cmtortorelli / Tortorelli-etal-2022-Ecology-Invasion-response-to-community-traits-and-environment

This repository contains the R code and data to support the Manuscript "Community invasion resistance is influenced by interactions between plant traits and site productivity", Tortorelli et al. 2022, Ecology

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Metadata for sript and data files

R Script files

  • Calculating community weighted means: Code walks through calculating community weighted means for each subplot

  • Calculating nearest species metrics: Code walks through calculating nearest species distance metrics for each subplot

  • Modeling community trait metrics: All models are present here (all traits by all community metrics). Plots were initiated using this code and cleaned up in inkscape as svg files

  • Species traits NMS: Here we calculated and plotted species in trait space using NMS

  • Subplot traits NMS: Here we calculated and plotted sublots in community weighted mean trait space using NMS

data files

  • 2020 biomass by subplot: biomass collected from 20x20cm subplots in 2020

    • plot_quad: represents the individual subplots from which biomass was collected.

      • First 4 letters refer to vegetation code (ARAR = Artemisia arbuscula = low sage steppe; ARRI = artimisia rigida= scabflat; SEEP = wet meadow)
      • Number after vegetation type references the block number (1*5)
      • "CC." indicates that these were all community plots with ventenata seed added
      • Final number indicates the number of the subplot at each plot (1*7)
    • resident_g: resident biomass (excluding ventenata) collected from within the subplots in 2020 measured in g/subplot

    • vedu_g: ventenata biomass collected from within the subplots in 2020 measured in g/subplot

  • nearest species distances: nearest species distance calculated from the "Calculating nearest species metrics" script

    • plot_quad: see above

    • finerootV.totalrootV (fine root Volume to total root volume ratio)

    • height (cm)

    • N.perc (% leaf N)

    • root.shoot (root to shoot mass ratio )

    • (root average diameter (mm))

    • (cm)

    • SLA (specific leaf area; leaf area/ leaf mass)

    • community weighted means: Community weighted means output from the "Calculating community weighted means" script

    • plot_quad: see above

    • finerootV.totalrootV (fine root Volume to total root volume ratio)

    • height (cm)

    • N.perc (% leaf N)

    • root.shoot (root to shoot mass ratio )

    • (root average diameter (mm))

    • (cm)

    • SLA (specific leaf area; leaf area/ leaf mass)

    • vegtype: (ARAR = Artemisia arbuscula = low sage steppe; ARRI = artimisia rigida= scabflat; SEEP = wet meadow)

    • plot: vegetation type with block number

    • plotno: just the block number

  • 2020_USDAspeciesCover_4traits_seededCommunitySubplots: Species foliar cover (values) for each subplot (row names) for each species represented by their USDA plants code (column names)

  • allTraits_averagedBySpecies_USDAcodes: Averaged raw trait values for each species (row names) for each trait (column names)


This repository contains the R code and data to support the Manuscript "Community invasion resistance is influenced by interactions between plant traits and site productivity", Tortorelli et al. 2022, Ecology