cocos2d / cocos2d-x

Cocos2d-x is a suite of open-source, cross-platform, game-development tools utilized by millions of developers across the globe. Its core has evolved to serve as the foundation for Cocos Creator 1.x & 2.x.

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天成体(梵文),这种文字被用在印度北部,梵文和其他南亚语言中,用组合标记标识特定元音的附加到辅音字母上。例如,“ह” + “ि” = “हि” (“h” + “i” = “hi”)
表示音节的朝鲜字符,但是它被称作Jamo ,用来表示音节中的元音和辅音。当然也有为朝鲜文预制的编码点,同时也可以动态组合它们的 jamo。例如,“ᄒ” + “ᅡ” + “ᆫ” = “한” (“h” + “a” + “n” = “han”)

自定义 ttf 在梵文上显示错误 看了源码 cocos 简单 freetype2 生成texture 拼接起来 有考虑接入

Font Shaping and Layout Engines
These libraries work on top of font rendering libraries like FreeType to provide sophisticated text (string) layout, being able to handle OpenType features in particular. All of them use Unicode for font and text encoding.
Pango – the layout library used by Gnome's GTK+ framework
ICU – a layout library originally developed by IBM, used for example in XeTeX, an internationalized successor of TeX
HarfBuzz – a text shaping library, originally based on FreeType 1's OpenType layout support