cocos2d / cocos2d-console

cocos2d command line tool

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Google removed command "android"

mars3142 opened this issue · comments

I updated today my Android SDK to the latest version and now, the android command is gone. Because of this, the compile with the console is no longer possible, I had to remove the two lines after

Wouldn't it be better to check, if android is available and only if yes, to call the android update project?

It's interesting! Which Android SDK version are you using? I will check for the problem. Thanks for your feedback!

Yep, I find the Android SDK tools release note here. The android command & ant scripts are removed.

Looks like that command cocos compile should make these changes:

  1. Can't support Eclipse project anymore with Android SDK tools 25.3.0. (Now Eclipse project depends on ant scripts.)
  2. Manually write sdk.dir to the (Now it's done by android update.)
  3. Manually write target(API Level) to the (Now it's done by android update.)

fixed in #410