coderall / return-to-libc-attack

a simple return-to-libc attack example

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a simple return-to-libc attack example

tips: (1) 32 bit Linux Platform

(2) you need to be root,and run "sysctl -w kernel.randomize_va_space=0" to shut the random space down

(3) export MYSH=/bin/sh to tell the getenv the vaiable value(it's a way to pass paramters)

(4) chmod 4777 retlib (you need to be root)

(5) run getenv.c first to get the "/bin/bash" address,and use the value to alter exploit.c and run the retlib at'll see the "$" indicator for root.

 (6)please compile all the files with gcc -fno-stack-protector flag.

chinese version: 运行条件: (1) 32位Linux平台

(2)切换root用户 运行 sysctl -w kernel.randomize_va_space=0 (禁用随机栈空间)

(3)在当前bash中export 一个环境变量 例如 export MYSH=/bin/sh (这个环境变量在程序中是向system提供参数用的)

(3) 使用 gcc -z execstack -fno-stack-protector retlib.c -o retlib 编译retlib.c (root用户)

(4) chmod 4777 retlib (root 用户)

(5)先运行getenv程序,得到/bin/sh字符串地址,修改exploit程序,(下面代码中数值已经填充好),编译、运行exploit 程序,然后运行retlib , 可以看到bash提示符,并且当前用户为root

(6) 编译所有文件时需要添加 -fno-stack-protector 标志

Thanks to SEED project!!!


a simple return-to-libc attack example


Language:C 100.0%