cmrktmr / Customer-Insights-Dashboard

Customer insight dashboard

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Customer Insights Dashboard


The Customer Insights Dashboard is a comprehensive web application designed to provide businesses with valuable insights into their customer interactions, sales data, and overall performance. It offers a rich set of analytics and data visualization components to help companies understand their market position, optimize their sales strategies, and improve customer satisfaction.

Live Demo

You can try out the live version of the Customer Insights Dashboard here:

Feel free to explore the features and functionalities of the dashboard. This version is deployed on Netlify and reflects the latest state of the project.

Project Structure

src Directory

  • Components: Reusable UI elements and widgets tailored for displaying various analytics and insights.
    • Dashboard Components:
      • Dashboard.js: The main dashboard component, likely serving as the central hub for displaying various analytics and insights widgets.
      • Dashboard.test.js: Unit tests for the Dashboard component, ensuring its reliability and functionality.
    • Analytics and Widgets:
      • bestSellingProduct/: Contains components related to displaying the best-selling product(s).
        • BestSellingProductWidget.js: Displays the best-selling product analytics.
        • BestSellingProductWidget.test.js: Tests for the best-selling product widget.
      • callCenter/: Components for call center analytics.
        • CallCenterAnalytics.js: Analyzes and displays call center metrics.
      • infoCard/: A generic component for displaying information cards.
        • InfoCardWidget.js: A widget for displaying key information in a card format.
      • login/: Components related to user authentication.
        • Login.js: A component for the login interface.
      • mostSellingChannel/: Displays analytics on the most selling channel.
        • MostSellingChannelWidget.js: Component for most selling channel analytics.
        • MostSellingChannel.test.js: Tests for the most selling channel component.
      • paginatedTable/: For displaying data in a paginated table format.
        • PaginatedTable.js: Implements a paginated table.
        • PaginatedTable.test.js: Unit tests for the paginated table component.
      • pieChart/: A component for rendering pie charts.
        • PieChart.js: Renders pie charts for visual analytics.
      • promoCodeWidget/: Components for managing promotional codes.
        • PromoCodeWidget.js, PromoCodeForm.js, PromoCodeList.js: Components for creating, displaying, and listing promo codes.
      • register/: Contains registration component.
        • register.js: A component for new user registration.
      • totalRevenue/: Widget for displaying total revenue.
        • TotalRevenueWidget.js: Shows total revenue analytics.
    • Common Components:
      • footer/: Contains the footer component for the application.
        • Footer.js: The footer component, likely containing copyright and other general information.
      • header/: Contains the header component, including navigation links.
        • Header.js: The main header component for the application.
  • Context: Contains React context providers for global state management, including authentication and data management.
    • AuthContext.js: Manages authentication state across the application.
    • DataContext.js: Provides a centralized state management solution for data consumed across different parts of the application.
  • Hooks: Custom React hooks for fetching data, managing form state, and other reusable logic.
    • useFetchData.js: A hook for fetching data from an API, abstracting away common concerns like loading and error handling.
    • useForm.js: Manages form state and handling, simplifying form validation and submission.
  • Utils: Utility functions for pagination, calculations, and other common tasks.
    • paginationHelper.js: Contains logic for paginating data, likely used in conjunction with components like PaginatedTable.
    • calculateBestSeller.js: A utility function for calculating the best-selling product, potentially used in the best-selling product widget.


  • Dashboard Interface: A user-friendly dashboard displaying key metrics and insights.
  • Data Visualization: Pie charts, info cards, and widgets to visually represent data.
  • Authentication: Secure login and registration components.
  • Analytics Widgets: Detailed analytics on sales, customer interactions, and performance metrics.
  • Responsive Design: A layout that adjusts to different screen sizes for optimal viewing experience.
  • Mock Data Usage: We use fake data to show how things work. This helps us test and develop the website without needing real data from customers.

Example of a Response

    "sales_id": 34,
    "sales_date": "1/15/2023",
    "product_name": "Product E",
    "quantity_sold": 263,
    "unit_price": 40.31,
    "total_revenue": 72.93,
    "sales_channel": "Mobile App",
    "averageCall_duration": 31,
    "resolution_rate": 93.87,
    "averageWaiting_time": 32,
    "customerSatisfactionRate": 22.02,
    "total_calls": 821

Data Storage

In this project, we use the browser's localStorage to store user information and promotional codes. Here's how we use it:

  • User Information: When a user signs up or logs in, we save their information in localStorage. This makes it easier for users to stay logged in when they return to the site.
  • Promotional Codes: We also save promotional codes that users can apply to their purchases. This allows us to keep track of which codes have been used and provide a better shopping experience.


This project uses Jest for testing. We have customized the test command for convenience. To run the tests, simply execute the following command in your terminal: npm jest. This command will run all the test cases using Jest. Make sure you're in the project directory before running the test command.

Getting Started

  1. Ensure you have Node.js installed on your machine.
  2. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  3. Navigate to the project directory and run npm install to install dependencies.
  4. After installation, run npm start to launch the application on a local server.
  5. Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the dashboard.


Contributions to the Customer Insights Dashboard are welcome. Please follow the standard fork-and-pull request workflow. Make sure to add unit tests for new features and run existing tests to ensure your changes do not break any existing functionality.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.


Customer insight dashboard

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 92.3%Language:HTML 5.0%Language:CSS 2.7%