cmexdev / PATH

A sandbox, console-based game written in NodeJS.

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A simple, but exciting console-based game.


Game data

NOTE: The words environments and biomes will both be used. They are the same.


  • cave
  • plain

To access the JSON file for a biome, simply put a .json on the end of it and that's the file. (Files located in game\\environments\\{environment}.json)


This file does not contain a list of items, see the items.json file for the list of raw data.


  • options

environment JSON syntax

There are different properties in the biome JSON file.


    "type": "continue"

On exit of the biome variant, the program will continue in the same biome type.

    "type": "exit"

On exit of the biome variant, the program will continue in a differnt biome type.


    "action": "go:plain"

This sample will take the player to a plain variant when that option is chosen. These actions are similar to commands in Minecraft.

You can also have a callback action if the action does not involve going to another biome.

    "action": "give:wood=>go:cave"

A list of the commands

Action Action description Requires callback
go:{environment} Transports the player to {environment} false
give:{item} Gives the player the item {item} true: give:{item}=>go:{environment}
show:{menu} Shows specified {menu} false

A list of items, environments, and menus is listed above.

Items JSON syntax

There are also different properties in the items JSON file.


"logs": {
    "dname": "Logs",
    "desc": "Basically a broken tree.",
    "type": "material"


"": {
    "dname": "WhatTheUserSees"


"": {
    "desc": "A quick description of the item, usually comedic."


"": {
    "type": "tool"

List of item types

|Type|Type explanation| |-|-|-| |material|An item that can be used in crafting| |tool|An item that can be used to complete task|

Game mechanics

Monster spawning

This occurence is chosen at random. It varies from mob to mob.

Required for a monster to spawn:

  • Certain player level
    • 5
  • Specific biome
    • Cave

Monsters will not spawn until these requirements are met.


When a monster spawns, player have two options: Run away, or Prepare

Run away

This option is best selected when a player does not have the correct items to fight the monster.

It is decided by a small random number generator.

If the player is lucky enough, they will have successfully run away. If not, the consequences will be as if the player died.


Using a more powerful tool gives the player more levels when the defeat the mob.

Chest spawning

This occurence is chosen at random. It depends on the type of biome.

Supported biomes:

Biome Rarity
plain uncommon
cave uncommon

Rarity equations

common code

Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) == 1

uncommon code

Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) == 6

rare code

Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) == Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)

player object



  • inventory.has(item)
if (inventory.has('logs')[0] == true) {

Returns a boolean stating whether the player's inventory has a certain item and returns the amount in the inventory.

Result (if function completes successfully)

It returns an array.

[hasItemBool, amountNumber]

Result table

Result Meaning
undefined The player has no inventory
[true, Number] The player has that item in their inventory. Number is the amount in the inventory
[false, 0] The player does not have that item in their inventory

Souce code

Files and folders

Not here (coming soon)


Written in Node.js and JSON.

Common code

List of options in row

term.singleLineMenu(array, function(e, r) {
    if (e) {
    if (r.selectedIndex == 0) {
        //do something

Game state


['enviro', environment, environment_id]


['mob', mobname, [environment, environment_id], mobtype]

Game functions

  • randomgen: used for creating new games. Requires the task parameter.
  • loadenviro: used for returning to game menu. (it is usually the loadfromsaved parameter). Requires the task, game (environment), and the ignorechests bool.
  • loadfromsaved: used for return to the game menu. Requires the task, game (environment), and the enviroid (variant ID) parameter.


Actively used packages.

  • boxen: Creates boxes.
  • electron: Creates browser windows.
  • ezjason: Reads JSON files.
  • terminal-kit: Does a lot of stuff, it's good.


ezjason is a package dedicated for reading JSON files in one line of code, developed because of this project.

View on npm.


The launcher is written in C++.


  • Setting display mode
  • Extras

Setting display mode

Why fullscreen?

Seriously? I shouldn't even have to say this! Most games are fullscreen. That's why. I will admit, it does make the game seem more immersive than just running it windowed.

Where'd my cursor go?

It went to X: 1920, Y: 1080 on your screen. If you are rocking an 4K or larger screen resolution, this placement will seem strange, but it worked on my screen. This was an alternative to hiding it. If you have any idea how to hide the mouse cursor in C++ for a console application, please tell me (or StackOverflow).


A sandbox, console-based game written in NodeJS.


Language:JavaScript 49.1%Language:TypeScript 49.0%Language:Inno Setup 1.2%Language:C++ 0.8%