cobusbernard / amplify-static-site

Demo Hugo site for demo'ing AWS Amplify

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Demo Hugo site for demo'ing AWS Amplify. To create the skeleton app, use the following:

# Go to user's home directory
cd ~

# Create new Hugo project skeleton
hugo new site amplify-static-site

# Go to the new project folder
cd amplify-static-site

# Initialize the Hugo project directory as a GIT Repo
git init

# CD into the themes folder and clone the Hugo learn theme as a GIT sub-module
cd themes
git submodule add

# Return to the parent Hugo project folder
cd ..

# Rewrite the config file - this replaces the content with the following
cat <<EOT > config.toml
baseURL = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Unicorn Inc - Smart Factories Workshop"
theme = "hugo-theme-learn"
uglyurls = true

# Create an index page
hugo new --kind chapter

# Replace the content of the index page
cat <<EOT > content/
--- title: "Unicorn Inc - Smart Factories Workshop"
draft: false
weight: 0
pre: "<b>0. </b>"
### Unicorn Inc - Smart Factories Workshop
![Unicorn Inc Logo](_/images/__unicorn__-__inc__.__png__?__classes__=__border_) 

Welcome to Unicorn Inc - Smart Factories Workshop.

# Create the images directory in the static folder
mkdir -p static/images # wget the image and save to images/unicorn-inc.png (Apply as one line)
wget -O static/images/unicorn-inc.png

hugo server --port 8080


Demo Hugo site for demo'ing AWS Amplify

License:Apache License 2.0