codebykyle / sqs-webhook

Listen to an SQS queue and translate items to a web request

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SQS Webhook

This project polls an SQS queue for items, and sends the body of the message as a web request to a URL specified in the configuration.

Combined with a lambda function, which pushes items into the SQS queue, this can be a tool used to synchronize remote, internet facing messages to a local computer for processing, or moving information between isolated compute environments.

Also See:



Envrionment Variables

Variable Required Description Default Value
SQS_ACCESS_KEY_ID A AWS IAM API Access Key ID with privileges to access the queue
SQS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The secret key for the related IAM user
SQS_QUEUE_URL The URL of the SQS Queue. You can find this on the Overview Page on AWS
HTTP_URL An HTTP address to send the request
HTTP_METHOD The HTTP verb used when sending the request to the HTTP_URL. GET, PUT, POST, etc POST
ERROR_URL If the script runs into a non-200 status code, it will send a POST request to this URL. Leaving this blank will disable this feature. See the "Error Handling" section for more information
POLL_DELAY How long to pause the application between retrieving SQS messages in milliseconds 60000
MAX_MESSAGES The maximum number of requests to retrieve from SQS per connection 5
APP_NAME The name of the application. This is used in logging and is sent to the ERROR_URL if there is an issue with the request SQS to HTTP
HEADER_FILE Relative or absolute path of a json file containing a dictionary of headers to use while making the request config/headers.json
HEADER_ERROR_FILE Relative or absolute path of a json file containing a dictionary of headers to use while making an error report config/headers_error.json
DELETE_ERRORS If this is set to true, this will remove messages which received an HTTP error from the queue. If you wish to use a dead-letter queue, set this to False True

Error Handling

If you wish to process errors outside of this application, you can set up a dead-letter queue on the SQS page. If DELETE_ERRORS is set to False, messages which error will retry, but never be removed from the queue. If you have your SQS settings configured to support a dead-letter queue, messages will automatically fall into that bucket after the configured delay.

You may also want to receive a notification for when a webhook receives a non-200 response in order to detect potential issues with this script. You can set the ERROR_URL envrionment variable, which will send a POST request to that URL, along with some information about the request and response.

The body of the POST request contains a JSON object, which contains the raw request and response, as well as the request time in a millisecond timestamp:

  "ApplicationName": "SQS to HTTP",
  "Result": {
    "Url": "",
    "RequestTime": 1645269350720,
    "ResponseTime": 1645269351012,
    "StatusCode": 404,
    "RequestBody": "{\u0022test\u0022:\u0022hello!\u0022}",
    "ResponseBody": "",
    "IsSuccess": false

If the DELETE_ERRORS environment variable is set to False, the application will retry the object until it falls off the SQS Queue.


Listen to an SQS queue and translate items to a web request


Language:C# 100.0%