codepedia / action-cable-chat

ActionCable Example App from my RubyAZ talk.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build an ActionCable Chat Service

  1. New App

    # new rails app
    rails _5.0.0.beta3_ new ac && cd ac
    # initialize Git
    git init && git add .
    # first commit
    git commit -am "initial commit"
  2. Generate the Rooms Controller and Message Model

    rails g controller rooms show
    rails g model message content:text
    rails db:migrate
    # commit
    git add .
    git commit -am "Rooms Crontroller and Message Model"

    Add a test message:

    Message.create content: 'hello world'
  3. Update the routes to send root to rooms#show


    root to: 'rooms#show'
  4. Start the server and open the browser and show that the app is up

    rails server


  5. Set up the controller method and message views


    def show
      @messages = Message.all



    git add .
    git commit -am "Add rooms/message views"
  6. Pop open the browser again


  7. Generate our ActionCable room channel with 'speak' action:

    rails g channel room speak
  8. Uncomment App in and ActionCable mount in routes.rb

  9. Implement received and speak in

  10. Implement speak in room_channel.rb

    def speak(data)
       ActionCable.server.broadcast 'room_channel', data['message']
    git add .
    git commit -am "ActionCable Enabled"
  11. Restart Rails Server and Demo via JS console

  12. Add form field and required JavaScript to send messages..

  13. Remove

    from received method

  14. Update channel 'speak' implementation to actually write to the db.

  15. Generate Job to handle Broadcasts

    rails g job BroadcastMessage
  16. Add after_create_commit hook to send broadcast job.

    after_create_commit { BroadcastMessageJob.perform_later self }
    git add .
    git commit -am "Fin"
  17. Restart rails server and demo working ActionCable in browser.

  18. Set up devise

    Add to the Gemfile:

    gem 'devise', github: 'plataformatec/devise'

    Install Devise and Generate User Model

    bundle install
    rails g devise:install
    rails g devise User
    rails g migration AddUserToMessages user:references:index
    rails db:migrate
    git add .
    git commit -am "Devise and User Model"
  19. Add belongs_to to Message Model:


    belongs_to :user
  20. Update add devise before_action to controller:


    before_action :authenticate_user!
  21. Update v2 files

    application.html.erb _message.html.erb show.html.erb

  22. Explain current_user, warden config. Add warden hooks:

    Populate: config/initializers/warden_hooks.rb connection.rb

  23. Demonstrate in the browser. RESTART SERVER

  24. v3 STYLE


ActionCable Example App from my RubyAZ talk.


Language:Ruby 73.8%Language:HTML 11.8%Language:CSS 10.6%Language:CoffeeScript 2.3%Language:JavaScript 1.4%