codeantik / codeantik

Config files for my GitHub profile.

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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

I'm Ankit Singh(codeantik). Hope you are doing great. ✌

Web | Mobile | CP | ML | DL | AI

Thank you so much for finding time to visit my profile

So here we go...
Being self-taught programmer, I love helping others in resolving their bugs.

P.S.: I do ask for help whenever I fail to debug my code. 😬

I have gathered experience on web-development, dsa, mobile-development fo a good amount of time now, starting off in the end of the year 2020s and now
have a bunch of projects to showcase in portfolio. I am a comptetitve porgrammer too so I give almost regular contests on codeforces, atcoder and leetcode

I am a CS undergrad and I love to spend quality time in sharpening my skills. I am open to new challenges and collaborations.


  • What do I do?

skills=["web-developer","mobile developer,"competitve programmer", "ml enthusiast"]
for skill in skills:

  • Tech I am well-versed at

const tech = {
  "web frameworks": ["react js", "node js", "express js", "vue js", "next js", "bootstrap", "tailwindcss", "materialui"],
  "api": ["RestAPI"],
  "mobile frameworks": ["react-native", "native-android"],
  "design tools": ["figma"],
  "programming languages": ["python", "javascript", "java", "kotlin", "c/c++"],
  "databases": {
      "sql":["MySQL", "SQLite"],

  • Tech I am/will be learning

int main() {
  vector<int> learning = {"system-design", "blockchain", "deep-learning", "devops"};
  for(int i = 0; i < learning.size(); i++){
      cout << learning[i] << " ";
    return 0;

I love talking to people about softwares, technology and cosmos. So, if you feel like chatting with me; Drop a 'Hi' at my mailbox, linkedin or instagram. I will be glad to connect with you. Links to them are available in the begining of this page.
So, scroll up !!!

Let's look at some statistics 😜 :







Config files for my GitHub profile.