cnnrrss / pythonnnnn

A production ready python template. Elevate your python from scripts to service.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A production ready python template. Elevate your python from scripts to service.


Flake8 and pylint.

Rules can be customised in .pylintrc

It is recommended to setup linting on save in your IDE of choice.


This project uses Pipenv, a combination of pyenv and virtualenv which provides dynamic tooling across python and lib versions.

To install a new dependency:

pipenv install numpy

To install a new dev dependency use the dev kwarg:

pipenv install --dev coverage


This repo uses the unittest lib for testing. All files should provide unit test coverage.

Coverage is calculated with the conveniently named lib coverage.

Run tests:

coverage run --source=. -m unittest discover

Get coverage report:

coverage report -m

To generate and view the report as html

coverage html && cd htmlcov && python3 -m http.server 8000


A production ready python template. Elevate your python from scripts to service.


Language:Python 100.0%