codecowboy / llmsearch

llm enhanced web search

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


1.0RC A simple web search tool with Pre and Post search filtering. Why? LLMs need to be able to access the web efficiently.

llmsearch features:

  1. Uses an LLM to rewrite the query for better search results.
  2. Uses the google customized search API to collect urls.
  3. Filters and prioritizes urls by local whitelist/unknown/blacklist, and by past history of usefulness
  4. Uses concurrent futures to process urls in parallel.
  5. Preprocesses url returns to extract a minimal piece of candidate text to send to gpt-3.5 for final refinement.
  6. Stops when sufficient results are accumulated (two levels - Quick and Full)
  7. As a plugin or direct call it returns json format including result, domain, url, and credibility (see chatGPT screenshot below).

Four ways to use this:

  1. as a chatGPT plugin (if you are a plugin developer)
  2. as a network endpoint for your application
  3. as a standalone command line search tool 'python3'
  4. directly from within a python application: import search_service, then call search_service.from_gpt(query_string, search_level)

You will need google customized search api key and your google cx.

You will also need an openai api.key.

llmsearch currently uses gpt-3.5-turbo internally, so its reasonably cheap for personal use, usually a few tenths of a cent per top-level query.
I expect to release an update shortly that will enable use of Vicuna, maybe 7B 4bit if possible.
*** update - this is stacked behind the llm server I'm building, cloud resources are too hard to find and cpu inference is too slow ***
*** update2 - even 7B is too slow with a single 3090. Will be moving up to dual 3090, but I doubt that will be fast enough for this use. ***

Screen shot of chatGPT session with plugin installed:


NOTES: I am a 'quick sketch' research programmer. Careful methodical programmers will probably be horrified with the code in this repository.
*** If you are one such and have suggestions/edits, I'd love your contributions! ***
Having said that, I use this code base every day, all day long, as a chatGPT plugin. Pretty much the only failures I have seen are when the interall api calls to gpt-3.5-turbo timeout. There is quite a bit of recovery code around those, they are rare except when openai is swamped.


  1. clone the repository
  2. pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  3. add your openai.api_key either as an evironment var or directly in
  4. add your google credentials either as environment vars or directly in

to test, try: python3

you should see:


To run as a gptPlugin (assuming you are a plugin developer) run: python3

Note that you will need to edit openapi.yaml and .well-known/ai-plugin.json, as well as setting the corresponding site info in

This actually starts up a pretty std web server you can actually even call from your browser. lookup openapi.yaml for more on configuration options, I just copy-pasted.

That should do it.

Site curation and prioritization

  1. the file sites contains a json formatted list of sites (next to last portion of domain name, e.g. openai, usually).
  2. At the moment there is no api to manage this list, but you can manually edit it. A site not listed in sites.json is considered 'Third Party' (a chatGPT recommended term, not mine).
  3. All whitelist site urls will be launched before any Third-Party site urls.
  4. url launch order is futher prioritized by site_stats.json, a record of the average post-filtering bytes per second the site has delivered in previous queries.

In deciding what to whitelist or blacklist, you might want to review the site_stats.
An easy way to do this is to run python3 accepts one optional argument: [new, all]
'new' shows only stats for sites not listed in sites.json (so you can decide if you want to whitelist them)


llm enhanced web search


Language:Python 100.0%