codekraft-studio / angular-media-preview

Don't let your users upload the wrong media! This directive can create preview for media files on <input type="file">

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Don't let your users upload the wrong media!

Getting started:

Download it using npm with the following command:

npm i angular-media-preview

or clone it from GitHub.

Add the script to your HTML page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="angular-media-preview.module.js"></script>

and add the module to your app dependencies:

angular.module('app', ['angular-media-preview')

and you are ready to use the new directive.

Basic usage:

You can use it as an attribute on the input type file:

<input type="file" media-preview />

Or as a element where you want to preview media files.

<!-- without ng-model -->

<!-- with ng-model -->
<media-preview model="myModel"></media-preview>

Now when some files are selected, the directive will create a preview and display (by default) in a container above the input tag.

You can specify a custom container using the attribute preview-container in the directive. You can use in the attribute both a HTML element or a ID that refers to it.

If the image load fails the module will use a default icon, called "broken image" taken from Google Icons under the CC-BY License.

Passing element ID:

<div id="myContainer"></div>
<input type="file" preview-class="img-thumbnail" preview-container="mediaHere" multiple media-preview />
<media-preview preview-class="img-thumbnail" preview-container="mediaHere" multiple></media-preview>
<div id="myContainer"></div>

Passing a $scope HTML element:

If you want you can pass a HTML Element created in the $scope:

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
  $scope.theContainer = angular.element(document.createElement('div'));

and in the HTML template:

<input type="file" ng-model="myUpload" preview-container="theContainer" media-preview />

<media-preview ng-model="myUpload" preview-container="theContainer"></media-preview>

The directive will add or override if not found the input accept attribute to match only the following accepted media types: audio files, images, videos.

And that's it, you can try it in the demo page.


  • preview-container: the container that holds the preview elements
  • container-class: the class to be added to the preview container
  • preview-class: the class to be added to the preview element
  • multiple: specify when the input should accept multiple files

The directive takes care to update your model value on change, so you don't have to write your own one. See the issue: #1375


Don't let your users upload the wrong media! This directive can create preview for media files on <input type="file">


Language:JavaScript 56.7%Language:HTML 24.9%Language:CSS 18.3%