codeforgood-official / Make-It-Count-Hackathon


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Road safety is a major concern as nearly 1.3 million people die in road crahses each year and 20-50 million get injured. In this hackathon you will use your tech skills and creativity to present a scalable solution to "make every life count".

Your objective is to prevent as many road crashes as possible.

We have historical data of road crashes. Sample data is given below

   "location" : {"latitude" : 24.4353, "longitude" : 78.3233}, 
   "damageRating" : 0.5,
   "killed" : 1, 
   "injured" : 2, 
   "datetime" : "2015-05-01T14:00:00.000Z" , 
   "crashDetail": "Car driver tried to take over another car from wrong side at 90kph hitting the truck standing by the side of road. Accident prone area."

We want to make this data available for the public use through smart interface just in time. Also it's your job to figure out how this data can be used to prevent road crashes. Build an app(native/hybrid) as interface for end user. Make your own dummy data for road crashes.


  • Everybody has a smartphone(android/ios) with excellent battery life
  • Everybody has a decent internet connection in their phone

How to submit the solution

  • Make a branch with your username and make a pull request

