. subscribedOnExpiredNow: (null) - Indicates if the user's subscription on the platform has expired, null if not applicable.

  37. subscribedOnDuration: (null) - The duration of the user's subscription on the platform, null if not applicable.

  38. joinDate: (string) - The date the profile was created.

  39. isReferrerAllowed: (boolean) - Indicates if referrals are allowed.

  40. about: (string) - The profile's about section with HTML elements.

  41. rawAbout: (string) - The profile's about section in raw text.

  42. website: (string) - The profile's website.

  43. wishlist: (null) - The profile's wishlist, null if not applicable.

  44. location: (null) - The profile's location, null if not disclosed.

  45. postsCount: (integer) - The total number of posts by the profile.

  46. archivedPostsCount: (integer) - The total number of archived posts by the profile.

  47. privateArchivedPostsCount: (integer) - The total number of private archived posts by the profile.

  48. photosCount: (integer) - The total number of photos posted by the profile.

  49. videosCount: (integer) - The total number of videos posted by the profile.

  50. audiosCount: (integer) - The total number of audio files posted by the profile.

  51. mediasCount: (integer) - The total number of media files (photos, videos, audio) posted by the profile.

  52. lastSeen: (string) - The date and time the profile was last seen online.

  53. favoritesCount: (integer) - The total number of favorites of the profile.

  54. favoritedCount: (integer) - The total number of times the profile has been favorited by others.

  55. showPostsInFeed: (boolean) - Indicates if posts from this profile show in feeds.

  56. canReceiveChatMessage: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile can receive chat messages.

  57. isPerformer: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile is a performer.

  58. isRealPerformer: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile is a real performer.

  59. isSpotifyConnected: (boolean) - Indicates if Spotify is connected to the profile.

  60. subscribersCount: (integer) - The total number of subscribers of the profile.

  61. hasPinnedPosts: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile has any pinned posts.

  62. hasLabels: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile has any labels.

  63. canChat: (boolean) - Indicates if users can chat with the profile.

  64. callPrice: (integer) - The price for a call with the profile.

  65. isPrivateRestriction: (boolean) - Indicates if there are any private restrictions on the profile.

  66. showSubscribersCount: (boolean) - Indicates if the number of subscribers is displayed.

  67. showMediaCount: (boolean) - Indicates if the count of media is displayed.

  68. `subscribedBy

Data`: (null) - Contains data about the user's subscription, null if not applicable.

  1. subscribedOnData: (null) - Contains data about the user's on-platform subscription, null if not applicable.

  2. canPromotion: (boolean) - Indicates if promotions can be created for the profile.

  3. canCreatePromotion: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile can create promotions.

  4. canCreateTrial: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile can create trial subscriptions.

  5. isAdultContent: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile contains adult content.

  6. canTrialSend: (boolean) - Indicates if trial subscriptions can be sent.

  7. hasLinks: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile has links to external sites.

  8. referalBonusSummForReferer: (integer) - The referral bonus sum for the referrer.

  9. finishedStreamsCount: (integer) - The total number of finished live streams by the profile.

  10. shouldShowFinishedStreams: (boolean) - Indicates if finished streams should be shown.

  11. hasSavedStreams: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile has any saved streams.

  12. firstPublishedPostDate: (string) - The date of the first post published by the profile.

  13. isSpringConnected: (boolean) - Indicates if Spring (formerly known as Teespring, a platform for custom merchandise) is connected to the profile.

  14. isFriend: (boolean) - Indicates if the user is a friend of the profile.

  15. isBlocked: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile is blocked.

  16. canReport: (boolean) - Indicates if the profile can be reported.

  17. instagramUrl: (string) - The profile's Instagram URL.

  18. youtubeUrl: (string) - The profile's YouTube URL.

  19. facebookUrl: (string) - The profile's Facebook URL.

  20. twitterUrl: (string) - The profile's Twitter URL.


Onlyfans data extractor scrapes profiles in bulk with all details including, name, bio, last online, engagement insights, social media urls, etc