coder-alpha / DumbTools-for-Plex

Addons for Plex Media Server channels. DumbKeyboard allows getting strings from the user via DirectoryObject's instead of InputDirectoryObjects. DumbPrefs replaces PrefsObject and allows changing preferences.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This serves as a replacement for the InputDirectoryObject in the Plex Plug-in framework for clients that don't support it. It uses DirectoryObjects to build a query string, then lets you send that to the Search function. Search queries are saved in the channels Dict so they don't need to be re-entered.



add to Channel.bundle/Contents/Code.

in add:

from DumbTools import DumbKeyboard

in where you have an InputDirectoryObject:

if Client.Product in DumbKeyboard.clients:
        DumbKeyboard(PREFIX, oc, Search,
                dktitle = u'%s' L('search'),
                dkthumb = R(ICONS['search'])
                key    = Callback(Search),
                title  = u'%s' L('search'),
                prompt = 'Search',
                thumb  = R(ICONS['search'])
@route(PREFIX + '/search')
def Search(query):


DumbKeyboard(prefix, oc, callback, dktitle=None, dkthumb=None, dkplaceholder=None, dksecure=False, **kwargs)

Appends a DirectoryObject to oc which will provide a series of DirectoryObjects to build a string. callback is called with the arguments query and **kwargs when the Submit directory is selected.

  • prefix: whatever is used in the @handler(PREFIX, NAME).
  • oc: the object container to add to.
  • callback: the Search function. This must have atleast 1 argument 'query'.
  • dktitle: (optional) the title to use for the search directoryObject.
  • dkthumb: (optional) the thumbnail to use for the search directoryObject.
  • dkplaceholder: (optional) set a default value in the text entry.
  • dksecure: (optional) set the entry to be secure or not (show *'s instead of the characters).
  • **kwargs: additional arguments to send to the callback function.
    • if you have search function Search(query, a=None, b=None) then you can use DumbKeyboard(prefix, oc, Search, a='something' b=123)

DumbKeyboard.clients - Client.Product's that don't have InputDirectoryObjects or don't always work correctly.

  • Plex for iOS
  • Plex Media Player
  • Plex Web


a replacement for the PrefsObject. This should allow both displaying and changing channel preferences using only DirectoryObjects.

It may require the following addition to Info.plist:



from DumbTools import DumbPrefs

@handler(PREFIX, NAME)
def MainMenu():
        oc = ObjectContainer()
        if Client.Product in DumbPrefs.clients:
                DumbPrefs(PREFIX, oc,
                        title = L('preferences'),
                        thumb = R(ICONS['preferences']))
                        title = L('preferences'),
                        thumb = R(ICONS['preferences'])


DumbPrefs(prefix, oc, title=None, thumb=None)

Appends a DirectoryObject to oc which will allow users to change text, bool, and enum channel preferences.

  • prefix: whatever is used in the @handler(PREFIX, NAME).
  • oc: the object container to add to.
  • title: (optional) the title to use for the directoryObject.
  • thumb: (optional) the thumbnail to use for the directoryObject.

DumbPrefs.clients - Client.Product's that don't have Prefs or don't always work correctly.

  • 'Plex for iOS' - doesn't have it
  • 'Plex Media Player' - doesn't have it
  • 'Plex Home Theater' - has it, but it never liked saving text prefs
  • 'OpenPHT'
  • 'Plex for Roku' - I don't think it has it, I'm not sure if this is the correct product name.


Addons for Plex Media Server channels. DumbKeyboard allows getting strings from the user via DirectoryObject's instead of InputDirectoryObjects. DumbPrefs replaces PrefsObject and allows changing preferences.


Language:Python 100.0%