codechenx / bv

Data Viewer in Terminal for Bioinformatician

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Data Viewer in Terminal for Bioinformatician

Python 3.5 PyPI version Anaconda-Server Badge Anaconda-Server Badge Build Status GitHub license


Table of Contents


bv is a tool to view the common bioinformatics data file in terminal.The TUI of bv is modifyied from vdtui



  • Spreadsheet-like view for biological delimited data
  • Vim-like key binding
  • Support for gzip compressed file
  • Automatically identify unknown file type's delimiter
  • User-defined format processing configure

To do

  • support for bam and fastaq format
  • view data from url

Supported file types

File type filename extension description
csv .csv Delimited text file that uses a comma to separate values
tsv .tsv Delimited text file that uses a tab to separate values
excel .xlsx Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft
vcf .vcf The Variant Call Format (VCF) specifies the format of a text file used in bioinformatics for storing gene sequence variations
bed .bed A BED file is a tab-delimited text file that defines a feature track
maf .maf Mutation Annotation Format (MAF) is a tab-delimited text file with aggregated mutation information from VCF Files and are generated on a project-level
gff .gff The GFF (General Feature Format) format consists of one line per feature, each containing 9 columns of data, plus optional track definition lines
gtf .gtf The Gene transfer format (GTF) is a file format used to hold information about gene structure


Linux and macOS


$ pip install bv


$ conda install -c codechenx bv 


Not Support

Key binding

Key description
q quit
h, left arrow go one column left
l, right arrow go one column right
j, down arrow go one row down
k, up go one row up
gg, gk go to top row
G, gj go to bottom row
gh go to leftmost column
gl go to rightmost column
ctrl-f, page down scroll one page down
ctrl-b, page up scroll one page up
< move up to previous value in this column
> move down to next value in this column
/ search this column forward for regex
search this column backward for regex
g/ search regex forward in all visible columns
g? search regex backward in all visible columns
n go to next match
p go to previous match
s, space select this row
u unselect this row
gu unselect all rows
{ move to previous selected row
} move to next selected row
[ sort by this column ascending
] sort by this column descending
- hide this column
ctrl-l redraw entire terminal screen
ctrl-g show info for the current sheet
z?, F1 open command help sheet


usage: bv [-h] [-s S] [-ss SS] [-sn SN] [-rc RC [RC ...]] [-hc HC [HC ...]]
          [-type {csv,tsv,vcf,maf,gff,gtf,bed,xlsx}] [--noheader] [--trans]

positional arguments:
  filename              file name

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s S                  delimiter
  -ss SS                ignore lines with specific prefix
  -sn SN                ignore first n lines
  -rc RC [RC ...]       only show columns(support for multiple arguments,
                        separated by space)
  -hc HC [HC ...]       hide columns(support for multiple arguments, separated
                        by space)
  -type {csv,tsv,vcf,maf,gff,gtf,bed}
                        specify a file type to file manual
  --noheader            not to use fist line as header
  --trans               view transposed data
  --compressed          file is compressed?


Data Viewer in Terminal for Bioinformatician

License:MIT License


Language:Python 99.7%Language:Makefile 0.3%