cmusatyalab / opentpod-tools

Collection of command line tools to assist with extracting, merging, and training datasets from a CVAT installation.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

OpenTPOD tools

Collection of command line tools to assist with extracting, merging, and training datasets from a CVAT installation.

The basis of this code originates from the Tool for Painless Object Detection (OpenTPOD) developed by Junjue Wang.

We also pull in datumaro which is the backend used by CVAT which handles reading, writing, conversion, and merging of various dataset formats.

Configuration file

You can create a config file in your home directory named .opentpod-tools with common settings such as the CVAT installation base url, username, and password.

    url = http://localhost:8080
    username = user
    password = pass


    # set up a virtualenv with a newer pip
    $ python3 -m venv venv
    $ venv/bin/pip install --upgrade pip
    $ venv/bin/pip install git+

Building from source

This is my first attempt at using Poetry to manage python package dependencies, so I may be doing everything wrong.

It should be possible to locally build this package as follows,

    # install poetry, see
    # Make sure you install for python3
    # I used (the not recommended way): pip3 install --user poetry
    $ git clone
    $ cd opentpod-tools
    $ poetry install

This will create a virtualenv with all the dependencies and installs opentpod-tools in that virtualenv. You can start up a shell with the right virtualenv environment with poetry shell and work from there.

Whenever you update your checked out source tree, it is useful to re-run poetry install to pull in any updated dependencies as described in the new poetry.lock file. If there is a merge conflict on the poetry.lock file you can remove it and re-run poetry install to create a new conflict-free version.

    cd opentpod-tools
    git pull
    poetry install

Note: Ubuntu 20.04 only has python3.8 by default which we currently don't support because some of our dependencies don't support it yet. Tensorflow (1.85) is not installable with python-3.8 and torch/torchvision have a dependency (dataclasses) that locks us at python-3.6.

As a workaround you can install the python-3.6 release from the deadsnakes PPA.

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install python3.6 python3.6-dev


The following assume that opentpod-tools has been installed globally, or you are running it from within a virtualenv (see poetry run/poetry shell).

Download, merge and cleanup datasets.

    # upload videos to CVAT, and label them

    # download labeled datasets
    $ tpod-download <dataset0> .. <datasetN>

    # merge datasets
    $ tpod-merge -o merged <dataset0> .. <datasetN>

    # remove duplication
    $ tpod-unique -l 1 -o unique -p merged [-t 10 -r 0.7]
    # -l --level: 1 continuous checking, always check the last unique image
    #             2 random checking, generate random set of unique image list with [-r/--ratio]
    #             3 complete checking, check the complete unique image list
    # -t --threshold: the difference between current image and unique image(s), default = 10

    # split into training and testing subsets
    $ datum project transform -p unique -o split -t random_split -- -s train:0.9 -s eval:0.1

Explore the dataset.

    # high level information (# image in trainingset and evaluation set)
    $ datum project info -p split

    # detailed statistics (distribution of labels, area of labeled features, etc.)
    $ datum project stats -p split

Train a tensorflow object detector.

    # export to tfrecord format
    $ datum project export -p split -f tf_detection_api -o tfrecord -- --save-images

    # train model and optionally freeze as ''
    $ tpod-tfod-training --model faster_rcnn_resnet101 --input-dir tfrecord --output-dir new_model [--freeze]

    # visualize progress with tensorboard (default port is 6006)
    $ tensorboard --logdir=new_model --host=localhost --port=default

    # freeze model if not already frozen after training
    $ tpod-tfod-freeze --model-dir new_model --output

Train Pytorch classification model.

    # export to dataset for pytorch classification
    $ tpod-class [-s] -p split -o classification
    # -s --split: the flag used to check whether the input directory has been
    #    splitted into training and testing subsets

    # train pytorch classification model (NOTE: please split the datasets to
    # train and val first, and use tpod-class -s to obtain the required dataset)
    $ tpod-pytorch-class -p classification -o model [-m <model name>] [-e <echop number>]
    # -m --model: pytorch classification model name
    #     options: mobilenet, resnet50, resnet18 (not case sensitive), default = mobilenet
    # -e --epoch: default = 25

    # obtain classified result with input image
    $ tpod-pytorch-class-test -i <image path> -p model

Export for Google AutoML object detection training.

    # export to dataset for google auto ml object detection (not completely done yet)
    $ tpod-google-automl-od -b <bucket name on google cloud platform> -p unique


Collection of command line tools to assist with extracting, merging, and training datasets from a CVAT installation.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%